In Britain, died, “the Father of the house of Commons”

In the UK, on 87-m to year of life died the oldest member of the house of Commons, sir Gerald Kaufman. On Monday, 27 February, reports BBC News. According to one of relatives, a politician for several months, “suffered from a chronic disease”. “However, despite his illness, he was focused on work and the welfare of his constituency ( … ), He has dedicated his life to the service of those who believed that the labour government and the labour values contribute to the prosperity”, — told in the family of Kaufman. Kaufman was elected to the House of Commons from the labour party in 1970. The leader of the British labour MP Jeremy Corbyn called policy of “iconic figure”. According to BBC News, sir Gerald Kaufman, the longest he held the post of member of the British Parliament, for which he was nicknamed “Father of the house of Commons”.

The NYT learned of the intentions trump to dramatically increase defense spending

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump will require Federal agencies to budget for the next fiscal year so that it was possible to dramatically increase defense spending. On Sunday, February 26, reported the electronic version of the newspaper The New York Times, citing four senior source. However, the head of the White house involves tens of billions of dollars to cut funding for such government agencies as the state Department and the Agency for environmental protection. However, the changes should not touch the funding of programs of preferential social security and Medicare health insurance. In the new administration the US budget is calculated from the 2.4 percent GDP growth in 2017. The publication notes that officials in the first year of his presidency trump not hope to achieve the promised level of 3 percent. Earlier, trump called himself a fan of NATO, criticizing other members of the Alliance because

Found a way to hide your emotions from Facebook

In the network appeared the extension for browsers Go Rando, not allowing Facebook to recognize the reaction of the user under the posts in the news feed. The developers of the app claim that the social network uses the information about emotional reactions (such as “like”, “wow” or “ha ha”) not only to improve the news feed, but also for ad targeting and other data manipulations. For example, the advertising clients of Facebook can take advantage of the situation when the user is too angry or, conversely, in good spirits. The creators Go Rando serves to confuse the algorithm: the extension sends Facebook information about supposedly neutral emotional reactions of the user. If the user leaves too much positive or negative Emoji under the posts, Go Rando “balances” them. This extension works on Google Chrome. For other users information about the tool is available in developer blog.

Leading the ceremony “Oscar” sent Trump a message on Twitter

Jimmy Kimmel Leading the ceremony of awarding the prize “Oscar” comedian Jimmy Kimmel wrote on his Twitter message to US President Donald Trump. “The ceremony lasts over two hours, and Donald trump haven’t written about us. I worried about him,” said the presenter. After that Kimmel wrote: “Hey Donald trump, are you awake?” — Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) February 27, 2017, 03:50 Earlier, a spokesman for the President declined to answer the question of whether trump to watch the ceremony, Recalling that the head of the White house arranges a dinner party event for governors on Sunday, February 26. As noted by RIA Novosti, Hollywood, well-known liberal sentiments, criticizing trump both words and actions.

Ceremony of delivery of film awards “Oscar” began in Los Angeles

Sequel: the Film refused to go to the United States Iranian Director received the “Oscar” In Los Angeles (California, USA) began the 89th awards ceremony of the American Academy of motion picture arts. Leads her popular 49-year-old comedian Jimmy Kimmel. The event for the 13th time in the famous Dolby theater, designed for 3.3 thousand places. Broadcast 52 times carries ABC TV. The first winners have already been announced. The “Oscar” was awarded to Maharshal Ali, who played in the movie “Moonlight”, in the nomination “Best male role of the second plan”. Statuette in the category “Best female role of the second plan” has got an African-American actress viola Davis for participating in the film Denzel Washington, “Fences”. The film “suicide Squad” was awarded the prize in the category “Best makeup and hairstyles”. Tape “Fantastic beasts and where they live” won the Oscar for best costume. Best feature-length documentary drama

Philip Bilden refused the offer of a trump to take the post of Secretary of the Navy

Philip Bilden A former military intelligence officer, businessman Philip Bilden refused an offer by President Donald trump the post of Secretary of the Navy of the United States. About it reports Reuters with reference to his statement. As noted Bilden, he is not able to meet the requirements of government officials, without having to break the financial interests of his family. Pentagon chief James Mattis said that he was disappointed by the decision of Belden, but expressed understanding. He promised in the coming days to present to the Trump for the consideration of the new nominee of the head of the Navy and marine corps. Earlier in February from the office of the Secretary of the army for similar reasons refused to businessman Vincent viola.

When the suicide bombing of a suicide bomber in Algeria, injuring three police officers

A suicide bomber attempted terrorist attack in the center of Constantine in northeast Algeria. On Sunday, February 26, reported the news portal TSA Algerie, citing an informed source. According to him, the incident occurred on the evening of the same day near a police station in the district of Bab-El-Kantara in the 13th arrondissement. The terrorists intended to blow himself up inside the building, but when approached, security forces spotted him and opened fire on him. Falling down, the attacker managed to activate his belt of the suicide bomber. As a result of explosion three police officers were wounded. The bomber himself was killed. The assailant has been identified, according to security agencies, he has participated in attacks on guards. February 26, South of Bahrain’s capital, Manama, on the road was activated by an improvised explosive device when next passing bus with the police. Five security officers were injured.

The new head of the national Committee of the democratic party, promised to become the worst nightmare trump

Thomas Perez Former U.S. labor Secretary Thomas Perez, who was elected Chairman of the National Committee of the Democratic party (DNC), has promised to become the worst nightmare of President Donald trump. The corresponding statement he made in his Twitter, writes The Hill. “Call me Tom. And don’t enjoy it too much. @keithellison (Keith Ellison, Congressman from Minnesota — approx. “Of the”) and I, as well as all the Democrats of this country will be your worst nightmare,” he said. His post was a response to the entry of the trump, in which he ironically commented on the appointment. “I congratulate Thomas Perez, who just became Chairman of the DNC. I’m very happy for him and the Republican party,” wrote the head of state in Twitter. The Hill notes that the Republican party also criticized the appointment of Perez. The Chairman of the national Committee of the party Ronna

Plane crash in new York killed two people

The plane crashed in area of airfield Francis s Gabreski in Westhampton beach (NY, USA). On Sunday, February 26, reports TV station ABC7, citing the Federal aviation administration (FAA). According to him, the accident occurred around 11:40 local time. Practiced takeoff and landing private aircraft Navion F fell trees. On Board were three people, two died, one survived, he was hospitalized. The identity of the victims and the victim are established. The national Council for transport safety are investigating the crash. Airport Francis S. Gabreski was built in 1943 by order of the American government. It is used by companies and private owners of aircraft and one of the units of the air National guard USAF, February 21 light aircraft Beechcraft B200 Super fell on trade center building on the North Australian Melbourne. On Board were five people, all of them died. Among those who were on the ground, no

Syrian troops occupied the commanding heights near Palmyra

Units of Syrian government troops, backed by allied militia forces drove the terrorists from the “Islamic state” from the strategic height 939,5 near Palmyra. It is reported by the Agency SANA. According to a military source, the operation was liquidated a large number of Islamic state terrorists along with weapons, ammunition and vehicles. Last week, army units together with the allies during the offensive, regained control of several villages in the area. In mid-February it was reported that up to Palmyra government troops were only 20 kilometers. From 7 February the Syrian army units established control over a territory with an area of 22 square kilometers, liberated towns El Kulabi and Kirkuk and surrounding the commanding heights. The offensive of the Syrian army is being supported by the air group of the Russian space forces deployed in the Republic. The attack at Palmyra began in mid-January 2017, and after a