The Russian foreign Ministry said about the lack of illusions to restore relations with the United States

Sergei Ryabkov Do you have high expectations about the prospects of restoring relations with the United States. This was stated by Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, RIA Novosti reported. According to him, after a period of degradation and rolling down the slope caused by the policies of the previous administration of U.S. President Barack Obama at Russian-American relations there is now an opportunity to align, and ideally for the production on an upward trajectory. “Whether it will turn out until we know. We have no inflated expectations, we have no illusions. But we have a sober assessment of the situation and opportunities,” the diplomat said. Earlier on February 28 Ryabkov announced the beginning of preparation for the meeting of the American and Russian presidents, Donald trump, and Vladimir Putin. “Understanding dates and venue of this meeting yet, but the practical preparation for its implementation started, and in this respect there

Polish customs will stop working on March 1

Customs of Poland from March 1 will stop working. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of Finance of Poland. According to the law, signed by President Andrzej Duda, the customs service will integrate with the tax. The new Agency will be called the National fiscal administration (Krajowa Administracja Skarbowa), their powers will be significantly expanded. The border crossings will operate as usual, the structure of the customs posts also will not change. Russia borders Poland exclusively in the Kaliningrad region. The length of the land border — 204,1 km, sea — 32.2 kilometer. There are seven border crossings, of which three train, four — car.

Off the coast of the Japanese Prefecture of Fukushima earthquake

Off the coast of the Japanese Prefecture of Fukushima, an earthquake of magnitude 5.6. About it reports Reuters. Tremors were felt in the North-Western regions of the country, in Tokyo rocked the building. At the same time, the government has not announced the alarm in connection with possible tsunamis. About casualties and destruction of messages are not received. On 2 February it was reported that in the area of the second unit of the Japanese nuclear power plant “Fukushima-1” fixed deadly levels of radiation. Examination revealed that the intensity of radiation is 530 sievert per hour (dose of 20 SV leads to instant death). Three days earlier in the supports of the reactor was found the hole, presumably resulting from leakage of hot nuclear fuel. March 11, 2011 was the strongest in the history of Japan earthquake with magnitude 9.1, which caused a tsunami with a wave height of over

The UN has responded to Russia’s recognition of the documents of the residents of Donbass

Filippo Grandi Residents self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk national republics need documents, but this should not prevent the implementation of the Minsk agreements. This opinion was expressed by the UN high Commissioner for refugees Filippo Grandi in an interview to “Kommersant”, published on Tuesday, February 28. “On the one hand, it is important that people have the documents. But, on the other hand, it is impossible that steps had been taken, which complicate the Minsk peace process… we Must remember that the main task — to reach a settlement,” said Grundy. The Commissioner recalled the existence of the Nansen passports that the forerunner of the UN, the League of Nations, were given to persons without citizenship. On 18 February the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has signed the decree about recognition of the Russian Federation of documents and license plates of vehicles issued to citizens of Ukraine and stateless persons permanently

In California, a plane crashed on houses

Four people were killed, two others injured in the result of the fall of a small plane into a residential building in riverside, California, USA. About it reports on Monday, February 27, Associated Press. Cessna 310, on Board of which were two spouses and three teenagers, crashed few minutes after takeoff from riverside airport in San Jose. In the crash killed four of the passengers, one teenager survived when hitting the ground she was thrown from the plane. The victim was taken to a local hospital. In the fall of the aircraft caught fire two houses, and several nearby buildings were damaged. In one of the burning buildings, firefighters found the victim unconscious, he was hospitalized. Currently, the number of victims specified, rescuers dismantle the wreckage and houses. According to eyewitnesses, the fire at the crash site continues, the propeller plane lies on the roof of a building. The national

A us Senator has proposed naming a street in Washington in honor Nemtsov

Marco Rubio U.S. Senator Marco Rubio proposed a bill to rename the street, located in front of the Russian Embassy in Washington in honor of slain Russian politician Boris Nemtsov. This is stated in the statement published on the website of the Republican. “Two years ago, Boris Nemtsov was killed in Moscow on a bridge near the Kremlin, nobody was brought to responsibility,” recalled Rubio. According to the Senator, the creation of “Boris Nemtsov Plaza” will remind the Russian people that “the voices of the dissidents are still the defenders of liberty will not be silenced”. Boris Nemtsov was shot dead on 27 February 2015, on the Big Moskvoretsky bridge in Moscow. He was shot with four bullets, he died on the spot. Currently in custody on charges of involvement in the assassination are five people people: Aur Dadaev, brothers Anzor and Shadid Gubareva, Temirlan Eskerkhanov and Khamzat.

Bild announced the execution by Islamists of a German hostage in the Philippines

Islamic terrorist group “Abu Sayyaf” published video of execution in the Philippines, presumably, the German hostage, 70-year-old K. Jurgen (Jürgen K.). On Monday, February 27, according to the tabloid Bild. According to the newspaper, the militants demanded for kidnapped German citizen a ransom of 30 million pesos (about 570 thousand euros). In captivity Islamists the man was from November 6, 2016. Then terrorists kidnapped him from his yacht off the coast of the Philippines. Wife of Juergen — 59-year-old Sabina M. — killed. A woman’s body with multiple gunshot wounds, police discovered on Board the vessel. Group “Abu Sayyaf” was founded in the early 1990-ies, with funding from Osama bin Laden, the leader of the terrorist organization “al-Qaeda” (banned in Russia). “Abu Sayyaf” is known for extortion, kidnapping, bombings and brutal executions. It is considered one of the most dangerous in the region. Swore allegiance to the extremist “Islamic state”

The media reported the refusal of Moscow to detain suspects in the murder of Kim Jong-Nam

South Korea asked Russia to arrest the four North Koreans, suspects in the murder in Kuala Lumpur, Kim Jong-Nam — brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, but Moscow has taken this step due to the lack of sufficient grounds. About it reports on Tuesday, February 28, the South Korean newspaper “Chunan Ilbo”, citing a diplomatic source. According to the newspaper, the intelligence agencies of South Korea, trying to cut off alleged criminals escape route to Pyongyang, appealed to the Russian authorities with a request to establish their whereabouts and to detain for the purpose of verification of their personalities. “But the Russian side rejected the request, allowing them to leave the country,” — says the newspaper. According to “Chunan Ilbo” as the investigation into the murder of Kim Jong-Nam was at that time in the early stages, and the suspects was the nationality of the DPRK, the Russian Federation

UK is thinking about restriction of the right of residence of EU citizens

Theresa May Prime Minister Theresa may intends to restrict the right of residence on the territory of the United Kingdom citizens of the European Union after the announcement of the beginning of the procedure Brexit (the country’s withdrawal from the European Union). About it reports The Independent. According to sources, the authorities are afraid that after the withdrawal from the EU the country can enter “half of the inhabitants of Bulgaria and Romania”. Reportedly, a “cutoff date” will be taken 15 March 2017. After this period, newly arrived EU citizens will lose the right of permanent residence in the UK. At the same time, about 3.6 million foreigners-holders of European passports who were already living in the country, will be able to stay in it until the end of the country’s exit from the EU. While the British authorities are counting on a “mirror response” from Brussels in relation to

South Korea will deploy a THAAD missile defense system on the Golf courses

THAAD missile defense system South Korea chose the territory Golf club in the County Seongju County as a location for high-tech anti-missile system THAAD. Company Lotte Group has agreed to provide their land for the deployment of a missile defense system. On Monday, 27 February, reports The South China Morning Post, citing sources in South Korean defense Ministry. The Golf course is located 18 kilometers North of the administrative center Congo and located at an altitude of 680 metres above sea level. THAAD was originally planned to place on the military anti-aircraft base “Seongsan”, but strongly against the decision made by the local authorities and the population. It is noted that a new location away from residential areas. South Korea plans to launch the THAAD system by the end of 2017. In July of 2016, Washington and Seoul have agreed to deploy high-tech anti-missile system, which if necessary will intercept