The defendant in the export of chips from the USA to Russia sentenced to 11 years in new York

Alexander Posobilov The court in new York sentenced a resident of the United States Alexander Posobilov to 11 years and 3 months in prison for illegal export of microelectronics to Russia and conspiracy to commit money laundering. This was reported TASS the representative of the Prosecutor John Marzulli. A spokesman was unable to specify citizenship of that person. “In the court records there is no indication that after serving his sentence the criminal is to be deported to Russia”, — he said. This fact indicates that the 62-year-old Posobilov, who lived in Houston, is a citizen of the United States. 11 people, including Posobilov, in the case of companies ARC Electronics and Apex System, which, as claimed by the U.S. government, from October 2008 to October 2012, bought and delivered to Russia modern microelectronics dual-use 50 million dollars. According to authorities, the equipment was delivered in the interests of the

The UN will put the starving South Sudanese fishing line and hooks

The food and agriculture organization of the UN (FAO) will deliver in South Sudan is fishing line, hooks and nets, to save the country from famine. About it reports Reuters. It is planned to distribute about 150 thousand sets of fishing accessories. “Fishing line and hook is the best way to catch something to quickly satisfy hunger”, — explained the representative of FAO in South Sudan Serge Tissot. According to him, it will also help to save wildlife: in many areas people use for catching fish with mosquito nets, with the result that fish stocks are being rapidly depleted. The United Nations officially recognized the existence of the famine in southern Sudan a week ago. It is believed that starving about 100 thousand people, and another 5.5 million have no reliable source of food. The reason for the disaster was the civil war that have ravaged the country since 2013.

In the British police stood up for the fans of child porn

Simon Bailey British police have offered to mitigate punishment for fans of child porn, which is limited to viewing videos and photos. About it reports on Tuesday, February 18, Daily Mail. Simon Bailey, chief constable of Norfolk and is responsible for combating crimes against children in the national Council of the heads of police administrations, said that the need to decriminalize the viewing of child pornography. In his opinion, those who do it should not be put in jail, but to help them with advice and guide on rehabilitation. “How can we cope with the wave of pedophile scandals, if we have to deal with those who are not is practically no danger and hardly ever attempt seriously to molest children? — has asked Bailey. — These people do not need jail, they need to do differently”. This statement has already caused criticism from human rights activists. They expressed concern

Fillon mentioned the need for the lifting of sanctions against Russia

Francois Fillon The candidate in presidents of France Francois Fillon had mentioned in his programme to tackle problems of agriculture the necessity of lifting the sanctions against Russia. The relevant communiqué published on the website of the campaign policy. Fillon took in his headquarters representatives of the farmers, discussing the problems of the agricultural sector and their solutions. As one of the measures which should, according to policy, to take in this area, it says “the request of France on the lifting of sanctions against Russia, depleting the French and European farmers.” Earlier, Fillon said that Russia is a vast country that can not be “taken lightly”. “This is a country without democratic traditions, which has nuclear weapons. You have two options: either we are trying to reach agreement with Russia, or we who oppose it. Who might want a conflict with Russia?” he said. The presidential candidate expressed confidence

Russia and China vetoed a UN security Council resolution on Syria

Russia and China blocked a resolution of the UN Security Council on sanctions against Syria. On Tuesday, February 28, according to Reuters. Western countries accuse Arab Republic on the alleged use of chemical weapons. China explained its position that the resolution of France and the UK could hurt the attempts of the UN to establish relations between different groups of the Syrian opposition at the Geneva platform. Against the adoption of the document also spoke out Bolivia, Ethiopia, Egypt and Kazakhstan abstained. Earlier in the day Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow considers inappropriate introduction of new sanctions against Syria and would not support a proposal. “This does not help, would not help the negotiation process, but only hurt or undermine trust in the process”, — he explained. February 24, Deputy permanent representative to the UN Vladimir Safronkov said that Russia will veto a draft resolution of the UN

Trump has set himself perfectly for the job as President

Donald Trump U.S. President Donald trump praised his work as President perfectly. About this American leader said in a broadcast by Fox News, an excerpt of the interview is available in the Twitter channel. In addition to an a-plus for leadership of the country, the President put a higher mark for achievement. At the same time, he acknowledged that it difficult to convey their views to compatriots, assessing this indicator on the top three. — FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) February 28, 2017, 12:07 The results of a public opinion poll held on 27 February by NBC News and The Wall Street Journal, showed that 48 percent of citizens are unhappy with the White house. In addition, a third of Americans believed that the new President can not cope with their responsibilities. Earlier this month trump called the false results of public opinion polls conducted after the publication of his first

In Germany charged in the case of the girl Lisa

The Berlin Prosecutor’s office charged 23-year-old German national, allegedly entered into a sexual relationship with a 13 year old girl Lisa. On Tuesday, February 28, according to Spiegel. Court spokesman Lisa Jani (Jani Lisa) explained that the charges under article “sexual violence against children in a particularly serious form,” said Deutsche Welle. Despite the fact that, according to investigators, the sexual contact occurred by mutual decision, the girl at the time “has not reached the age of sexual consent.” According to Spiegel, the man is also accused of producing child pornography, because he was filming with Lisa on a mobile phone. According to the publication, the investigators also reached the 20-year-old German citizen who had sexual contact with Lisa, but the suspect was able to prove that he did not know that the girl is not even 16 years old. The investigation against him was dropped. Jani also noted that

In France arrested three suspected of preparing a terrorist attack girls

Employees of the Main Department of internal security of France arrested three women suspected of preparing a terrorist attack. It is reported BFMTV. One member of the group, 18-year-old student of the Lyceum in the town of Creil (50 km North of Paris), has come to the attention of intelligence agencies last summer. All three girls were connected through social networks with the main recruiter of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG) in France, Rashid Kassim. According to the French intelligence services, Kassim was recently killed in Syria, where he fought in the ranks of ISIS (banned in Russia). 21 February it was reported that in some French regions at the same time it took the detention of three men preparing a terrorist attack. In the apartment of one of them in Clermont-Ferrand sappers defused an explosive device. 10 February in the South of France during the RAID was arrested

Two Berlin street racer received life sentences

Two street racing, started the race in Berlin, which killed people sentenced to life prison terms. About it reports DW. As pointed out by the prosecution, the participants did not want to kill anyone, but knew that there was a probability of such an outcome. Two men, 25 and 28, staged a race on the night of February 1, 2016. On a busy street in the centre of the German capital, one of the participants rammed a jeep. Killing 69-year-old driver of the SUV. The psychologist giving the opinion for the court, noted that the culprit has a very high self-esteem, and participation in illegal competitions, it was necessary for him “to satisfy his ego and he does not realize his guilt.” June 1, 2014, it was reported that Cholbi Nascimento Edson (Edson Cholbi do Nascimento), the former goalkeeper of the club “Santos”, son of the famous Brazilian footballer Pele,

Duterte allowed the police to return to the fight with drug traffickers

Rodrigo Duterte Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte allowed the police to return to the fight against drug trafficking. About it reports Reuters. According to the head of the state, we are not talking about all guardians of order — the war on drugs will be allowed to participate in only some of them. This is Duterte said. The President’s statement followed immediately after the chief of police of the Philippines Ronald dela Rosa said that with the removal of the police from participation in anti-drug operations on the streets returned to the merchants of prohibited substances. Dela Rosa said that the guards are ready to return to fighting drug traffickers and “the sooner it happens the better.” The police involved in the operations was temporarily suspended on January 30 after President Rodrigo Duterte announced that 40 percent of police officers are corrupt and “as vile as the leaders of the gangs