The name of the probable candidate on a post of the representative of Russia to the UN

Alexander Grushko Permanent representative of Russia to NATO Alexander Grushko is the main candidate for the post of permanent representative of the country at the UN. About it RIA Novosti has been reported by several sources in the state Duma. “The candidacy of Grushko considers the key to this position,” — said the Agency interlocutor. The second source in the lower house of the Parliament also confirmed this information. Grushko is a career diplomat. The Russian foreign Ministry was in charge of security and European cooperation. In 2005-2012 — Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs. 23 Oct 2012 is the permanent representative of the Russian Federation at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Brussels. The head of the Russian mission to the UN in new York, Vitaly Churkin, died 20 Feb. He was 64 years old. According to the newspaper The New York Post, this morning the diplomat fell ill

In Saudi Arabia, opened the Council on the rights of women without women

Faisal bin Mishal The government of Saudi Arabia founded the Council of women’s rights. At the first meeting, it was not a single female. About it reports BBC News. The publication posted a photo: the ceremony of the beginning of work of the enterprises declare to 13 men. “In the region of al-Qasim, we believe [that] women are sisters of men, and we believe it is our duty to provide them with new opportunities for work,” said Prince Faisal bin Mishal, the Governor of the province. Chairman of the Board — his wife Abeer bint Salman. Women in that time were in the next room, of which was broadcast via video link. Saudi Arabia has a program to increase the number of women in the labour market — now only 22% of them work, while in 2030 it is planned to employ a third of all women in the country.

Polish MEP punished for the words about women’s stupidity

Janusz Korwin-Mikke Member of the European Parliament (EP) from Poland Janusz Korwin-Mikke has been punished by his colleagues for a number of statements that denigrate women. It is reported by the PAP. According to the decision of the European Parliament, Korwin-mikke was fined the amount of the monthly allowance and 10 days suspended from performing parliamentary duties, but he retains the right to vote. The MP also throughout the year it is forbidden to submit to the European Parliament in various international forums. On March 1, during a debate in the EP about the difference in wages between men and women, Korwin-mikke said that women should earn less “because they are weaker, smaller and less smart.” 12 September last year, Korwin-mikke has taken the initiative to prohibit the followers of Stepan Bandera, the entry into the EU. Then he recalled that the EU has taken the decision to restrict entry

Against the Fillon launched a formal investigation

Atonin Levi In respect of the candidate in presidents of France from the party “the Republicans” françois Fillon opened an official investigation into the fraudulent employment of his wife. It is reported BFMTV. About the court decision said one of the lawyers Fillon of Atonin levy. According to him, the decision was made in “calm conditions”. BFMTV recalls that the verdict about the beginning of the proceeding was to be rendered on 15 March, but the decision was held a day earlier. It clarifies in his Twitter newspaper Le Canard enchaîné, Fillon is suspected of embezzling and misappropriating public funds. — @canardenchaine (@canardenchaine) 14 March 2017, 14:09 On 25 January, the same newspaper published an article alleging that for several years the wife of the fictitious Penelope Fillon was listed as an assistant to her husband, at a time when he was a member of the National Assembly (lower house

Libyan politician said about the Russia’s agreement to treat the wounded of the army of Haftarot

Russia has expressed readiness to accept on treatment of a new group of wounded soldiers of the Libyan government army. In an interview with RIA Novosti said the speaker of the Libyan chamber of representatives (Parliament) Aqeel Saleh ISA. “The friendly Russian government has expressed readiness to accept on treatment of the wounded and in the end, it fulfilled the promise. If we need to send another group of wounded in Russia, they are willing to provide this humanitarian assistance,” he said. About 70 soldiers from the Libyan national army commanded by Marshal Khalifa Belkacem the Haftarot, was in early February, sent in the Russian military hospitals for treatment. 12 Jan 2017 Haftar visited the aircraft carrier “Admiral Kuznetsov”. During the meeting, he was transferred to the party of medicines of the first necessity for the Libyan military and the civilian population, reported the Ministry of defence. In 2016, the

U.S. gave Spain the documents for the extradition of a Russian programmer

The U.S. side handed over to the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Spain the documents in the case of the Russian programmer Stanislaus Lisova. On Tuesday, March 14, said in an interview with RIA Novosti lawyer of the suspect Oleg Gubarev. “The documents came in the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Spain, but, as far as we know, according to last Thursday, the court has not yet passed. Now let’s find out. Time Americans stand it, then everything will go in accordance with the usual procedure will be set for hearing,” — said Gubarev. According to him, if the court’s decision on extradition is positive, then protection will appeal against the verdict. The procedure may take from four to ten months. Russian programmer Stanislav Lisov was arrested in Spain on January 13. The American side suspects him in the development of the NeverQuest malware used to steal banking credentials. Under

Press Secretary of the White house was attacked during his campaign in the Apple Store

Press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer was attacked by a customer in the Apple store in Washington. On Monday, March 13, reports the New York Daily News. 33-year-old American of Indian origin Sri Chauhan (Chauhan Shree), seeing policy, began to ask him questions, translating what is happening in the Periscope. In particular, the woman asked, “how are you feeling, sprawling country,” what it is “to work for the fascist”, “does he Russian” and “is he also a criminal.” — Shree ✊ ? ❤ this?? (@shreec) March 11, 2017, 22:04 Most of the questions Spicer ignored, answered only that “the United States as a great country that allows you to be here.” Subsequently, the woman admitted that she was not very polite to a politician, but his words “about her being here,” she considered racist. The video is watched hundreds of thousands of people, notes TASS. The White house

The head of the US state Department was accused of using the alias

Rex Tillerson U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson used the alias Wayne Trucker and the account for correspondence with senior officials of ExxonMobil from 2008 to 2015. About it reports The Independent. According to the publication, the fictional name came up during a protracted trial opened in new York. In the case hearing the claim of a number of investors in ExxonMobil, who suspect the oil giant in the introduction is misleading and fraud. Lawyers for the plaintiffs demanded from ExxonMobil to provide additional documents, in particular correspondence for senior management on the impact of global warming on the oil business. Then in the case and appeared Wayne Trucker. As stated by the attorney General of the state of new York Eric Schneiderman, Tillerson used an alias and was on his email account to discuss with colleagues the risks associated with global climate change. “Mr. Tillerson used account for safe

Somali pirates for the first time in five years, captured a merchant ship

Somali pirates seized a merchant ship after a five year hiatus. About it reports Reuters. According to the Agency, tanker Aris 13, marching under the flag of Sri Lanka, the evening of March 13 announced that it a parallel course followed by two small boats. The next morning he gave the alarm, and then it was disabled beacon tracking system. The ship changed course and headed to the shores of Somalia, heading for the port of Kalula known as one of the pirate nests. Aris 13 — tanker with a load capacity of 1.8 tons. The company owner Panamanian Armi Shipping, operator — Aurora Ship Management, United Arab Emirates. The crew — eight people. This is the first seizure of a cargo vessel by Somali pirates since 2012. In previous years, the pirates of Somalia, where a civil war nearly paralyzed shipping in the Gulf of Aden. In 2011 year,

After the abolition of Obamacare in the US without health insurance will remain 52 million people

In the case of the bill about the “American medical care” the number of US citizens without health insurance by 2026 will reach 52 million people. This is stated in the Management report of the Congress on the budget, published on Monday, March 13, at the Agency’s website. The document notes that currently not insured 28 million Americans, so over 10 years this number may increase almost twice up to 24 million people. Now the population of the United States is about 324 million people. However, changes in this field will allow up to 2026 to reduce the U.S. budget deficit. “The adoption of the laws will reduce the Federal deficit by 337 billion dollars over the period from 2017 to 2026. Costs will be reduced by $ 1.2 trillion during the period, revenue reduced by 0.9 trillion”, — said in the report. They also explain that the savings will