Syria urged the coalition led by the United States to stop bombing the areas of dams

Syria stated that the ongoing bombing the forces of the international antiterrorist coalition areas close to dams on the rivers Tigris and Euphrates might lead to disaster. A message to the Deputy permanent representative of Syria to the UN Munzer Munzer sent to the Secretary General of the international organization antónio Guterres, Interfax reports. “The complete destruction of these dams, which are targets of air strikes, can wash away the face of the earth and flood towns and villages, air strikes threatened the lives of hundreds of thousands of people living in these areas”, — the document says. The Syrian government urged Guterres and the UN security Council to encourage the United States and the members of the coalition to stop attacks on dams on the Euphrates and the Tigris, to nearby areas and infrastructure “to avoid impending disaster.” The coalition headed by the United States carries out air strikes

Bavarian Prime Minister called the date of the visit Merkel in Moscow

Horst Seehofer The Prime Minister of Bavaria Horst Seehofer announced that German Chancellor Angela Merkel will arrive in Moscow on 2 may. She is expected to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin. On Thursday, March 16, reports Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. “The visit has been agreed and is being prepared”, — explained the correspondent “” the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. Currently Seehofer is a three-day visit in Moscow. In the near future on 16 March to be held a meeting with the Russian leader. Bavarian Prime Minister arrived accompanied by the delegation comprising 60 German politicians and businessmen. As the newspaper notes, the stated purpose of the visit will be the revival of economic relations, undermined the anti-Russian sanctions of the European Union, as well as a discussion of the role of Russia in resolving international crises. March 9, Peskov said that the visit of the

Somali pirates released without ransom the captured tanker

Somali pirates Thursday, March 16, released previously seized oil tanker and eight of its crew members, citizens of Sri Lanka. About it reports Reuters with reference to the statements of the Somali security services and the pirates. According to the Director of marine police region of Puntland Abdirahman Mohamud Hassan, the security forces moved into place after the shooting began negotiations, and eventually the pirates left without receiving a ransom. Pirates themselves, in turn, confirmed that did not hold the ship and took the ransom. Somali pirates seized Tuesday, March 14, merchant ship after a five year hiatus. 13 Aris tanker, sailing under the flag of Sri Lanka yesterday evening said that he was on a parallel course followed by two small boats. The next morning he gave the alarm, and then it was disabled beacon tracking system. The ship changed course and headed for the Somali coast, heading for

The Senator called McCain “a little crazy” for accusing you of working for Russia

Rand Paul Republican Senator Rand Paul made unflattering remarks about the mental status of his colleague and fellow party member John McCain. He stated this on Thursday, March 16, in an interview with MSNBC. Paul commented on the statement McCain in his address, claimed that he “works in [Russian President] Vladimir Putin.” “I think he gives very good reason to limit the term of office. Apparently, he is no longer in the Prime of life. I guess he may a little crazy,” said Paul about McCain. March 15, McCain did not like the behaviour of the Floor during the discussion of the request of Montenegro for membership in NATO, and he said that “the Senator from Kentucky is now working for Vladimir Putin.” Paul suggested the senators in the absence of objection, approve the application in a simplified manner, but McCain announced that he objects to, and then left the

Expelled from the United States at the trump Mexican illegals going to Canada

Many illegal migrants, who were extradited from the United States after the inauguration of the new President of Donald trump, decided to move to Canada. About it reports Reuters. “With my passport I’m going to go to Canada. For those who have no documents, in the United States more to do nothing. Came Canada”, — quotes Agency the words of one of the deported Mexicans. According to migrants in the United States now vigilantly monitor the safety of the borders, the detained illegal immigrants immediately deported and have to live, strictly observing the law. According to Reuters, the statements have a lot of evidence. Thus, according to Ottawa for three months from the date of abolition of visas the number of Mexicans wishing to come to Canada, has tripled. At the same time, lawyers specializing in migration law, drew attention to the sharply increased number of calls from citizens of

Two suicide bombers blew themselves up in Bangladesh

Two suicide bombers exploded in the city of Chittagong in Southeast Bangladesh, not wanting to surrender to the police. It is reported by Yahoo News. According to Sanwara Hossein, Deputy Commissioner counterterrorism unit, the militants detonated an explosive device on the stairs of the building of the shelter. As a result of suicide bombing fragments of bodies were scattered within a radius of 30 meters. Police reported the deaths of six people, including a child; two of the patrol were wounded. The security personnel surrounded the hideout of the Islamists after a shootout between suspected terrorists and patrol that occurred on Wednesday, March 15. The head of the police Department of the city of Chittagong, Shahidul hack (Shahidul Haque) said that all the jihadists belonged to the new division of the local extremist group “Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen”, who is accused of a series of terrorist attacks, including a cafe in the capital,

The state Department said the continuation of sanctions against Russia over Crimea

Mark Toner The United States will maintain restrictive measures against Russia imposed over the annexation of Crimea into the Russian Federation. As reported on Thursday, March 16, RIA Novosti, this was stated by the acting official representative of us state Department mark Toner. “The United States reiterates its condemnation of the Russian occupation of Crimea and call for its immediate end. Our sanctions related to the Crimea will remain in force as long as Russia does not return control of Ukraine”, — reads the statement of the Toner. The diplomat reiterated the US position that the Peninsula is “part of Ukraine”, the referendum on 16 March 2014 he called the “illegal” and the will of the inhabitants of the Crimea — nonfree. Previously, on 16 March, the official Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow is not considering the possibility of signing with Washington of the transaction in the Crimea

Two Hungarian policemen fined for ill treatment of migrants

The Hungarian authorities fined two police officers for abuse of authority against migrants on the southern border of the country. About it reports on Thursday, March 16, the Hungarian edition of Magyar Nemzet. According to him, one of the officers struck the refugee knee kick to the head, and another used pepper spray. The patrol received fines of 300 and 130 thousand HUF respectively (1038 and USD 445). The Prosecutor’s office has not yet given official comments. The UN and international mediators is not the first time accused Hungary of ill treatment of migrants. The government was faced with a new wave of criticism after the adoption of the resolution to tighten the process of accepting refugees. Under the new law, asylum seekers are detained in special camps on the border, waiting for the decision of the authorities. Prime Minister Viktor Orban has repeatedly said that the refugees pose a

In the Parliament of the Philippines has received a request for the impeachment of Duterte

Rodrigo Duterte One of the opposition deputies submitted to the Philippine Congress demand impeachment of President Rodrigo Duterte. On Thursday, March 16, according to Reuters. Gary Alejano accused the President of exceeding his authority and abuse the trust of the people. According to the MP, thus the opposition will “find a voice, to fight the crimes of the President.” “We know it will be an uphill battle (…) But we believe that many will support us”, — said the Deputy. The lawyer of the head of state Salvador Panelo called the initiative Aleana “black propaganda,” noting that nothing could harm the reputation of Duterte. In early March, a former senior police officer has accused the country’s President in more than 200 murders committed without a trial. 29 December last year, the Philippine leader has threatened to corrupt officials that will drop them from a helicopter. “I’ve done it before, so

In Germany, the unknown took hostages in a Bank

Archive photo Unknown man took hostages in a Bank in the German city of Duisburg. On Thursday, March 16, reports Der Tagesspiegel. According to the newspaper, in the building there may be one or two hostages. It is noted that the assailant is armed, its requirements are unknown. The identity of the man and his hostages is still unknown. Police detained near the Bank of two people. Currently fixed their involvement in the capture.