The Senator called McCain “a little crazy” for accusing you of working for Russia

Rand Paul

Republican Senator Rand Paul made unflattering remarks about the mental status of his colleague and fellow party member John McCain. He stated this on Thursday, March 16, in an interview with MSNBC.

Paul commented on the statement McCain in his address, claimed that he “works in [Russian President] Vladimir Putin.” “I think he gives very good reason to limit the term of office. Apparently, he is no longer in the Prime of life. I guess he may a little crazy,” said Paul about McCain.

March 15, McCain did not like the behaviour of the Floor during the discussion of the request of Montenegro for membership in NATO, and he said that “the Senator from Kentucky is now working for Vladimir Putin.” Paul suggested the senators in the absence of objection, approve the application in a simplified manner, but McCain announced that he objects to, and then left the hall.

On 8 March, the media reported that McCain called the obvious connection between Russia and WikiLeaks, responding to a question about whether Moscow relation to the publication organization of a massive archive of secret documents to the CIA. “I can’t say that Russians are responsible for this, but it is clear that WikiLeaks is associated with Russia,” he said, pointing to the fact that a former employee of U.S. intelligence Edward Snowden handed to journalists in 2013, the number of secret documents, now lives in Russia.

John McCain represents in the Senate of Arizona, is one of the oldest senators of the United States: he was 80 years old. During the Vietnam war he was severely wounded, was kept in captivity for several years. Due to injuries throughout the further life he kept a number of physical restrictions for health reasons, but this did not prevent him 30 years in the Senate.

Rand Paul, representing the upper house of Congress, Arizona, is one of the relatively young senators, he recently turned 54 years old.

