The Syrian army has deployed reinforcements to the area of the attack of the rebels under Hama

The Syrian military has deployed additional forces to the area of the rebel offensive in Hama province. About it reports Reuters, citing a source in the leadership of the Syrian armed forces. The operation of militants in Hama began on the morning of Wednesday, March 22. It is conducted jointly parts of the free Syrian army (FSA), which in the West as “moderate rebels,” and “Tahrir al-sham”, formerly known as “Jabhat EN-Nusra” — branch of “al-Qaeda” in Syria. The purpose of the “spring offensive” is to establish control over the towns of Souran and Khattab. According to the representative of the FSA, fighters have been preparing for this attack, accumulating reserves. At the point of attack are the forces of “Tahrir al-sham”. Province of Hama — one of the strongholds of the rebels. In 1982, they broke out the uprising of the Islamists under the leadership of the organization “Muslim

The red Cross has warned of an impending famine in Somalia and Yemen

Yemen The international Committee of the red cross (ICRC) has warned about a large-scale famine that will soon begin in Somalia and Yemen. About it reports Reuters. “We have three or four months to avoid the worst of the possible scenarios, — said the Director of the operational division of the ICRC Dominique Stillhart. In this case coincided many factors, in particular on the protracted conflicts had droughts”. According to Stillhart, a total of hunger may affect more than 20 million people. Added to this is rampant in Somalia, the cholera, which affects mostly children. ICRC lacks about $ 100 million to make the necessary arrangements. As an example of what can happen, Stillhart brought the famine in Somalia in 2011. “Then we were swinging too long, — he reminded. — Help came late, and in that year alone, Somalia from hunger suffered 260 thousand people”. The civil war in

Chinese customs caught a smuggler with diamonds in their shoes

Chinese customs officers detained the man from Hong Kong who tried to transport a large consignment of diamonds in your own shoes. About it reports The South China Morning Post. “He looked suspicious because of his gait: was walking on eggshells. However, when he noticed that we look at him, just began to walk normally,” explained one of the employees of the customs service. The man was asked to remove shoes: remove insole, officials found several packets of diamonds with a total weight in carats 212,9. According to customs officials, this is the second such incident in nine days: March 4, they intercepted a shipment of diamonds 1554, which the attackers tried to hold the packages of nuts. 15 January 2016 PRC police found and arrested the smugglers, who managed to smuggle into the country a party of Fox pelts with a total value of 134 million dollars.

In the air strike near Raqqa killed more than 30 people

At least 33 people were killed in an airstrike by unidentified force near the Syrian city of raqqa. About it reports Reuters. According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for human rights, is likely to blame for the mistaken bombing lies with the aircraft of the international coalition headed by the USA. Raqqa — the unofficial capital of the banned terrorist group “Islamic state”. On 16 March it became known that the coalition forces mistakenly struck an airstrike on a mosque in the Syrian village of El-Ataribe (province of Aleppo), which has killed at least 42 local resident. The us military is still night March 17, acknowledged the incorrect impact, and explained the reason for its application. “The mosque was not the target, we attacked the building located 15 meters from her,” said Colonel John Thomas, a representative of USCENTCOM (Central regional command of the U.S. armed forces). He stressed that

In Courchevel had robbed the country of Prokhorov

Mikhail Prokhorov In the French Courchevel robbed owned by Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov Chalet — a small cottage in the Swiss style. The attackers entered the grounds of the house on the night of March 19, according to Le Dauphine. In the published edition of the shot with a surveillance camera captured two men, their faces covered to the eyes, one of them has a backpack. Materials on теме08:51 25 Sep 2015Food in Coursevelocity ski resort for the rich and mere mortals Information about damage or victims, also does not specify whether it was robbery or burglary. The investigation is entrusted to the Courchevel gendarmerie and the division of Albertville. Prokhorov in Courchevel rests on a regular basis. In January 2007 police detained the resort 26 persons, among whom were a Russian billionaire and his 16 companions, in the framework of a criminal investigation about establishment of the international network

Prosecutors in France have opened an investigation against the head of the interior Ministry

Bruno Le Roux Financial prosecutors in France opened a preliminary investigation against the Minister of internal Affairs, Bruno Le Roux. It is reported BFMTV. The case opened to verify the information published in the newspaper Quotidien (“day after Day”) that Le Roux was employed his daughters as helpers at a time when I was a member of the National Assembly (the lower house of Parliament) in the period from 2009 to 2016. At the time of signing the first employment contract of the eldest daughter was 15 years younger at the time of signing the first contract -16. It clarifies the channel, according to the current legislation, the minimum age for work is 16 years. However, this rule does not apply if the teenager is in direct subordination of a close relative. Girls worked as parliamentary assistants father, mainly during school holidays, but in some cases the time of their

Arrested in new York Russian woman suspected in series of robberies

Victoria Nasyrova Arrested in new York Russian woman Victoria Nasyrova is accused of committing a series of robberies in the United States. It is reported by NBC New York. According to the head of the investigative team of Bob Boyce, Nasyrov met on the Russian-language website dedicated to the men and met with them. During the visits the woman spiked his victims with psychotropic substance, and then took away valuable things and money. The police has information of at least three similar cases, however, the number of episodes can increase. Nasyrova, who was in the international wanted list by Interpol at Russia’s request, was detained by the American police on March 20. The Russian authorities suspect her in the murder of Hope Alexeyeva, committed in October 2014 in Krasnodar, and stealing from her large sums of money raised from the sale of the house.

Due to crowding at the toilet in a Chinese school killed two people

In the stampede that occurred near the toilet in one of the elementary schools in the Chinese County Puyang (Henan province), two people were killed. About it reports “Xinhua”. The incident occurred on Wednesday, March 22, at approximately 08:00 local time (03:00 GMT). More than 20 students were injured and were hospitalized. In fact the incident is under investigation, are the causes of the incident. 13 March it was reported that at least two people died in a stampede that occurred at a rock concert in Argentina. A week earlier, a stampede during the distribution of free food packages in the Zambian capital, Lusaka, killed eight people.

The media reported a failed rocket launch of the DPRK

North Korea on Wednesday, March 22, conducted a missile launch from the East coast near the city of Wonsan. It is reported TASS with reference to the Agency Kyodo. According to preliminary data, the test failed. Data on the number of missiles and their type are not given. Tausk, the rockets also recorded the U.S. military, reports Reuters. According to them, it exploded a few seconds after starting. The government of Japan stated that it had no information about the missiles that could fly in the direction of the country. “We collect information, paying close attention to… the Immediate security threats arose,” — said the Secretary General of the Cabinet of Ministers of Yoshihide Suga. On 6 March, the DPRK launched in Japan four ballistic missiles, medium-range, three of them fell within the Japanese exclusive economic zone. Pyongyang said that the purpose of the trials was to test attacks on

Cavusoglu stated that the restoration of relations between Turkey and Russia

Mevlut Cavusoglu Foreign Minister of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu said that Ankara and Moscow have restored their relationship. This opinion he expressed on Tuesday, March 21, during his speech at the National press club in Washington, reports TASS. “With Russia we have overcome our differences. Our relationship has been restored, and we collaborate in solving some of the problems of the region,” Cavusoglu said. However, he said that Turkey continues “to support the territorial integrity of Georgia and of Ukraine, including Crimea”. March 10 the President of Russia Vladimir Putin after a meeting with Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Moscow and Ankara could overcome the problems that emerged after the incident with the Russian su-24 bomber. The head of state noted that the parties “return to the path of true partnership and multifaceted cooperation.” Russian-Turkish relations deteriorated after the attack on the Turkish air force Russian su-24 bomber in