The name of the London terrorist

The terrorist attack in London was carried out by a man named Khalid Masud. About this in his Twitter reported Breaking News Feed, citing data from the local police. — Breaking News Feed (@pzf) 23 March 2017, 15:30 March 22 at about 14:40 local time (17:40 GMT) in London, a car heading across Westminster bridge, drove onto the sidewalk, knocked a few people and drove to the Parliament building. There the offender was stopped by police. One of the patrol, the attacker was stabbed, but was shot by another guard. The attack killed four people.

Afghan police officer together with the Taliban attacked his sleeping colleagues

Police in the Afghan province of Kunduz together with Taliban attacked their colleagues and shot nine people. On Thursday, March 23, reports Pajhwok. The incident occurred at midnight local time on the road between the cities of Kunduz and Aliabad. The Taliban entered the territory of the checkpoint unnoticed, killed all the guards, took their weapons and started a fire. The Agency notes that the unit commander Mohammad Gul at this time the service was lacking. Investigators have begun to examine the circumstances of the case. The Taliban has not commented on his involvement in the attack. March 1, the Taliban staged in Kabul a double attack: first, the extremists attacked the headquarters of the Afghan intelligence in the Eastern outskirts of Kabul in the building managed to penetrate two people. One of them blew himself up, the second shot by the guards. 16 people were killed.

The USA did not accuse China of torture of human rights defenders

Washington did not join others to condemn China for the torture of human rights lawyers. About it reports The Independent. The statement was signed by the authorities of great Britain, Germany, Canada and eight other States. They Express their concern about the fate of human rights defenders, who are kept in custody, not allowing to communicate with colleagues. The Washington Post says that the state Department explained its position: a letter Washington do not sign, but when the Secretary of state Rex Tillerson was in China, he privately made clear to his counterpart Wang Yi, that the US is not going to exclude the human rights issue from the bilateral agenda. After meeting with Tillerson, the President of China XI Jinping said: “You say that relations between the US and China can only be friendly. I support this position”.

In repelling the attacks of the Kurds in Southeast Turkey soldiers killed

Hakkari archive In the battle with the Kurds in Southeast Turkey killed a soldier. About it reports Reuters. The incident occurred in the Hakkari province. A detachment of fighters of the Kurdistan workers party (PKK) tried to cross the Turkish-Syrian border near a military base. After the attackers discovered, they fired at strengthening the base of the grenade. The Turkish military reported four wounded, all of them are in a state of moderate severity, their life is not in danger. The losses of the Kurds there is no information. An armed confrontation between Ankara and the Kurds, who are fighting for education autonomy within the country escalated in the summer of 2015 after the attack in the town of Suruç. Then 32 people were killed, mostly Kurds. Fighters of the PKK, which Ankara considers a terrorist organization, accused the Turkish government of collaborating with the Islamists and resumed guerrilla war

Lavrov praised the progress of negotiations on the Syrian settlement in Geneva

Sergei Lavrov In the Syrian crisis settlement has managed to achieve a fragile progress. This was stated by Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the meeting with the special envoy of the UN Secretary General on Syria Staffan De Mistura, reports “Interfax”. The head of the Russian foreign Ministry said that on the eve of the Geneva talks on Syria is necessary to consolidate agreement on four “baskets” which include the Constitution, elections, transitional and counter-terrorism. “All of these aspects are the essential requirements laid down in resolution 2254 [UN security Council],” — said Lavrov. The next round of Syrian peace talks in Geneva scheduled for March 23. On 11 March, the UN security Council called on the parties to the Syrian conflict to continue negotiations in a constructive manner and without preconditions. Members of the security Council reaffirmed its commitment to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Syria.

British police arrested seven people in connection with the attack at Parliament

British police conducted raids in London and Birmingham in connection with the attack on Parliament. About it reports Reuters. Arrested seven people, their names and ethnic affiliation were not disclosed. The Deputy head of Scotland Yard’s mark Rowley said that the perpetrator was acting alone. “At the moment we believe that the attacker acted alone, inspired by the acts of international terrorism — said Rowley. — We do not have any information about possible future threats.” Police also reported the latest data on victims and wounded. According to Rowley, four people were killed (previously reported five): two passers-by on the bridge (man and woman), a COP got stabbed, and the terrorist. It has been identified, but personal details have not been disclosed. March 22 at about 14:40 local time (17:40 GMT) in London, a car heading across Westminster bridge, drove on the sidewalk, knocked down there’s a few people and

Media called the name of the suspect in the terrorist attack in London

It became known the name of the suspect in the terrorist attack in London. On Wednesday, March 22, reported the British newspaper the Independent.. According to reports, his name is Abu Izzadeen (Abu Izzadeen). The newspaper also noted that the alleged perpetrator of the attack has long been known to the authorities because of their links with terrorism and spent some time in prison for fundraising for extremist purposes, incitement and promotion of terrorism. However, later publications were removed. Writes the electronic version of The Daily Mail, in the first issue of the news programs on the Channel 4 journalist also reported, citing a source, that Izzadin is alleged London terrorist, but later stated that in this respect there are doubts. According to the publication, then the lawyer Izzadine rejected this option and explained that currently his client is serving a sentence in prison. At the end of the program

Russian military ships are allowed to moor off the coast of the Philippines

Rodrigo Duterte The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte allowed Russian ships to freely enter the territorial waters of the country. On Thursday, March 23, RIA Novosti reported with reference to Bloomberg. He noted that now the Russian Navy ships will be moored off the coast of the Philippines, after informing the authorities. Duterte added that similar terms will apply for the Chinese Navy. In early January, the Philippine leader visited the big antisubmarine ship of the Russian Navy “Admiral Tributs”, which entered the port of Manila. “Admiral Tributs” tanker Navy “Boris Butoma” arrived in the capital port for resupply of food, the rest of the team, as well as visiting representatives of the Armed forces of the Philippines with a friendly visit. Duterte during the inspection expressed the hope that Russia will become an ally and defender for his country. He added that ships from Russia can be moored

CNN learned about the alleged concerted actions of Russia and team trump vs Clinton

Donald Trump The FBI has information that associates of the President of the United States Donald trump talked with the persons who are alleged to be Russian agents. They allegedly coordinated the publication of information prejudicial to the democratic candidate in the presidential elections of Hillary Clinton. About this CNN has reported us officials. According to them, the FBI is now analyzing this information, which includes information about people, travels, phone calls and personal meetings. The data are the investigators of the Bureau’s suspicions about the fact that coordination could be. The official warned that the data are not final and that the investigation is ongoing. On Tuesday, March 21, FBI Director James Comey said his Agency began to investigate the alleged coordination between the campaign staff of trump and the alleged Russian agents. According to him, the Bureau had assembled a credible argument about wrongdoing or reasonable suspicion that

Trump promised may support in case of London attack

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump has promised the Prime Minister of great Britain Teresa may “full cooperation and support” in connection with the attack near the Parliament building in London. On Wednesday, March 22, reported on the White house website. A communiqué was issued following the results of telephone negotiations of leaders of two States. In the text, in particular, says that trump may have expressed condolences over the incident and noted how quickly and efficiently responded to the incident, the British forces of law and order. “He promised full cooperation and support from the government of the United States in responding to the attack and bring the perpetrators to justice”, — emphasized in the publication. According to recent reports, the victims of the attack were four people, including a policeman, the attacker himself was also killed. About 40 people were injured. Scotland Yard described the incident as