The head of the French defense Ministry announced the start of the assault on Raqqa

Jean-Yves Le Drian The French Minister of defense Jean-Yves Le Drian said the operation to liberate the Syrian city of Raqqa fighters from the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) will start soon. About it reports Reuters. “It will be a very tough battle, which is of great importance,” — said the Minister. On 22 March it became known that in the province of raqqa were planted American troops. Sources in the leadership of the Kurdish-Arab coalition “of the Syrian democratic forces” (SDF) reported that the operation was attended by about 100 us special forces and thousands of fighters SDF. The Pentagon is still the presence of its troops is not confirmed: according to official representative of the U.S. Department of defense major Adrian Rankin of Galloway, landed SDF troops, and the Americans are responsible for fire cover. The purpose of the operation — the capture of the

Merkel urged to correct the mistakes of the European Union

Angela Merkel German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted that the European Union (EU) has made mistakes, however, it was time to finish unfinished. She stated on Friday, March 24, during his visit to Rome, reports TASS. “I think that we are not all doing well…Opening external borders, we did not think about their strengthening. Introducing the single currency, we were not prepared for the crisis. But all this we correct now through a banking Union and mechanisms of stabilization,” she said. While Merkel said that now the EU has a good base in order to finish the job. “Importantly, all this must be done in an atmosphere of solidarity”, — said the politician. The Chancellor also expressed confidence that the EU will be able to find a single answer to the migration problem when “everyone will contribute according to their possibilities”. “We must ensure such conditions that people did not flee

Trump explained the withdrawal of the bill to repeal Obamacare

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump commented on the decision of the Republicans to withdraw from a vote in the house of representatives a bill to abolish a program of universal health insurance Obamacare. In an interview with The Washington Post, the head of state explained that the lack of votes, as well as the desire to allow the project to prove its inconsistency. According to the American leader, bill to repeal Obamacare has not received the support of the Democrats. “As you know, I’ve been told that it is best to give Obamacare to “explode”, and then to negotiate with the Democrats and get a unified document,” said trump. The President believes that this outcome is possible “not-so-distant future.” “I don’t think it will happen in time”, — quotes its RIA Novosti. In addition, trump commented on the accusation that refusing to replace Obamacare, he

The robbers emptied shubohranilische Prokhorov in Courchevel

Mikhail Prokhorov The attackers robbed in the French Courchevel the home of Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov, took coats total cost of 100 thousand Euro eight thousand Euro in cash. About it reports La Libre. During the robbery the house was occupied by people from the staff. Themselves the raiders remain at large. The crime was committed on the night of March 19. Suspected criminals captured by surveillance camera are two men. The investigation lead the police Courchevel and Albertville. Materials on теме08:51 25 Sep 2015Food in Coursevelocity ski resort for the rich and mere mortals Prokhorov in Courchevel rests on a regular basis. In January 2007 police detained the resort 26 persons, among whom were a Russian billionaire and his 16 companions, in the framework of a criminal investigation about establishment of the international network of prostitution. All the detainees later were released without charges, and in the fall of

Republicans took a vote a bill to repeal Obamacare

Representatives of the Republican party took a vote in the house of representatives a bill to abolish a program of universal health insurance Obamacare. On Friday, March 24, said the President Donald trump The Washington Post. “We just withdrew it (the bill — ed. “Of the”), “—said the American leader. This decision, according to the newspaper, means that the program Obamacare remains in force, and therefore, trump did not fulfill one of his campaign promises. The speaker of the house of representatives Paul Ryan actually admitted political defeat of his party, said TASS. “We did everything we could. It’s a setback, no question about it, but it’s not the end of history (…). I don’t know how much time we’ll need to (act on health care services — approx. “Of the”), replace”, — he said. Previously on 24 March it was reported that trump filed the Republicans an

Off the coast of Turkey sank a boat with migrants

Inflatable boat carrying illegal migrants sank Friday, March 24 off the coast of Turkey. It is reported by the Hürriyet Daily News. At least 11 people were killed. According to the publication, on Board were 22 people, eight managed to escape. We are searching for another three people. The incident occurred in the Aegean sea near the Turkish resort of Kusadasi. Migrants were sent to the Greek island of Samos. Asylum-seekers from middle Eastern countries are often at sea trying to cross from Turkish territory in one of the nearest EU countries. It is often used untrained for transporting people, boats, small plastic, wooden or inflatable boats. The number of migrants who drowned near the coast of Turkey, hundreds. 7 March 2016 in Brussels between Turkey and the European Union reached an agreement according to which Ankara has pledged to take back all refugees entering into Greece in transit through

In the Japanese Parliament want to interrogate the wife of Shinzo Abe

Akie Abe Four opposition party of Japan intend to call for hearings in the Parliament Akie Abe, wife of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. It is reported by The Mainichi. The reason for this was festering in Japan, the scandal of the activities of educational organizations “, Moritomo Gakuen”, suspected of fraud with land plots and lobbying in the nation. It, in particular, accused that she with violations acquired land to build primary schools at a lower price. The opposition assumes that the Fund had with respect to the head of state and his wife. Chapter “Moritomo Gakuen” during the testimony noted that the Akie gave the organization a large sum of money as a donation. The very first lady and the press office of the ruling liberal democratic party has rejected the allegations. The scandal surrounding the children’s garden Fund “Morimoto Gakuen” began in February 2017, when the Japanese media

The ICC has awarded 297 victims of the Congolese rebel 250 dollars

Germain Katanga The international criminal court decided to pay individual and collective compensation for the victims of the rebel Congolese Germain Katanga (Germain Katanga), who participated in the attack on the village of Bogoro in 2003. On Friday, March 24, according to the website of the ICC. Victims from actions of Katanga, the court found 297 people. They should be paid at $ 250. The ICC noted that even though the amount is symbolic and does not compensate all the harm caused, it “will bring to the victims of substantial relief from the recognition of the fact of damage”. Collective reparation is assistance in housing and income-generating activities, psychological support and assistance in education. According to africanews., its size will be a million dollars. The ICC also added that the extent of the physical, material and psychological damage that the victim suffered during the attack on Bogoro, estimated at more

The US imposed sanctions in connection with the transfer of technology to Iran, Syria and North Korea

The US imposed sanctions against natural and legal persons involved in the transfer of key technologies and the sale of weapons to Tehran, Damascus and Pyongyang. About it reports Reuters. In the black list includes 30 companies and individuals. the Sanctions against 11 companies from China, North Korea and UAE tied with the fact that they transferred to Iran technology that allowed Tehran to significantly accelerate the work on its missile program. Another 19 firms and individuals Washington suspects in the transfer of technology related to weapons of mass destruction (WMD), North Korea, Syria and Iran. Previous sanctions due to Iranian missile program, the United States introduced 3 Feb. Then got blacklisted 25 individuals and companies of the Islamic Republic. American authorities said that the restrictive measure is due to the support for the development of ballistic missiles these physical and legal persons.

Juncker estimated the cost of Brexit

Jean-Claude Juncker As a result of Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union, London will have to pay about 50 billion pounds. The amount said the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker in an interview with BBC News. However, he noted that the exact amount will be determined by the financiers. Juncker stressed that the British government will not be able to refuse payment. “The British government and Parliament as a member of the EU has assumed certain obligations, and they must be done,” said Juncker, adding that it is “neither punishment nor sanctions against the UK.” He also said that the fate of four and a half million EU citizens living in the United Kingdom and British subjects residing in the EU may not be negotiable. “We are not talking about negotiations. We are talking about human dignity,” — said the President of the European Commission. In late February,