Marine Le Pen predicted the demise of the European Union

Marine Le Pen The European Union will soon disappear. This was at a meeting in the French city of Lille said the candidate in presidents of the country from the “National front” marine Le Pen, Reuters reports. The politician also promised to shield France from globalisation. “The EU will die because people don’t want this anymore (…) Arrogant and hegemonic Empire is doomed to destruction (…) the time has Come to defeat the globalists” — said Le Pen. The leader of the National front, also accused his main rivals in the presidential race of Emmanuel Macron and françois Fillon in “the betrayal of their Pro-European and Pro-market policies.” Presidential elections in France will take place in April-may this year. According to a public opinion poll of March 23, the victory in the vote, with the support of 26 percent of the French will be Emmanuel macron, representing they also created

The number of victims of avalanche in Japan has increased to eight

At least eight high school students died in an avalanche at a ski resort in the heart of the Japanese city of NASU, located in Tochigi Prefecture, reports on Monday, March 27, Japan Today, citing data rescue. Earlier it was reported about six victims. More than 30 people were injured. However, as the newspaper notes, the official information about the death of children is still not confirmed, as in Japan, the death of state health workers, not rescuers. Avalanches occurred on March 27 at 09:20 a.m. local time (03:20 GMT). At this point on the slope were over 60 students from seven different schools. They are all engaged in the climbing sections and accompanied by instructors was climbing the mountain. In the ongoing search and rescue operations. The prefectural government sent a request for involvement of divisions of self-defense Forces to participate in operations.

In Warsaw said about the possibility to challenge the re-election of Tusk as European Council head

Witold Waszczykowski The head of the Polish foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski said about the possibility to challenge the re-election of former Prime Minister Donald Tusk to head the European Council. The Minister said in the broadcast channel TVN24, reports Gazeta Wyborcza. According to him, Warsaw is proof that Tusk was chosen “method, which can be challenged at the level of European law.” “It was not a vote for Tusk. Asked favor no questions, one for and one abstained” — he explained. March 9, Donald Tusk was re-elected as President of the European Council. His second term will begin in June and will last until November 2019. Against the election of Tusk voted only Poland, earlier nominated for the post another candidate, MEP Jacek Saryusz-Wolski.

The government changed the procedure of replacement and issuance of a driver’s license

The Russian government has given the multifunctional centers providing state and municipal services authority for replacement of driver’s licenses received from the state automobile Inspectorate division. This was reported on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers. Currently, the Russian driver’s license will be issued only in divisions of the state traffic Inspectorate. Also amended, clarifying questions of replacement of the Russian national driving license before expiry of its validity. The document envisages the provision allowing, subject to the provision of a medical certificate to obtain a new license for a period of 10 years. Currently, in the case of a replacement driver’s license prior to the expiration of its validity period of the initial fixed period can not be changed. In Russia there are more than 2.7 thousand MFTS, offering 22 types of public services on the principle of one window. There is, in particular, it is possible to

For novice drivers restrictions

The sign “Novice driver” The Russian government has made amendments to traffic regulations that establish restrictions on drivers with experience less than two years. This was reported on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers. The restrictions concern the possibility of towing other motor vehicles for the carriage of passengers on motor vehicles, and vehicles carrying bulky, heavy and dangerous cargoes. Also novice drivers are forbidden to operate a vehicle without proper mandatory identification mark. “The decisions are aimed at reducing accidents involving novice drivers”, — stated in the message.

In Japan an avalanche killed 6 students

As a result of avalanches in Japan, according to preliminary data, killing at least six students, reports TASS, citing local fire Department. Another three people were injured. Three unaccounted for, their search is ongoing. The incident occurred at a ski resort in the heart of the Japanese city of NASU in Tochigi Prefecture. As stated by the Secretary-General of the Cabinet of Ministers of Japan Acehide Suga, in connection with the accident in Tochigi Prefecture, the government established the emergency headquarters, which will coordinate the search operation. The prefectural government sent a request for involvement of divisions of self-defense Forces to participate in operations. Just in the resort area there are about 66 people, including 50 high school students from local schools. They are all engaged in the climbing sections and together with the instructors practiced climbing a mountain.

Called the coldest place in the Universe

Scientists from the jet propulsion Laboratory (USA), Technical University of Chalmers (Sweden) and the ALMA Observatory (Atacama Large Millimeter Array, Chile) presented new details about the protoplanetary nebula, the boomerang, which is considered the coldest place in the Universe. The research aimed at publication in the Astrophysical Journal, is available in edition “”. The nebula formed by a dying red giant, which intensively leaves the matter. According to estimates obtained by researchers, originally the Orb was about four times heavier than the Sun, matter from the spread at a distance of about 120 thousand astronomical units. The center of the nebula, as the authors formed region 1740 275 astronomical units, which assumes the existence of large particles of millimeter size with a temperature of 20-30 Kelvin. The work of scientists confirms that the Boomerang nebula is the coldest place in the Universe. To his conclusions, astronomers came analyzing ALMA data.

The Prosecutor’s office of South Korea demanded the arrest of Park Geun-Hye

Park Geun-Hye South Korean prosecutors said on Monday, March 27 that will request a warrant for the arrest of the former President, Park Geun-Hye in the case of corruption, which has already led to her dismissal. About it reports “Yonhap”. Park Geun-Hye faces charges of bribery, abuse of power, pressure and leak government secrets. The case stems from a scandal with her personal fortune teller and girlfriend Choi sung-SIL. Last week, Park Geun-Hye questioned in this case. If the Central district court in Seoul issued a warrant, it will become the third former President, who will be arrested on criminal charges after Roh Tae-Woo and Chun Doo-hwan. Park Geun-Hye was finally removed from power on March 10. The reason was a corruption scandal. Choi sung-SIL accused that she made dozens of the largest firms to transfer money to two non-profit Foundation. In case of figures, the sum of 77.4 billion

The state Department called the detention of Navalny and his supporters insult to democracy

Mark Toner The United States condemned the detention of hundreds of protesters in Russia, calling these measures an “assault on democratic values”, reports Reuters. “We urge the Russian government to immediately release all peaceful demonstrators,” said state Department spokesman mark Toner in a statement. He added that Washington was “concerned” after learning of the arrest of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Sunday, March 26, Tverskaya street in Central Moscow, Navalny supporters tried to stage an unauthorized mass event. In it, according to police, was attended by 7-8 thousand people. Police arrested according to sources, the Agency RIA Novosti, more than 800 people. Navalny was detained shortly after his appearance at the event. Moscow authorities deny the opposition to agree action, offered to transfer her to Sokolniki and Lublin, however, the organizers refused to do so.

Russian gymnast Averin per day won three gold at the Grand Prix

Dina Averina Russian woman Dina Averina won three gold medals on the second day of the third stage of Gran-at on rhythmic gymnastics in the French Article. About it the correspondent “”. Averina excelled in exercises with Hoop, ball and clubs. Averin scored 19,350 points in exercises with a Hoop, the second was another Russian, Yulia Bravikova (19,150), and the third athlete from France Kseniya Mustafaeva (18,300). In exercises with a ball Averin scored 18,900 points. Silver Victoria Mazur from Ukraine (18,650), bronze — Bravikova (17,550). The top three winners in the exercises with clubs as follows: Averina (19,400), Bravikova (18,300) and Belarusian Alina Garnacha (18,200). In the ribbon exercise Averin became the second (17,600), gold Bravikova (18,550), bronze — Mustafayeva (17,050). 25 Mar Averina won the Grand Prix gold in the all-around. Second place went to the representative of Belarus Katerina Galkina, the third was Bravikova. 18-year-old Averin has