The state Department has announced plans for Tillerson to get NATO countries to increase investment

Rex Tillerson U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson intends to seek from NATO allies to increase defence spending. On Tuesday, March 28, RIA Novosti reported, citing a senior representative of the state Department. According to him, this will be discussed at the next Ministerial meeting of the Alliance. “The first goal that will advance the Secretary of state Tillerson, to force the allies to resume their obligations by increasing resources for the military spending of NATO”, — said interlocutor Agency. He added that five States-members of NATO has fulfilled commitments to increase defense spending to two percent of GDP. Seven has said it is ready to comply with the agreement in the near future. The rest of the country Washington intends to exert “pressure”. On 20 March, the representative of the foreign Ministry of Germany Martin Schaefer said that the medium-term financial plans of Germany does not provide increase defense

Wife françois Fillon has charged

Penelope Fillon, François Fillon In respect of the spouse of the candidate in presidents of France Franus visit Penelope, launched a formal investigation into a bogus job placement, the TV channel BFM TV. Penelope Fillon after questioning was charged with aiding and harboring a misappropriation of public funds, complicity in abuse of public property and concealing fraud with aggravating circumstances. On 14 March it was reported that the investigation was opened in relation to the visit. He is suspected in embezzlement and waste of public funds. Later he was also suspected of fraud with aggravating circumstances. January 25 in the newspaper Le Canard enchaîné published an article in which it was alleged that for several years, Penelope Fillon fictitiously listed as assistant to her husband, at a time when he was a Deputy of the lower house of Parliament (the National Assembly), for which he received 500 thousand euros. Later,

Press Secretary trump got in a fight with a journalist because of the question about Russia

Sean Spicer Press Secretary of the President of the United States Donald trump Sean Spicer during a regular press briefing joined in an emotional discussion with a representative from the media. On Tuesday, March 28, according to RIA Novosti. According to the Agency, the reason was the question of the alleged connection team Republican with Moscow. The reporter started it by saying that the current leadership of the United States “over two months of work got history with Russia, listening,” but Spicer interrupted her, said that “we don’t have that”. “You got Russia. And the facts are that all the people for which briefings have been held on the matter — Democrats or Republicans — came to the same conclusion”, — stated the official representative of the White house, implying that the evidence relations team trump of Moscow were found. In the ensuing dispute the journalist was trying to finish

Near the White house arrested a man with a suspicious package

Archive photo Employees of the U.S. Secret service detained near the White house a man with a suspicious package. About it reports Reuters. According to the press Secretary of the service, the decision on detention was accepted after unknown headed toward one of the officers guarding the entrance leading to the residence of the President. The man was remanded in custody, to the place called the brigade of engineers. Materials on теме09:00 October 6, 2014Goal number odinic crazy American tried to kill presidents After the incident on the perimeter of the White house had established the cordon, the entrance to the East wing temporarily banned. On March 10, a man named Jonathan Tran entered the territory of the White house. As explained by the offender, he “did just so”. Failed to apprehend him only 16 minutes. Such a serious delay was the occasion for an internal investigation and the Secret

Prevented theft of the remains of the founder of Ferrari

The Italian police in the province of Nuoro disrupted a major criminal group, whose members planned to kidnap the coffin of the founder of the car manufacturer Ferrari Enzo Ferrari with the ransom. It is reported by ANSA. Gang hunted trade and transportation of drugs and weapons between the different regions of the country, particularly between the island of Sardinia and Northern Italy. Law enforcement officials managed to stop the activities of a community and delay its active members. During searches it became clear that the attackers had planned the kidnapping of the remains of Enzo Ferrari, who was buried at the memorial cemetery of Modena. To do this, the group made several visits to the resting place: they wanted to find out the exact location of the grave, the system of protection of the cemetery, as well as the possible ways of transporting the coffin. Redemption if successful, the

Trump will go to the G20 summit in Hamburg

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump will attend the G 20 summit in Hamburg. About it reports Reuters with reference to the press service of the White house. The American leader confirmed his participation in the meeting during a telephone conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. He also congratulated on the victory of her party in the regional elections in the Saarland. March 12, the official Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov in interview to TV channel CNN reported that the summit of “Big twenty” in Hamburg can be the site of the first meeting between the presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump. “Presumably, we can expect that they will meet at the G20 summit in Hamburg in early July. Because this is the first place where they will be”, — said Putin’s press Secretary. According to Peskov, “what’s really important is the fact that they sit

Wife and mother condemned the actions of the London terrorists

Mother and wife of a British terrorist Khalid Masud, staged a terrorist attack in London, condemned his actions. It is reported by The Sun. “I am saddened and shocked that made Khalid (…). I Express my condolences to the families of the victims and wish a speedy recovery to all the injured”, — leads edition of the words of the wife of Massoud — Roja Hidary. The Telegraph has published a short statement of the mother of terrorist Janet Ajao. “I’m speechless because of the actions of my son, which led to the deaths and injuries of innocent people (…). From the moment I learned that it is guilty my son, I shed many tears, mourning the victims of this terrible incident,” she said, noting that does not share the beliefs of his son. 22 Mar 52-year-old Khalid Masud on the car hit people on Westminster bridge and drove to

Austria wanted to withdraw from the EU programme for the distribution of refugees

Chancellor of Austria, Christian Kern is going to write a letter to the Commission explaining why the country does not want to participate in the program of the European Union for the distribution of refugees. On Tuesday, March 28, APA reports. The head of the Austrian government after the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers noted that Austria has pledged to take Greece and Italy nearly two thousand asylum seekers, however, due to the flow of illegal migrants, the state, and without having complied with this rule. “We believe that Austria will have to make an exception,” said Kern. The Vice Chancellor Reinhold Mitterlehner do not really believe that Vienna will be able to achieve any concessions from Brussels. The Minister of defence and sports of the country Hans Peter Doskocil said earlier that Austria should leave the EU programme for refugees from Africa and the Middle East, notes TASS.

Trump would limit the US concern about the environment

The US President Donald trump will sign a decree on the reduction of measures to combat climate change. It is reported by CNN. As noted, the decree will be signed on Tuesday, March 28. He cancels the prohibition of lease of Federal lands for coal mining companies and will give agencies and departments the task to define rules and regulations that hinder American energy independence. Formally from the fight for clean air and water Washington will not give up. The TV station said that the head of state as the main set a goal of creating jobs for Americans. “The President has made clear that he will not stand for such measures to combat climate change that harm the U.S. economy. It’s very simple,” explained one of the officials familiar with the situation. He stressed that the previous administration shunned the needs of the workers, and the current will be

Moscow has requested the UN security Council to secreting in Mosul

In connection with reports about the deaths of civilians in the bombardment of the Iraqi city of Mosul Moscow asked the UN Security Council special briefing. On Monday, March 27, said Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, reports TASS. “I don’t think the security Council will be able with one voice to speak about what happened. Nevertheless, we ask questions, their calls will reveal”, — quotes Agency the words of the Minister. According to Lavrov, he is surprised that the bombing of Mosul continued for one hour. Iraqi media reported earlier that the March 17 bombing of Iraqi cities killed about 200 civilians. Presumably, the air strikes on the positions of militants of the international terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) attacked the United States. The Pentagon began checking reports of civilian deaths. 25 Mar the Ministry said that at the request of the Iraqi authorities attacked the