The FBI has published previously unknown photos from the scene of the September 11 attacks

The FBI announced on its website unpublished photos of the Pentagon after the attacks of 11 September 2001. The Agency posted 27 new photos. They, in particular, shows the wreckage of the plane hijacked by terrorists and abandoned by the liner hole in the building of the defense Department of the United States. Photo: 1/7 On some pictures captured rescuers, firefighters and the FBI. 11 September 2001 in the USA took the largest terrorist attack in modern history. Suicide bombers of the banned terrorist organization al-Qaeda hijacked four passenger aircraft. Two aircraft crashed into the world trade center towers in new York, the third fell on the Pentagon, and one crashed near the city of Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Killing about three thousand people, more than four thousand were injured.

The US has imposed sanctions against 11 officials and one company from North Korea

The American authorities have imposed sanctions against one company and 11 officials from the DPRK. On Friday, March 31, reported on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the United States. “It was a response to the development of North Korea’s weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and violation of the resolutions of the UN Security Council,” — said in a statement. It is noted that in the sanctions list includes three representatives of the North Korean banks and corporations in Moscow. In addition, there are representatives of foreign trade organizations of the DPRK in China, Vietnam and Cuba. The Ministry said that these people are suspected of involvement in the provision of financial assistance in the development of WMD. March 25, North Korea threatened nuclear attack if the US attempts a pre-emptive strike. In particular, Pyongyang demanded that the United States “to immediately halt targeted against the DPRK military

In new York, popping out of sewer mines took over a powerful explosion

In several mines the sewer in the square Union square in new York city fires broke out, triggering a loud popping noise. The inhabitants of the city mistook them for a powerful explosion, informs on Friday, March 31, NBC New York. It is noted that arrived at the scene several fire brigades. Residents of one of the nearby buildings evacuated due to the spread of carbon monoxide. — Rana Novini (@Rana4NY) March 31, 2017, 13:42 No injuries were reported. After a few hours the fire was extinguished. Before March 31, it became known that in the vicinity of the American city of Atlanta, Georgia, due to heavy fire collapsed span of the road overpass. The fire spread stockpiled under the overpass twisted into circles of plastic pipe. Bearing designs could not withstand the high temperatures that led to the destruction of the overpass. As a result of incident nobody has

The head of the European Commission stated its readiness to support the collapse of the United States

Jean-Claude Juncker The head of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said he was ready to maintain the independence of the American States if they want to secede from the United States. It is reported by CNBC. He explained that the US President Donald trump was so glad Brexit, which encouraged other countries to follow the UK example. “If this continues, then I will support independence, Ohio and Austin, Texas,” said Juncker. Wednesday, 30 March, the press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer said that the us President was “a leader in the calls for Brexit”. The trump in August of last year, being the candidate for US presidents from Republican party, wrote on Twitter that soon it will be called “Mr. Brexit”. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 18 August 2016, 12:11 March 29 was officially launched procedure Brexit. A referendum on British exit from the EU was held on

In the Indian state imposed a life sentence for killing a cow

In the Indian state of Gujarat has tightened the punishment for the murder of cattle to life imprisonment. It is reported by The Hindustan News. In addition, it is also prohibited the transportation of livestock to the slaughter: in this case, the vehicle is confiscated and the violator will be fined in the amount of 100 thousand rupees (1.5 dollars). The adoption of the law is dedicated to Vasanta Navaratri — the Hindu festival of spring, during which the faithful worshiped feminine forms of God. “The government on the advice of several Holy men-sadhus introduced amendments to the law on the protection of animals from 2011. Thus, our legislation was the most stringent in the country”, — declared the Minister of internal Affairs of the state of Predipping of Jadeja. According to the newspaper, some attribute the adoption of the law with the desire of the ruling “Bharatiya Janata party”

The former President of South Korea was placed in solitary confinement

Pak Hye Former South Korean President Park Geun-Hye, arrested on charges of abuse of power and bribery is contained in a single cell of temporary detention center. On Friday, March 31, the Associated Press reports. It is noted that, unlike other prisoners, the former South Korean leader has a separate shower and toilet. Typically, the area of a single prison cell does not exceed of 6.56 per square meter. However, according to Reuters, it is possible that Luggage Park Geun-Hye a little larger. March 30, the South Korean authorities arrested a former President on the case of corruption. It is assumed that in prison she will spend a few months, while continuing litigation. Park Geun-Hye was ousted on March 10. The reason for the scandal was a fortune teller and a close friend of President Choi sung-SIL. She is accused of pressure on dozens of major firms with the purpose

Tusk has promised to give Britons the first stage of the negotiations

Donald Tusk European Council President Donald Tusk promised that he would negotiate with the UK on Brexit with the proper stiffness. It is reported by The Financial Times. “The United Kingdom is now on the other side of the negotiating table — explained Tusk. We coped [with the agreed position within the EU] very quickly. Under the contract we have two years to reach an agreement.” According to Tusk, the EU intends to strictly stick to his position, but promised that he will not punish London for his desire to leave the EU. “Brexit itself is already sufficient for their punishment,” he concluded. Donald Tusk also said that Brussels will not allow Britain to conduct individual negotiations with individual member countries — only with the whole unit. Wednesday, March 29, the UK’s permanent representative to the EU Tim barrow gave the head of the European Council Donald Tusk, a letter

Syrian army retakes 16 villages under Hama

The Syrian army launched a counterattack against the advancing forces of the radical opposition under Hama. About it reports Reuters with reference to information of the Syrian Observatory for human rights, located in London. At the moment, the Syrian military managed to recapture 16 villages, their names are not reported. It is only known that these towns the rebels captured last week during an attack on Hama. Information about the counterattack of the government forces confirmed the news resources of the militants. The offensive of the opposition in Hama began on the morning of March 22. It was attended by the Syrian free army (SSA), which in the West as “moderate rebels,” and “Tahrir al-sham”, formerly known as “Jabhat EN-Nusra” — branch of “al-Qaeda” in Syria. According to the representative of the FSA, fighters have been preparing for this attack, accumulating reserves. Province of Hama — one of the strongholds

The victim’s family in Paris, the Chinese asked his compatriots to stop the massacres

The family of a citizen of China, who was killed by police in Paris, asked his compatriots to stop the massacre in the French capital. About it reports BBC News. “We know that this incident caused some excitement. The family of the deceased would like to have this press conference gave a start to reconciliation,” — said the representative of the injured party. Clashes between police and rebellious representatives of the Chinese Diaspora lasted two days — 28 and 29 March. Rioters set fire to cars and demanded to bring the guards to the answer: according to the protesters, those never killed a Chinese man, entering his house. Themselves patrol claim that a man tried to hit one of them with a pair of scissors to the throat.

In Venice, the police made a RAID against the jihadists

Venetian police have arrested three alleged jihadists and the child who was with them. About it reports BBC News. Police watched the group of Kosovars few months — they had fears that they would try to join the fighting in Syria to the jihadists. After the terrorist attack in London the authorities decided to act to avoid similar attacks in Italy: they intercepted the alleged perpetrators, where they discussed the incident in the UK. Special forces carried out raids on 12 locations, including in the historic centre of the city. On 22 March it was reported that the attack committed near the building of the British Parliament in the capital, killed five, including a policeman and a terrorist. About 20 people were injured. Responsibility for attack was assumed banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state”, however, the authorities have evidence of this not found. On Wednesday evening, March 22, in Central