The European Parliament approved a resolution on the terms of a British exit from the EU

MEPs approved a resolution that defines the conditions for a British exit from the EU. On Wednesday, April 5, reports TASS. The document contains a number of key provisions, in fact, sets the tone for upcoming negotiations on Brexit, which should begin in the coming weeks between London and Brussels. “Britain is obliged to comply with its earlier commitments, including financial, in the framework of the European budget”, — the document says. The vote on the resolution passed at the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Brussels London requires payment of 50 billion pounds under taken by the UK on long-term financial obligations. The United Kingdom is ready to pay not more than three billion. Procedure Brexit was officially launched on March 29. A referendum on British exit from the EU was held on 23 June 2016. More than half of the population voted to secede from the

A court in Istanbul ordered the man to prove his dislike of his wife

The court in Istanbul dismissed the petition for divorce of 54-year-old citizen of Turkey. On Wednesday, April 5, according to Hürriyet Daily News. The man, who worked as the Concierge explained that he wanted to divorce because he no longer loves his wife. Then the court demanded that he proved it. “How do you imagine that? I just know I love someone or not” — protested the man, noting that it will be difficult to bring convincing evidence. Court the applicant’s representative Ibrahim Barlas said that forcing two people to live together, the court violates human rights. According to him, he intends to seek review of this case for women who are victims of domestic violence. “In European countries to obtain a divorce simply to make a statement. Turkish courts are forcing people to provide some evidence. A quarter of women killed in 2016, and that 65 people were killed

Abe called the next provocation North Korea’s missile launch

Shinzo Abe Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called the next test of North Korean ballistic missiles in the sea of Japan is a serious provocation. Reported by the Japan Times. “This clearly violates the resolution of the UN Security Council, such actions are unacceptable,” said Abe. According to him, Japan, in close cooperation with the United States and South Korea will take all possible steps to protect the public “from any possible attacks,” given the increasing aggression by the DPRK. The publication notes that North Korea conducted another missile test on the eve of the scheduled on 6 and 7 April summit of the leaders of the United States and China, Donald trump and President XI Jinping, which, as expected, the topic of weapons programs in North Korea will be a key. Earlier, on 5 April it was reported that North Korea launched in the sea of Japan “unidentified missile” from

Syria accused Turkey of trying to create a new terrorist group

Damascus accused Ankara of trying to create two new terrorist groups in Syria, including fighters from the “Islamic state” (IG) and “Jabhat EN-Nusra” (both banned in Russia). In an interview with RIA Novosti said the Syrian Ambassador to Moscow Riyad Haddad. The diplomat gave the names of these groups. According to him, one of them is called “Shield of the coast”, the second “Shield of al-ASI” “But the new names do not mean differences of these groups to terrorist organizations: the name is new, the members are the same as in the IG, “Dzhabhat EN-Nusra” and other terrorist groups. They change only the name, but the doctrine remains the same,” — said Haddad. According to him, for recruitment in the new organization they are promised salaries of $ 400 dollars a month, and Turkish citizenship. On 4 April, the head of the Syrian diplomatic mission in Moscow said that Damascus

Mentally ill Chinese man killed three people with chopsticks

Severe mental illness a Chinese man stabbed with chopsticks three patients of the clinic in which they were treated. One person was injured. It is reported by the Shanghai Daily. The assailant named Yang Shitou was placed in a specialized medical institution at the end of February. He attacked were with him in the house other patients left unsupervised by staff. As explained by the hospital staff, Shitou somehow managed to free himself from the straps that were tied to the bed. Then he grabbed left on the table chopsticks, and began to inflict jabbing the sleeping neighbors. To stop the mentally ill could come to the rescue and nurses. He placed in the hands of the police.

Found a simple way to reverse aging

archive Scientists from the Institute of Science and Technology in the Korean city of Daegu found the substance that can reverse the aging process. This is the website of EurekAlert!. It is known that one of the causes of cellular aging is the degradation of lysosomes. In these organelles there is a splitting of biopolymers (DNA and proteins) that allows cells to remove damaged components such as defective mitochondria. Otherwise, the latter accumulate, which eventually leads to disruption of metabolism. Protein is ATM or serine/treoninove protein kinase attaches a phosphate group to the enzyme called vacuolar ATP-Asa, the result is reduced activity of lysosomes. The research team conducted experiments with the cell culture and found that the compound KU-60019 inhibits ATM, reduces the level of phosphorylation and restores the function of aging cells. The researchers plan to test the efficacy of compounds in animal models — organisms that grow old

In the UN security Council introduced a draft resolution on the incident with chemical weapons in Syria

United Kingdom, United States and France circulated to the members of the UN Security Council a draft resolution on the incident of chemical weapons in the Syrian province of Idlib. It is reported TASS with reference to the permanent mission of the United States at the world body. “This evening a joint resolution of the United States, Britain and France, concerning reports of the use of chemical weapons in Khan Shaykhun in the Syrian Arab Republic on 4 April, was circulated to members of the Security Council”, — is spoken in the message. The document will be located on the so-called silence procedure until 9:00 Wednesday, 5 April (16:00 GMT). The delegation during this time will be able to Express their objections in the text. At 17:00 GMT the UN security Council will gather for a public meeting. About the “gas attack” became known on Tuesday, April 4. It was

Mélenchon won the debate of candidates in presidents of France

The candidate in presidents of France Jean-Luc Mélenchon won last Tuesday April 4 election debates, according to a survey conducted by Elabe for TV channel BFMTV. For representing the left movement “Unconquered France” Mélenchon voted 25 percent of respondents. Emmanuel macron, representing the movement “Forward”, took second place with 21 percent of the votes, the top three with 15 percent rounded out by former Prime Minister Francois Fillon, of the far-right marine Le Pen was fourth with 11 percent. In the past the debate was attended by all 11 contenders for the top job. However, writes “Interfax”, the results of this survey greatly differ from the results of the online poll conducted by the French media. For example, in the online edition of Figaro, 52 percent of respondents expressed a preference Fillon, whereas Mélenchon has gained 16 percent. Election of the President of France will be held on 23 April,

The representative of the IG has called trump an idiot

The representative of the banned terrorist organization “Islamic state” abi al-Hasan al-Muhajir published an appeal to citizens of the United States, which called President Donald trump’s “the idiot who is at the helm of a sinking America,” reports Reuters. “Enough of the fact that you manages an idiot who does not know what Syria or Iraq or Islam”, — declared terrorist by Telegram messenger. “The drowned country, there is no salvation, you have become a victim to the soldiers of the Caliphate, and your death is visible to everyone,” he continued. Al-Muhajir became the official official representative of the IG after the death of his predecessor, Abu Mohammed al-Adnani in Aleppo, Syria in August 2016. In the first speech he urged the Islamists to tolerate all the hardships, saying that against ISIS and all Muslims on earth against “the Crusader United States and Europe, Communist Russia, the Parsis from Iran,

U.S. Secretary of state confirmed the launch of the DPRK ballistic missiles

Archive photo USA confirm information about the next launch in North Korea of a ballistic medium-range missiles, said the state Secretary Rex Tillerson. According to him, Washington has already spoken many times on this issue, and official comments on this particular run, no. Previously, the Agency “Yonhap”, citing sources in the defense Ministry of South Korea reported emitted in the direction of the sea of Japan “unidentified object” from the district to the North Korean port city of Shinpo, which flew about 60 kilometers. Subsequently, the Pacific command of the US Armed forces (USPACOM) classified the object as a medium-range missile KN-15. In the blog bmpd, conducted by the staff of the Center for analysis of strategies and technologies, stated that Shinpo is a shipyard where you collect submarines capable of carrying ballistic missiles KN-11. Pyongyang launched a few hours before meeting US President Donald trump with the Chinese leader