Tillerson was scheduled in Moscow to discuss cooperation on Syria

Rex Tillerson U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson intends during his visit to Moscow on April 11-12 to discuss the possible deepening of cooperation with Russia on Syria. As reported by RIA Novosti, told reporters a senior state Department official. He asked the question, will you discuss in Moscow cooperation between the US and Russia on Syria given the recent alleged chemical attack in Idlib, the responsibility for which Washington has placed on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The representative of the Ministry noted that this incident is “a huge problem in the last couple of days.” “We are considering the possibility to cooperate with Russian, but no decisions have been made at this point to more to cooperate,” he said. “If Russia makes a choice in favor of never having to consider it, sure it will be of great significance for our considerations,” added the representative. “The recent incident in

Russia convened the consultations of the UN security Council in connection with the situation in Idlib

Russia convened the consultations of the UN Security Council to discuss the draft resolution on the situation in the Syrian Idlib. As reported RIA Novosti, said the press Secretary of the Russian permanent representative Fedor Strzygowski. According to him, consultations will take place at 18:30 (01:30 Moscow time on Friday, April 7). The situation around Syria deteriorated after April 4, it was reported that unidentified aircraft dropped on opposition-controlled city of Khan shaykhun chemical munitions. Killed at least 58 people, injured about 200. Indicated that is affected saliva is a sign of chemical poisoning. The President of the United States Donald trump blamed for the chemical attack in Syria on Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad. In turn, Secretary Rex Tillerson stressed that those who “protect and support Assad, including Russia and Iran,” should not have illusions about him and his intentions. Thursday, April 6, the Embassy reported the discussion by the

Tenth frame signed the new Constitution of Thailand

Maha Vachiralongkorn The king of Thailand Maha Wachiralongkon (Tenth Frame) signed a new Constitution granting more powers to the ruling military junta. On Thursday, April 6, reports The South China Morning Post. In the Constitution, which became the 20-th, the need for new parliamentary elections, which are expected to be held in the second half of 2018. It is expected that the document will help to overcome the longstanding political conflict in Thai society. The new Constitution was supported by more than half of Thai nationals in a referendum in August last year. According to TASS, one of the main innovations is that now the Prime Minister can choose not only from among members of Parliament. The upper house of Parliament during the transitional period will consist of appointed politicians. In may 2014, Thailand had a military coup, became the answer army in a protracted political crisis. The rebels have

Austrian student helped to prevent mass murder

Austrian teenager helped prevent a mass murder in one of the German schools, informing the police about suspicious messages in the online chat. On Thursday, April 6, Fox News reports. According to the newspaper, he communicated online with other students, while one of them said that he was going to arrange a massacre at the school, and sent him a photo of the weapon as evidence. The teenager told law enforcement officials of Austria, who gave this information to their German counterparts. They found that the suspect’s house is located in Uslar (Germany), and calculating the exact address, arrested him. According to RIA Novosti, 16-year-old Austrian called the police early morning April 5 from Linz. He spent several hours talked to who planned a massacre peers, finding out information about it. “When the crime was supposed to do, is still unknown. The suspect justified his behavior by saying that he

In Libya freed in prison 35 African women

Libyan authorities released 28 women originally from Eritrea and seven from Nigeria, who was in detention after they managed to escape from the militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). The extremists were holding them in sexual slavery in the Libyan city of Sirte, reports The Independent. “I’m so happy, no words to describe my joy. I love to see family and will be able to start a new life” — leads the publication the words of 14-year-old girl, was released to freedom. According to former prisoners, extremists forced them to accept Islam, and then sold to different fighters. They were humiliated and starved. After the women managed to escape, they were detained by the representatives of the Libyan authorities and sent for a few months in jail in order to detect the presence of terrorist ties. How long women were held captive by the

Coloring with ziguyuschim Hitler was withdrawn from sale in the Netherlands

The Dutch network of shops selling goods of daily demand Kruidvat removed from sale coloring book once the buyers found the picture with ziguyuschim Adolf Hitler. It is reported by the NL Times. Photo image of the leader of Nazi Germany were placed in social networks users. Guide Kruidvat published in his Facebook post with a request to return a product, promising to reimburse the amount spent. “Book were sold in the afternoon on Monday, it was sold a few dozen copies. We will try to figure out how all this could happen,” says the message. Coloring Kleuren op code Torens (the name can be translated as “the Color code on the towers”) was published in the Belgian publishing house Trifora (it also apologized for the incident), it was printed in India. In addition to Hitler, the book contains images of Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, and albert Einstein. In February

The number of births of Muslims will outnumber Christians by 2035

The Muslim mothers by 2035 born more children than Christians: 225 million against 224 million, respectively. To such conclusion researchers from the Pew Research Centre, reports The Independent. While at 2055 2060 the gap may become even more significant and can reach six million. It is also noted that reduced the number of atheists. This clarifies that no matter what, Christians will still outnumber Muslims. So, from 2010 to 2015 31 percent of all newborns in the world were Muslims. It is reported that the birth rate among Christians is not falling but is growing less rapidly compared to the followers of the Prophet. According to the publication, currently one-third of the more than 7 billion population are Christians, followed by Muslims. Another 16 percent are atheists. In early March of this year the Pew Research Centre has published a forecast according to which Islam will become the most popular

Four candidates for the French presidency called for the decriminalization of marijuana

Four of the five main candidates for the French presidency favoured the gradual decriminalization of marijuana use. About it reports The Independent. According to the current legislation, which entered into force in 1970, for the reception of illegal drugs faces up to a year in prison or a fine in the amount of 3.75 billion euros. It is noted that Jean-Luc Mélenchon, representing the left movement “Unconquered France”, and the candidate from the Socialist party, Benoit Hamon is made for the legalization of the drug, while the leader of “National front” marine Le Pen spoke in favor of retaining the current law. “This is absolutely crazy idea. On the contrary, we should use every opportunity to fight the spread and use of drugs”, — said the politician. Emmanuel macron, representing the movement “Forward”, in turn suggested that the police wrote out fines of 100 euros to those who are caught

Russia called empty statements Pence of the violation of Syria’s agreement on chemical weapons

Mike Pence Russia considers unfounded statements by Vice-President Mike Pence about what Moscow and Damascus, allegedly not fulfilled the obligation to eliminate chimurenga. This was stated by the Director of the Department of the Russian foreign Ministry on issues of non-proliferation and arms control Mikhail Ulyanov, reports RIA Novosti. The Ministry said that the American policy “there is no evidence to suggest that the agreement from 2013 didn’t work.” The diplomat suggested that, most likely, the new administration is not yet quite fluent with information on this issue. Ulyanov added that by the middle of 2014, all the precursors of chemical weapons were taken from Syrian territory. “The main burden then fell on Damascus and Russia. But the Americans have made their important contribution. Russian-American cooperation in the process of removal of chemicals outside of Syria as a whole was quite successful,” — said the Director of the Department. April

Duterte ordered to deploy troops on the territory of disputed Islands in the South China sea

Rodrigo Duterte The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte ordered to deploy troops on the territory of disputed Islands in the South China sea (SCS). On Thursday, April 6, reports the South China Morning Post. According to the head of the state, it is about nine or ten Islands. “The impression is that everyone is trying to grab these Islands, so we better be living on those still open,” he explained. The President previously announced his intention to visit one of them and raise over them the Philippine flag. The trip was planned to coincide with the independence Day of the Philippines, which is celebrated in mid-June. Duterte before also stated that he is going to build a barracks on the island Titus, one of the Islands of the Spratly archipelago, which China is building military bases. Islands in the South China sea are the subject of a territorial dispute