The Swedish police have denied information about the arrest of a terrorist on the truck

Swedish police have arrested a suspect in the Stockholm attack. On it informs Agency Reuters. The chief of police also said that the authorities had no knowledge of the impending attack. Earlier, on 7 April, Prime Minister Stefan löfven said that the guards managed to catch the suspect in the attack. The head of the Swedish Cabinet also said that the incident has all the hallmarks of a terrorist attack. In addition, the company Spendrups said that in committing an assault used their car — the customer called the car, waited for her and when the driver left the cab, climbed inside and drove away. April 7 at Drottninggatan, the main pedestrian street of the Swedish capital — the truck rammed the crowd. The car stopped after he entered the window of one of the stores. According to preliminary data, killed three to five people, reported several injuries. The Central

The media learned about the plan of the Council of national security of the US to kill the leader of North Korea

The national security Council under the President of the United States presented the Donald Trump scenario of countering the DPRK’s nuclear programme. On Saturday, April 8, reports channel NBC, citing a number of sources in military and intelligence circles. Among other things, developed the physical elimination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, as well as the deployment of nuclear bombs South of the 38th parallel. 25 years ago the United States completely removed the weapons of mass destruction from South Korea, and one of the options was expected to return to the military base Osan less than 70 kilometers from Seoul. Another option are covert operations to infiltrate the American and South Korean special forces in Korea for sabotage, in particular, blowing up bridges to block mobile rocket launchers. At the request of NBC the Central intelligence Agency of the USA has declared, that can not offer on this item

McCain called Russia and the President of Syria “are equally bad”

A member of the Senate of the U.S. Congress, Republican John McCain stated on CNN that “the Russians are just as bad” as Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad, because, probably, Moscow knew about the existence of chemical weapons from government troops Arab Republic. Answering a journalist’s question about the situation in Syria, McCain called Russia a “proven partner”. “Russian, probably, was aware of the movement of Syrian army chemical weapons because they are allies of Bashar al-Assad. And they used precision weapons against hospitals in Aleppo. They are as bad as Assad. They helped him with barrel bombs, they rescued him over and over again,” said the Senator. On the night of 7 April, two destroyers of the U.S. Navy has released 59 cruise missiles at the airfield shirt used by government troops. The shelling began after the Syrian opposition about the alleged use of loyal Assad forces of chemical weapons

The detainee in Stockholm at the terrorist attack found an Uzbek passport

Continued: media reported about the arrest of the second suspect in the case of the terrorist attack in Stockholm 39-year-old detainee in Stockholm at the terrorist attack found an Uzbek passport. According to the newspaper Aftonbladet, the suspect expressed sympathy of the IG (“Islamic state” terrorist group, which is prohibited in Russia). On his page on Facebook he posted propaganda materials of the extremists and put the huskies photos with the consequences of a terrorist attack on the marathon in Boston in 2013. Earlier it was reported that the detainee, whose name was not disclosed, acknowledged responsibility for their actions. Currently the investigation is trying to figure out how long he was in Sweden. Aftonbladet reporters learned that the suspect, who works in the construction industry and has four children. According to his friends, he never talked about politics or religion, being interested only to work to send more money

In the U.S. Congress proposed to create a “hybrid Tribunal” in Syria

A group of senators suggested that the upper chamber of Congress to study the bill, which in the U.S. can be created “hybrid Tribunal” in Syria. The text of the document published on the website of the former participant of presidential race Mark Rubio. In the case of a the court will consider “war crimes and crimes against humanity of the regime of Bashar Assad.” One of the authors of the bill, Republican Senator Todd young, said that “justice and U.S. security interests require that we not sit idly by while innocent Syrian men, women and children gassed, tortured and killed”. The bill was introduced after the US attack in the night of 7 April on the airfield shirt used by governmental armies of Syria. By order of the President of Donald trump’s two destroyers released 59 cruise missiles. The shelling began after the Syrian opposition about the alleged use

The media learned about the arrest of the second suspect in the case of the terrorist attack in Stockholm

Swedish police have arrested a second suspect of involvement in the terrorist attack using a truck in Stockholm. About it reports Reuters with a reference to the broadcaster SVT. It is reported that the man was detained in the Northern suburbs of Hjulsta. According to police, he is associated with the man who was arrested earlier on Friday, the 7th of April. Earlier it was reported that 39-year-old detainee found an Uzbek passport. Publicly as a Suspect in the network expressed sympathy for terrorists. According to media reports, the detainee working in the construction industry, has four children. The suspect was taken into custody. The attack occurred on Friday, April 7. On Drottninggatan, the main pedestrian street of Stockholm, the truck crashed into the crowd. The car stopped after he entered the window of one of the stores. According to recent reports, four people were killed, another 15 were injured.

Russia’s reaction to a US strike on Syria disappointed Tillerson

U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson disappointed with Russia’s response to a US strike on Syria. He told this to journalists on Saturday, April 8, reports Reuters. Tillerson said that he was “disappointed but not surprised by the reaction of Moscow, which continues to support Bashar al-Assad.” On the night of 7 April by order of the President of Donald trump, the United States released 59 cruise missiles at the airfield shirt used by governmental armies of Syria. After the airstrike, Russia suspended the action concluded in October 2015 Memorandum on the prevention of incidents and ensuring the safety of aviation operations in Syria. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev expressed the view that the attack on the airbase was done in violation of international law and has put Moscow and Washington “on the brink of military clashes”. The shelling began after the Syrian opposition about the alleged use of loyal to

Poland expressed dissatisfaction with the reminder of the Katyn about the death of captured soldiers of the red army

The Polish foreign Ministry expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the Russian side in the Polish military cemetery in Katyn placed on the information boards data on the red army, captured in 1919-1921 and the dead in Polish captivity. A statement posted on its website on Friday, April 7. According to Warsaw, the numbers of dead prisoners is several times higher than the actual figures confirmed by Polish and Russian historians. In addition, as stated, most of the prisoners died because of the camp conditions caused by the “dramatic economic situation of the Polish lands after a long struggle for independence.” “These conditions equally affected the Russian soldiers and Polish citizens,” — said the Agency. Polish diplomats indicated that Russia’s actions were carried out on the eve of the planned activities on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the Katyn massacre and the seventh anniversary of the Smolensk plane

The results of the meeting, trump and XI Jinping

XI Jinping and Donald trump The President of the United States Donald trump and Chinese President XI Jinping laid the Foundation for the transition to the new format of negotiations between States. About it as transfers TASS, said the state Secretary Rex Tillerson. “They had a productive meeting in a positive way,” said Tillerson. He added that the understanding between the two leaders laid the Foundation for the subsequent meetings of delegations at a high level. Trump “expressed the opinion that China needs to take concrete steps in order to create equal conditions for American workers” and “reiterated the need to ensure mutual access to the markets.” In addition, the United States and China reaffirmed their commitment to elimination of nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula. Beijing and Washington have agreed “to enhance cooperation and to work with the international community to convince the DPRK in a peaceful manner to

The main witness in the case of the coup in Montenegro recanted

Mirko Velimirovic Mirko Velimirovic, one of the main witnesses in the case of organizing the coup attempt in Montenegro, stated that their confessions were fabricated by the Special Prosecutor’s office and signed by him under pressure. This was reported in the Democratic front (DF), the Montenegrin opposition parties, reports RIA Novosti. “I don’t want false readings to cause suffering and loss of liberty of someone else. Want to soothe their conscience with the message of the truth about the events of October 2016… we had no plans to commit violence against the citizens of Montenegro, their political or state representatives or the police, or to seize power through violent means,” said Velimirovic. He also said that he would sign anything under threat freedom trust him. “And the more readings, the meaning of which see now,” said Velimirovic. In Spectaculator have already responded to the actions of the Velimirovic. “The court