Employees of the company Fox asked not to behave with women as trump

Donald Trump The employees of the broadcasting company Fox advised not to behave with women like President Donald Trump and not to grab their crotch. According to The Hollywood Reporter, citing a source among the employees of the Corporation. According to the source, during a workshop for staff on the unacceptability of sexual harassment and abuse, as illustrative material was used in the famous audio recording of Donald trump, in which he talks about his methods of treatment of women. “After a five-minute story about what harassment is and why it is necessary to immediately inform, we heard these words, — said the source. — The room seemed to be heard the universal sigh: are we really heard?” Fox the incident have not commented on. In October 2016 the editors of the Washington Post has published a video, shot in 2005. In this upcoming filming trump tells his interlocutor that

Johnson made the new us strikes on Syria

Boris Johnson The Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain, Boris Johnson in an interview with The Sun declared that does not exclude new U.S. strikes on Syria. Johnson emphasized that by their actions the US sent the Syrian leadership a clear signal “the Most important thing that they can do it again,” he said. In addition, the head of the foreign office praised us President Donald trump for determination, which “lacked the last few years.” Earlier on April 10, it became known that great Britain intends to achieve from partners in the G7 the introduction of new anti-Russian sanctions. The Minister of foreign Affairs Boris Johnson will demand from Western countries “very hard sanctions in the form of punishment” for the chemical attack on rebel controlled areas. The document of sanctions prepared for the meeting of the foreign Ministers of the G7, which will be held in the province

Elections in Indian Kashmir ended with the death of eight people

The election to the Parliament in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir over the mass disorders and the deaths of eight people. About it reports Reuters. In several areas of the state placed under curfew, and the chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Mufti Mehbooba called to cancel the next round of voting. It needs to take place on Wednesday, April 12, in the city of Anantnag and surrounding area. The opposition accuses the ruling party that failed to ensure the safety of voters. The Kashmiris had to choose a Deputy for the vacant position from their staff in the lower house of the Indian Parliament — Lok Sabha. It claimed nine candidates, favorites are the representative of the ruling people’s democratic party of Jammu and Kashmir Nazir Ahmad Khan and joint candidate of the party’s national conference and the Indian national Congress and Farooq Abdullah. Just we have

The media spoke about the role of Ivanka trump in the decision to strike on Syria

Ivanka Trump The daughter and the adviser of the President of the United States Donald trump, Ivanka has had a major influence on the father when making decisions about missile strike on Syria. It is reported by The Independent, citing sources familiar with the situation. According to the publication, Ivanka trump was shocked by the footage depicting victims of a gas attack in the Syrian town of Khan Sheikh. According to sources, it influenced the decision in the oval office of the White house and the US response was “stronger than expected”. April 7, U.S. army by order of the trump struck with cruise missiles at the airfield shirt used by government forces in Syria. Before that, Washington has accused Damascus in the use of toxic substances during the air attack in Idlib province on April 4, which killed dozens of people. The Syrian authorities deny these allegations.

In Beijing announced a reward of 72 thousand dollars for the denunciation of spies

The Beijing Department of the Ministry of public security of China announced the payment of monetary awards to citizens who provide information about foreign spies. About it reports BBC News. For this kind of data donositeli can get from 10 to 500 thousand yuan (1.5 to 72 thousand dollars) depending on the value of the information provided. As stated in the statement of the Management, people should help the authorities to put “the iron barrier” on the way of foreign intelligence services. Vigilant and conscious assistants can contact the Agency by phone of the hot line opened in the past year, write a letter or personally appear to testify. Moreover, the authorities recalled that the country last year a program of raising awareness of citizens about the machinations of foreign intelligence services. 21 April last year, a Chinese court sentenced to seven years in prison the man who photographed military

The police reported that when the Stockholm terrorist with ISIS

The suspect in the terrorist attack in Stockholm, 39-year-old citizen of Uzbekistan Rakhmat Akilov was acting on orders given by members of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). It is reported by Aftonbladet. “We know that he sympathized with extremist groups, including ISIS,” said the chief of police of Sweden Jonas Hysing. According to him, in the truck, which was ruled by Akilov, was discovered a variety of chemical, flammable and submunitions that could be used to make an explosive device. A police spokesman also said that during a search conducted in one of the apartments in the North of Stockholm, where I was hiding Akilov, was received about 70 “digital evidence” evidence against the suspect. In 2014 Akilov filed for asylum in Sweden. In December last year he was denied and ordered to leave the Kingdom within four weeks. However, Akilov escaped and was wanted

Trump Jr. reminded us about the celebrities promise to leave the United States

Donald trump Jr. The US President’s son Donald trump Jr. in his Twitter said the American celebrities on their promise to leave the US and over the outcome of presidential elections. . — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) 09 April 2017, 19:23 “I’m still waiting for the local stars, who promised to do the same, leave!” — he wrote. So trump Jr. responded to the entry of one of the users, which reported on the desire of some French well-known personalities to immigrate to Canada in case of a victory on presidential elections of the leader of the far-right National front, marine Le Pen. Many American celebrities, including cher, Barbra Streisand, Lena Dunham, Amy Schumer and Miley Cyrus, announced his desire to leave the country in case of victory trump at the election of the President of the United States.

The Agency has reported a sudden reversal of the US Navy aircraft carrier to the coast of South Korea

The United States suddenly launched off the coast of South Korea strike group led by the nuclear aircraft carrier “Carl Vinson” (Carl Vinson). On Monday, April 10, reports the news Agency “Yonhap”, citing the South Korean military. According to them, the ships have changed the original plan to go to the ports of Australia and from Singapore heading towards the Korean Peninsula. In addition to the aircraft carrier, in the group of two destroyers and a cruiser with guided missiles capable of intercepting ballistic missiles. The Agency indicates on the rather unusual nature of this maneuver, as the “Carl Vinson” came to South Korea less than a month ago. On April 9 the head of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Viktor Ozerov admitted that Washington could launch a missile attack on military objects in the DPRK. In his view, sending the United States strike group of the

The media learned about the British package of anti-Russian sanctions

Boris Johnson Britain intends to achieve from partners in the G7 the introduction of new anti-Russian sanctions. This was reported by the Times newspaper. According to London, this should be done as punishment for supporting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who used, as the British side insists that the chemical weapons in Idlib. “The Minister of foreign Affairs Boris Johnson will demand from Western countries “very hard sanctions in the form of punishment” for the chemical attack on rebel controlled areas. … The document of sanctions prepared for the meeting of the foreign Ministers of the G7, which will be held in the province of Lucca, Italy”, — says the publication. Johnson insists that the restrictions were imposed in the case if Moscow does not abandon support for Assad. On 9 April, the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley announced that President Donald trump discusses with

Trump thanked the commander stabbed at the air base in Syria destroyer

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump personally thanked Andrieu Slough (Slough Andria) — the commander of the destroyer, which was hit with cruise missiles at an air force base in Syria. About it the press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer wrote in his Twitter “Today, in the afternoon, the President called commander Andrieu slow, to commander Porter, to congratulate and to thank for the attack on Syria,” — says the publication. Earlier, Senator John McCain said that the blame for the chemical attack in Idlib, the responsibility for which Washington holds Damascus and after which they suffered a missile attack on Syrian air base, lies partly on the property trump. On the night of 7 April, the President ordered the United States to strike at the airfield in Shayrat, Syria. Two destroyers of the U.S. air force was released 59 cruise missiles. 4 April