The US presented an ultimatum to Russia over Syria

Rex Tillerson The head of the US state Department Rex Tillerson presented an ultimatum to Russia because of the support provided by Moscow to the Syrian regime. Reported by the Associated Press. The Secretary said, Russia should make a choice between “US and sane countries on one side and Iran, Hezbollah and the regime of [Syrian President] Bashar al-Assad on the other.” “We want to alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people. Russia could become a part of the future and an important role to play or to keep their Alliance with this group, which, in our opinion, will not serve the interests of Russia in the long term,” he said. Earlier, on 11 April, Prime Minister Theresa may in the course of conversation with the President of the United States Donald trump agreed that there now exists a “window of opportunity” to persuade Russia to break off relations with

Petersburg the bomber shortly before the attack were deported from Turkey

About Jalilov The perpetrators of terrorist acts in St. Petersburg metro About Jalilov was deported from Turkey in December 2016. On Tuesday, April 11, the newspaper Yeni Akit. How long the young man was in the country, the publication does not specify. We only know that after he was blacklisted, he’s about a year illegal was in Turkey. Jalilova on the links with the terrorist underground newspaper said. April 3 at metro St. Petersburg in the train, EN route from the metro station “Sennaya Ploschad” to the “Technological Institute”, an explosion occurred, which killed 14 people. It is established that the attack was committed by 22-year-old suicide Akbarjon Jalilov — an ethnic Uzbek from Kyrgyzstan, a few years ago, got a Russian passport. April 7, Basmanny court of Moscow has concluded in custody until June 3 of the citizen of Tajikistan sodica Ortikova suspected of involvement in the attack.

The suspect in the Stockholm attack, the Uzbek pleaded guilty

Rahmat Akilov Rahmat Akilov, 39-year-old native of Uzbekistan, has confessed that he committed the attack in Stockholm. About it reports BBC News. “His position is that he pleaded guilty to committing a terrorist act and is willing to prison,” said his lawyer. Swedish police confirmed that Akilov was in their field of vision. He was a supporter of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). In 2014 Akilov filed for asylum in Sweden. In December last year he was denied and ordered to leave the Kingdom within four weeks, but Akilov escaped and was wanted for forcible deportation. April 7 at Drottninggatan, the main pedestrian street of Stockholm — a truck crashed into the crowd. The car stopped after crashed into the window of one of shops. As a result of collision four persons were lost: two Swedish nationals, one of the UK and Belgian. 15 people

Trump will ask the largest U.S. companies to participate in the national restructuring

The US President Donald trump on Tuesday will meet with the heads of the twenty largest U.S. companies in the framework of the project to collect a trillion dollars on infrastructure programs. This was announced by White house spokesman Sean Spicer, Reuters reports. The head of state, in particular, is scheduled to meet with representatives of General Motors, IBM and Wal-Mart Stores. In the election program of the “national restructuring” trump promised to send a trillion dollars of private and public investment to repair bridges, the development of electricity grids and broadband Internet. In addition, the money will be spent on upgrading of airports, and perhaps, upgrade of the hospitals for veterans. Also in the plans of the 45th President of the United States listed the tax reform, which seems to simplify the system of charges on income and the introduction of new rules, stimulating the transfer of production to

Human rights activists have noted a decline in the number of executions in the world

In 2016 the world was executed by 1,032 people, which is 37 percent less than in 2015. The data provided in the report of Amnesty International published on Tuesday, April 11. According to human rights activists, the death penalty in 2016, applied in 23 countries, and 87 percent of executed sentences were for Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Pakistan. However, the list did not get statistics for China, since most of the information relevant to the application of this penalty in China is a state secret. For the first time since 2006, the US was not among the five leading countries in the number of executions. Over the 20 year time was given in pursuance of an exceptional sentence, but death row there is still 2 832. The death penalty in the Russian Criminal code, but in 1996 it was a moratorium in connection with country’s accession to the Council

North Korea has declared readiness to respond to a US attack

In Pyongyang believe that sending the shock of American air group to the Korean Peninsula proves the aggressive intentions of the United States, which North Korea is ready to respond. As transfers RIA Novosti, the corresponding statement the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Republic of circulated by the KCNA. The Ministry said that the direction of the nuclear aircraft carrier “Carl Vinson” in the waters off the coast of the Peninsula proves that the scenario of the US invasion of the DPRK has reached a serious phase. “If the US dares to make a choice in favor of military action, shouting slogans of “preventive strike” and “the destruction of the headquarters”, the DPRK is ready to react in any U.S. form of military action,” — said the Minister. The statement also stressed that the DPRK is not asking for the world, but always “ready to defend themselves by force

Trump and Mei agreed that it is necessary to convince Russia to break with Assad

Donald Trump, Theresa May Prime Minister Theresa may in the course of conversation with the President of the United States Donald trump agreed that there now exists a “window of opportunity” to persuade Russia to sever ties with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. About it reports Reuters referring to the Prime Minister’s office. Trump thanked Mei for the support after last week’s military operation in Syria against Assad. During the meeting, both leaders agreed that the upcoming visit to Moscow by U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson gives you the ability to move in search of solutions. In addition, Mei and trump stressed the importance of the international community, including China, put pressure on North Korea. April 4, the Syrian opposition said that loyal to Assad forces allegedly use chemical weapons in Idlib province. Victims of the attack were 87 people, more than 200 were injured. Damascus his involvement in the

Human rights activists pointed to the falsification of evidence himataki in Syria

Swedish organization “Doctors for human rights” (SWEDHR) has accused the organization of “White helmets” in the falsification of evidence of a chemical attack that was allegedly carried out by the government of Bashar al-Assad in Syria. About it in interview to TV channel RT, said the organization’s President Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli. “I can’t judge the nature of this incident, as there is no evidence that can be discussed. There are reports, which voiced officials in the United States, particularly in the Pentagon. Then the following testimony provided by representatives of the “White helmets”, whose veracity in such cases is subject to serious doubt,” said the Professor, Recalling that the volunteers of this organization in the past have caught in such fabrications. According to the founder SWEDHR, this situation occurred in the past and its main motive is creating a pretext for imposing Syria no-fly zone. “The Syrian government

U.S. intelligence doubted the knowledge of Moscow about plans to himatake in Syria

Intelligence community in the United States has no uniform position on the issue that Russia allegedly knew about the plans of a chemical attack by Syrian government forces in Idlib province. This was told to journalists the high-ranking source in the White house, reports TASS. Earlier, Republican Senator John McCain said that Moscow helped the troops of President Bashar al-Assad, because they “knew about the chemical weapons with which FSI Russian planes made flights”. April 4, the Syrian opposition has declared that loyal to Assad forces allegedly use chemical weapons in Idlib province. Victims of the attack were 87 people, more than 200 were injured. Damascus his involvement in the incident rejected, however those charges were the pretext for the perfect on the orders of the President of the United States Donald trump strike with cruise missiles at the airfield shirt used by Syrian government aircraft. The bombing of the

USA made new attacks on Syria if use of chemical weapons

Sean Spicer The United States does not rule out new attacks on Syria if there’s a new chemical attack. Such statement as transfers RIA Novosti, did White house spokesman Sean Spicer. “If people are exposed to attack using toxic substances, we reserve the possibility for new actions,” he said. At the same time, according to Spicer, the US and Russia have common interests in the fight against “Islamic state”, Washington wants to work in this direction with Moscow. USA at night on April 7, struck the airfield shirt, which was used by Syrian government forces. The order to launch 59 cruise missiles gave President Donald trump. The shelling was carried out after reports of the opposition that is loyal to the leader of Syria Bashar al-Assad’s forces allegedly used chemical weapons in Idlib province. After the attack on the airbase Russia has suspended the prisoner in the 2015 Memorandum on