The media talked about the impression the Russian diplomats from Tillerson

Rex Tillerson New US Secretary of state Rex Tillerson is a strong negotiator, who was able to produce on the Russian side. It is reported RIA Novosti citing a source in the diplomatic office. According to the interlocutor Agency, the head of the state Department — a strong charismatic, who brilliantly negotiates. His predecessor, John Kerry, on the background of the new head office looks much weaker. Also present at the talks, the diplomats told the Agency that the heads of the diplomatic departments 99 percent of the time devoted to the discussion of the Syrian problem, only slightly touching on Ukraine and other issues. Tillerson met with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on 12 April. Press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that the parties “very thoroughly” discussed issues of the Syrian settlement. “The President outlined our vision of the current

Media revealed the plans of the US to deter North Korea

The American authorities have developed a layered strategy to counter the nuclear program of North Korea. On Thursday, April 13, according to Reuters. First of all we are talking about diplomatic and economic sanctions, but it is possible and coercive methods. Provides for the imposition of an embargo on oil supplies to the DPRK and a ban on the export of North Korean seafood and coal. North Korean aircraft may not be allowed to cross the airspace of other States, and ships to enter foreign ports. It is noted that some sanctions may be imposed by the UN. Currently the Korean Peninsula is moving strike group United States Navy led by the nuclear aircraft carrier Carl Vinson. In Seoul fear that the new provocation by North Korea will provoke the U.S. to deliver on the DPRK military strike that could lead eventually to full-scale war in the region. On 13

The American couple looked “Manchester by the sea” and killed the son of a disabled

Married couple from Guildford (district Shenango of the state of new York, USA) killed his adopted son with a disability after watching the film “Manchester by the sea.” To hide traces of crime, they burned the house where the body of a child. This was announced by district attorney Joseph McBride, who is engaged in the case, reports the Associated Press. The murder was committed on the night of March 1 — two days after the film received two Academy awards — however, the media wrote about it only on April 12. 35-year-old Ernest Franklin and his 33-year-old wife Heather had committed the crime two hours after home movie, inspired by the plot of the film. The police came to their house after calling the neighbors who reported the fire. Materials on теме00:02 7 April 2017What is ridiculous smartname bright candidates for the Darwin award “The victim was badly burned.

The United States accused Russia of meddling in Montenegrin elections

Washington has accused Moscow of meddling in the elections in Montenegro in October 2016. About it reports Reuters. “We are extremely concerned about the Russian intervention in the October elections in Montenegro, including credible reports that Russia supported a coup attempt in the voting day”, — told reporters a senior White house official. According to him, Washington Podgorica will provide any necessary assistance in the investigation of the incident. In February the special Prosecutor of Montenegro Milivoje Catnic accused Moscow of involvement in the coup attempt, which was to occur in October 2016. On the same day, British The Telegraph reported that Russian special services might be behind the assassination attempt on the former Prime Minister of the Republic Milo Djukanovic. The Russian foreign Ministry all such allegations called unfounded, the Kremlin said that Moscow’s involvement in the Montenegrin events is not out of the question. Later, one of the

Two Russians, have received prison sentences for fraud in casino Singapore

Two Russian citizens sentenced to imprisonment in Singapore for fraud in the casino. On Thursday, April 13, reports TASS with reference to head of the consular Department of the Embassy of the Russian Federation Vadim Savin According to him, the 41-year-old Vladislav Logachev got 45 months and 33-summer Andrey Egorov will spend behind bars for 30 months. The diplomat added that lawyers intend to appeal the verdict. “Representatives of the Embassy are closely monitoring the development of the case, before the court met on several occasions with the accused”, he said. In 2016, to 22 months in prison was sentenced by the third accomplice— the same age as Logacheva, a citizen of the Czech Republic Radoslav SKOLNIK. Police have ustanovili that in may 2016 criminal group, using a fraudulent scheme, won in slot machines in two casinos about 77 thousand dollars. According to Singapore law, the perpetrator of such crimes

The personality has arranged explosion near a Church in Alexandria suicide

Egyptian authorities identified the suicide bomber exploded a bomb near a Church in Alexandria. As reported on Wednesday, April 12, from Reuters, about this stated in the statement of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the country. It is reported that it was 31-year-old resident of the province of Suez, Mahmud Hassan Mubarak Abdullah (Abdullah Hassan Mubarak). April 9, in the churches of Egypt within a few hours of two explosions occurred. This morning a bomb on themselves activated past the main temple of Tanta during the service the bomber, killing about 30 people, another 80 were wounded. Later another bomber blew himself up near the entrance to the Church of Alexandria, the victims were 17 people, including four police officers who stopped the terrorist and not let him inside, that has allowed to avoid a large number of dead and wounded Responsibility for attack was assumed banned in the

Germany promised support to Serbia in the EU accession

Sigmar Gabriel Berlin promised to support the application of Belgrade for membership in the European Union. On Wednesday, April 12, according to Reuters. Foreign Minister of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel, after talks with the elected Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic called Serbia “a factor of stability in the Balkans”. He said that Germany would vote in favor of EU membership, but Belgrade must first carry out reforms and to normalize relations with the partially recognized state of Kosovo. The Minister said that could not name the exact date when Serbia will apply for membership in the European Union. Throughout Serbia now are mass protests, which involved mostly young people. Protesters claim that the election results were falsified and call on Vucic to give up the post of the President. In addition, they require the resignation of the Chairman of the Parliament Maya gojkovic. The victory of Vucic became known on 3 April,

Safronov asked the UK permanent representative to the UN, “don’t look away”

Vladimir Safronkov Deputy of Russia’s permanent representative to the UN Vladimir Safronkov said the statement of the British representative Matthew Rycroft made at the meeting of the Security Council of the world organization. On Wednesday, April 12, RIA Novosti reported. The British, in particular, said that Russia “is abusing the veto power, the support regime (the Syrian authorities — Approx. ed.) and the use of chemical weapons”. He added that Moscow has “lost confidence”. It Safronkov said that Rycroft “only thought is to obstruct the efforts of the” special UN envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura and not allow to develop the political process, to bring Swabes UN confrontation and hostility “Are you afraid, lost sleep, that we will cooperate with the United States. You’re afraid of. All done to ensure that this interaction was undermined… Look at me, the eyes do not take you eye bends?” — leads the

Trump has threatened North Korea nuclear submarines

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump asked the President of China XI Jinping to convey to the leadership of North Korea that Washington has armed not only has aircraft carriers, but nuclear submarines. It is stated in the excerpts from an interview with an American leader, published on Wednesday, April 12, the newspaper The Wall Street Journal. As writes the edition, APR 11, trump called XI Jinping voiced this request during the nearly one-hour telephone conversation. “We cannot allow North Korea to have nuclear weapons. As long as they have no means of delivery [of such weapons], but they will”, — such opinion was expressed by the President of the United States. He added that the sending of United States carrier battle group to the Korean Peninsula “means the deterring Pyongyang from further action”. 12 April, an informed source in Russian power structures said “the”

Trump noted the tremendous work Tillerson talks in Moscow

Donald Trump U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson has done “tremendous work” on the negotiations in which he took part in the last few days in Italy and Russia. As reported RIA Novosti, such opinion was expressed by the President of the United States Donald trump at a press conference after talks with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. “I want to note the remarkable work done by the Secretary of state Rex Tillerson to strengthen the unity of NATO, as well as his visit to Moscow to promote U.S. security interests and our allies. He did a great job,” said the American leader. Tillerson talks in Moscow trump called successful, stressing that the important to their results. “I think he was a successful meeting in Russia, we’ll see what the results are, important is the results, not just talk,” said trump, adding that the encounter was “even better than I