The lawyer reported about the transfer to Russia of the defendants in the case about the murders on the Maidan

Law enforcement officers in Central Kiev, January 2014 Four former employees of the Kharkov “Berkut” special forces, accused of the murder of Euromaidan activists moved from Ukraine to Russia. That’s forbidden in Russia the portal “Censor.No,” said their lawyer Valentin Rybin. “13 April, they quietly boarded a bus and went to Russia. Internal passports, openly and completely relaxed. Not only escaped, because he was not under restraint and left in a safe place,” said Rybin. He said that Vladislav Mastiha and Tom Felts to 13 April were under house arrest, as a preventive measure in the form of personal commitment Alexander Kostyuk ended in March. Vitaliy Goncharenko April 6, was released by court from-under guards under the personal obligation. In addition, on 14 April on the YouTube channel of the Foundation fish “Odyssey” published the video message of former soldiers of “Berkut”. They have linked his departure with the statement

The Russian Ambassador spoke about the desire of the DPRK to conduct new missile tests

The head of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN Russia’s Ambassador to North Korea Alexander Matsegora made the probability is high that North Korea will conduct a new missile test, in conjunction with the national holiday — the Day of the Sun, celebrated on April 15. according to “Interfax”. “When some time ago there was a test of a new rocket engine and [North Korean leader] Kim Jong-UN said that ( … ) that the world soon learns how important has the creation of a new missile engine. Therefore, we can almost certainly say that the Koreans are going to demonstrate their achievements in the field of missile technology”, — quotes Agency the comment of the diplomat TV channel “Russia 24”. Matsegora also admitted that the trial will be timed to the Day of the Sun. Another possible date missile tests — 85-th anniversary of the establishment of the national army, which

Ronaldo denied the rape charges

Cristiano Ronaldo Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo has rejected allegations contained in the publication by German magazine Der Spiegel about the fact that he had in 2010 paid off rape charges. Statement Ronaldo published on the official website of his agent Jorge Mendes. The athlete called this information “part of the journalistic fiction”. He pointed to the fact that the alleged victim refuses to identify themselves and to confirm the incident. Ronaldo also said that in the exchange of information on this case, lawyers are involved that have no relation to him, and referred to in the publication of a letter which was allegedly sent to the victim, he did not. The player called the article in Der Spiegel deceitful and promised that he would “speak out against this media with all the means at its disposal”. The publication claimed that the incident happened in Las Vegas June 13, 2009. The Portuguese

Scaring the American granddaughter in the image of the witch received three life sentences

Oklahoma city local resident sentenced to three life terms for what is in the image of witches terrorized his seven year old granddaughter. Reported by the Associated Press. 51-year-old Geneva Robinson in February pleaded guilty to five counts of ill treatment of a child. She confessed that, disguised as a witch Meldoy, scratched his neck girls beat her in the face and hands, cut her hair when she slept. “What she did was awful and what she did will forever have an impact on this child and her brothers and sisters,” said assistant district attorney Meredith Easter. The court was shown a three-minute video from a mobile phone. It was depicted that Robinson dressed in black, she was wearing something like a mask, and his hands painted green. The defense explained the behavior of the defendant that Robinson “was not strong enough to control the child,” but admitted that she

Gorbachev said about the signs of a new cold war

Mikhail Gorbachev Former President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev in an interview with German newspaper Bild announced the approach of a new cold war. According to him, relations between the major powers continue to deteriorate, which, according to former Soviet leader suggests preparing the world for war. In addition, Gorbachev pointed to the militancy of the speeches of politicians and senior military, whose words are taken up by the media. At the end of March, the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that relations between Moscow and Washington, perhaps even worse than during the cold war. According to TASS, a Kremlin spokesman recalled the unfriendly steps of Barack Obama before leaving the post of President of the United States. Moscow’s relations with many countries in the West significantly deteriorated in 2014 in connection with the accession to Russia of Crimea and the beginning of armed conflict

The DPRK introduced ballistic missile submarines

Archive photo North Korea on Saturday, April 15, for the first time showed its ballistic missile submarines (SLBM), reports Reuters. For the first time the public saw those rockets before they had to go on parade in Pyongyang to mark the main national holiday of the DPRK, the birthday of the founder of the Republic Kim Il sung. State television showed SLBM “Pookkalam-2” truck waiting for the parade. As the Supreme commander, the parade, North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, dressed in a black European suit with a tie, the correspondent of TASS from the event. The celebration in the DPRK are in a situation of increasing international tension around the Korean Peninsula. The U.S. Navy concentrated in the region of the strike group led by the aircraft carrier “Carl Vinson”. It was reported that Washington is ready to launch a preemptive strike on North Korean military targets if Pyongyang decides

North Korea has promised to retaliate with a nuclear strike on the US provocations

Choe Ryong Hae The DPRK will deal a crushing blow with nuclear weapons in response to any provocation from the US. This, speaking at a military parade in Pyongyang, said the Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the workers ‘ party of Korea and the state Council and Choi Ryong Hae. His words leads TASS. “All our nuclear weapons we will destroy the US nuclear weapons” — promised the Vice-Marshal. “If the US dares to any provocation, we will instantly inflict a devastating blow to nuclear war we will reply to your nuclear strike”, — he stressed. In Pyongyang held a military parade on the occasion of the national holiday — the 105th anniversary of the birth of North Korea founder Kim Il sung. As the Supreme commander of the parade takes the leader of the Republic, Kim Jong-UN, dressed in a black European suit with a tie. Past

The media learned about the failure of the US strike on North Korea

USA currently do not intend to use military force against North Korea in response to nuclear testing or missile launch, the Associated Press reported a military official on condition of anonymity. According to him, plans could change in the unlikely case that North Korean missiles will be aimed at South Korea, Japan or the United States. A spokesman said that of the inclined guide results of the planning of measures designed to force North Korea to abandon its nuclear program. Washington in that regard considers it necessary in the case of conducting a nuclear test to further tighten sanctions against Pyongyang. The U.S. hopes that they will be able to convince Russia and China — countries with veto power — to support this initiative in the UN security Council. The diplomatic strategy of the United States to resolve the North Korean problem will, in particular, are aimed not greater involvement

In the South China sea arrived American missile destroyer

The US sent a guided missile destroyer Stethem in the South China sea, according to the website of the U.S. Navy. Prior to that, Stethem made refueling with the help of the new Zealand ship Endeavour. It is noted that the ship performs in the South China sea “routine tasks”. According to a senior officer of William Palmer, carrying out these types of operations in conjunction with allies enhances professionalism and supports the ability to provide a permanent presence in the area of responsibility of the Seventh fleet. During the RAID, the ship regularly exchanged information with the naval vessels of China. Earlier, the U.S. Navy concentrated in the Korean Peninsula strike group led by the aircraft carrier “Carl Vinson”. It was reported that Washington is ready to launch a preemptive strike on military targets of the DPRK, if Pyongyang decides for another nuclear test. His pre-emptive strike and threatened

“Mother of all bombs” have killed 36 militants

In the result of application of heavy duty high-explosive bombs GBU-43 killed 36 militants of the banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state” (IG). About it reports Reuters with reference to the statement of the Ministry of defense of Afghanistan. “No civilian was injured, destroyed only the base from which the militants carried out attacks on other parts of the province,” announced press Secretary of the Ministry of defense of the Republic of dawlat Vaziri. Vermosa bomb was used on Thursday, April 13, in the province of Nangarhar. As stated by the American command, using the GBU-43, the military hoped to destroy the system of tunnels and caves used by militants. The preparation of the operation took several months. In 2003, GBU-43/B was the most powerful bomb in the world. The force of the explosion of 11 tons of TNT, the blast radius of about 140 meters, a partial collapse occurs