Boris Johnson has invited Russia to join the US-led coalition in Syria

Boris Johnson The British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has invited Russia to join the international coalition led by the United States to combat “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) in Syria. It is reported by The Daily Telegraph, quoting an article Johnson published in the printed version of the newspaper. As the Minister said, Moscow would “join the coalition, which includes more than 60 countries in the fight against ISIS and to preserve its strategic interests in Syria with the prospect of a more fruitful relationship with President [of the USA Donald] trump.” Johnson also expressed confidence that in the attack using weapons of mass destruction in the province of Idlib was attended by two aircraft, which “took off from the airbase, where they stored chemical weapons.” The Minister said that Russia needs to facilitate a ceasefire, to prevent the use of chemical weapons to achieve “to achieve a political

The media learned about the desire of the tramp to ride in a gilded carriage of Queen Elizabeth II

The President of the United States Donald trump expressed a desire during his official visit to the UK to ride around London in a Golden carriage of Queen Elizabeth II. On Saturday, April 15, writes The Sunday Times. According to the newspaper, the White house insists that the joint with the Queen travel through the center of the British capital to the Buckingham Palace is an important part of the trip of the American leader. In turn, British police warned that such an event would require the development of complex operations security. It is proposed, in particular, set in a carriage armored glass, however, it is reported that the walls will not withstand fire from a grenade launcher or other powerful weapon. Official visit trump in London scheduled for the second week of October. In February in the UK there were mass protests against the arrival of the Kingdom of

A referendum on amendments to the Constitution began in Turkey

In Turkey, launched a referendum on the constitutional amendments, the first will be able to take part residents of the Eastern regions of the country. On Sunday, April 16, reports TASS. In 33 of the 81 provinces polling stations opened at 07:00 local time (coincides with Moscow), in other regions, the electoral commissions earned at 08:00 and will run until 17:00. The country is organized 145 thousand polling stations. The right to vote have about 55 million Turkish citizens. Referendum participants are invited to decide whether to hold constitutional amendments establishing a presidential form of government is parliamentary. The powers of the leader of the country significantly, he would become both head of state and government, the post of Prime Minister will be abolished, and the President will have the right to appoint a Vice-President, Ministers, some members of the Board of judges and prosecutors. The addition will be added

Zakharchenko said about the violation of the APU truce on Easter night

Alexander Zakharchenko On Easter night, the Ukrainian side has violated the ceasefire regime in the Donbass. According to TASS, about it told journalists the head of the breakaway Donetsk national Republic (DND) Alexander Zakharchenko. “Shoot today, mostly only small arms, but look, the party’s just begun,” he replied to reporters to a question after attending prayer services at the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral of Donetsk . April 13 the Deputy commander of the operational command of the DPR Eduard Basurin stated that the Ukrainian Armed forces (APU) broke in the Donbass so-called Easter truce. “Today, from 10 am (time is same as GMT — approx. “Of the”) has already recorded six violations, including with mortars of 120 millimeters,” he explained. April 12 the representative of the self-proclaimed Luhansk people’s Republic (LPR) at the Minsk talks Vladislav Danego reported that the parties came to the decision to install to the Easter

More than 40 people were killed during floods in Iran

Archive photo As a result of severe floods in Iran killed 41 people and another 22 were missing. On Saturday, April 15, reports TASS with reference to head of the Organization for emergency situations of the Islamic Republic of Ismail Najjar, his words leads Agency Asna. Earlier, the government reported 35 victims. A natural disaster caused by reaching the second day heavy rains occurred in the North-West of the country. There spilled into the lake Urmia river, the water of meaning bridges and destroyed communication, a flood damaged vehicle. Significantly affected the town of Azarshahr and Ajabshir in the province of East Azerbaijan, as well as a number of villages in four provinces — West Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, Kermanshah and Zanjan In the affected areas declared a state of emergency, sent rescue workers and doctors, organized a search for missing persons. Heavy rains began on the morning of April 14 in

Pence reported to the Trump of the failed missile test of the DPRK

Donald trump and Michael Penny The US President Donald trump and Vice-President Michael Pence discussed the unsuccessful launch of the DPRK’s new missile. On Sunday, March 16, reports TASS with reference to the press service of the Pens. On 15 April he went to long working trip to the Asia-Pacific region (APR). According to his aides, an hour after the plane the second person in the U.S. has departed from anchorage (Alaska), where landed for refueling, the Deputy Prime Minister reported on the failed North Korean missile tests, after which he contacted the trump and informed him about the incident. As reported RIA Novosti, the Minister of defence of the USA James Mattis said that trump and his military advisers informed about the failed launch, and stressed that the White house has no comment on the incident. Earlier it was reported that North Korea made another attempt to test a

In the contest “Miss Russia” was won by the representative of Sverdlovsk region

Polina Popova Polina Popova from the Sverdlovsk region named the winner of the contest “Miss Russia” in 2017. On Sunday, April 16, reports TASS. The first runner-up was Ksenia Aleksandrova (Moscow), the second Vice-miss — Albina Akhtyamova (Bashkiria). The winner was awarded a crown of white gold decorated with diamonds and pearls worth more than $ 1 million. In addition, the “Miss Russia” received a cash prize of 3 million rubles and a car. The victory gives her the right to represent Russia at the contest “Miss World” and “Miss universe”. According to the Agency, Polina Popova 21 years, among her interests are the study of the Chinese language. “I studied the Chinese language. Wanted to go [to College] in China, but my plans at the moment has changed,” she said. According to the girl, she does not exclude the fact that they will continue learning Chinese, however, education plans

The media learned about the unsuccessful launch of the DPRK’s new missiles

The DPRK made another attempt to conduct missile tests ended in failure. On Sunday, April 16, reports Reuters, citing South Korean military. According to the news Agency, the launch was performed from the landfill near the town of yuktae-Dong in the province of hamkyung province in the West of the DPRK. According to TASS, the Pentagon said that it had fixed the rocket, which exploded almost immediately after launch. Earlier, the Russian Ambassador to North Korea Alexander Matsegora made the probability is high that North Korea will conduct a new missile test, in conjunction with the national holiday — the Day of the Sun, celebrated on celebrated on the 15th of April. “You can almost certainly say that the Koreans are going to demonstrate their achievements in the field of missile technology,” he says. April 15 military parade in Pyongyang, the Chairman of the Central Committee workers ‘ party of

The newspaper reported watching trump in a live briefing Tillerson and Lavrov

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump from his office in the White house I watched the online broadcast of the press conference United States Secretary of state, Rekka Tillerson, and the head of Russian foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov. On Saturday, April 15, writes Politico. Schillaci a source in the presidential administration. the publication claims that after communication of diplomats with reporters, the U.S. leader called Tillerson and praised him for his “tremendous work,” noting that he “exuded confidence”. 12 April in the Russian capital, U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Covered such important issues as relations between Moscow and Washington and the Syrian conflict. Later at a press conference after talks with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg trump said Tillerson’s participation in the negotiations. “I want to note the remarkable work done by the

Fertile fire delivered to Moscow

Archive photo The Holy fire delivered from Jerusalem to Moscow. On Saturday, April 15, RIA Novosti reported. The plane with the delegation of St. Andrew Foundation, received Holiness in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, landed at the capital airport Vnukovo. A religious symbol brought special candles, made on the same principle as the container for the transport of the Olympic flame. Arrived met hundreds of believers who receive the particles of the Holy fire and carry them in churches and homes. According to TASS, the particle of the Holy fire in a special capsule was transferred to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, where Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill will make a festive Easter service. According to tradition, the Holy fire will also go to thousands of churches in Russia, CIS and far abroad. The Holy fire symbolizes the miraculous light of the Resurrection. Every year on