The details of the murder of a Russian soldier in Gyumri

A Russian soldier in Gyumri, Armenia, was killed a civilian near the location of the military unit. About TASS reported the press service of the southern military district. “According to preliminary data, the murder was committed on domestic soil,” the Ministry said. In the southern military district also confirmed the information that the soldier stabbed, and that the alleged killer was detained. A law enforcement source told “Interfax” that the suspect 20 years old, he suffers from a mental disease, it was noted earlier inappropriate behavior and held for a number of criminal cases. As was stated by the Prosecutor of Shirak region Karen Gabrielyan who died supposedly is a contractor by the name of Dmitry Lapaev. According to eyewitnesses, the man was stabbed in the scuffle. April 18, was reported missing in Gyumri, Russian serviceman. Two days later it became known that the missing — contract employee Dmitry Lashmanov

At the train station in Paris detained armed with a knife man

At the North station in Paris arrested a man armed with a knife. On Saturday, April 22, reports channel BFMTV. Unknown entered the building of the station with a knife in his hand. On-duty police were informed and arrested him. It is noted that the man did not resist. The presence of weapons, he explained that “he feared for his life.” The police said that since the beginning he was not a threat. — Hannah Bayman (@hannahbayman) April 22, 2017, 13:53 The incident caused panic among passengers, many left their Luggage and began to run. The evening of 20 April on the Champs elysées in Central Paris skirmish, which killed a policeman. The attack occurred three days before the first round of presidential elections in France, scheduled for April 23. The responsibility for what happened took on banned terrorist group “Islamic state”.

Killed in Mexico drug Lord Comandante Bull

One of the most wanted drug lords of Mexico, the leader of a drug cartel “the Gulf” Julian Manuel of Salinas, Lois (Loisa Julián Manuel Salinas), nicknamed Comandante Bull killed during clashes between criminals and Federal security forces in Mexico. This was reported in the official Twitter-account of the government of the state of Tamaulipas. “In Tamaulipas the Federal forces confirmed that after the collision with the criminals, the criminals killed the Bull and Pancho Carreon”, — stated in the message. — Gobierno Tamaulipas (@gobtam) April 22, 2017, 13:34 Comandante Bull was one of the most wanted criminals in Tamaulipas. He was killed in Reynosa. In other messages, the state government asked citizens to be careful, as the operation to capture the other members of the cartel continues. The border with the US state of Tamaulipas is the scene of confrontation between two powerful Mexican cartel “Los Zetas” and the

Spiegel reported a spying by German intelligence at Interpol

The Federal intelligence service of Germany (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND) has been spying on the activities of Interpol. On Saturday, April 22, Spiegel reports, citing sources. According to the newspaper, the BND had been tapping not only the headquarters of Interpol in Lyon, but a separate Bureau in Austria, Denmark, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Italy, USA, Russia and Latin America — more than a dozen offices. It is noted that the surveillance started in 2000. German intelligence intercepted calls, emails operatives who were in the special services list. Besides Interpol, the surveillance was carried out and Europol — European police structure, located in the Hague, and also for state police services in several countries. In July 2016, the media reported about the wiretap BND executives and senior officials of dozens of countries participating in the European Union and NATO partners. Similar accusations against the German intelligence service was made in the autumn of

The fuel spill occurred after the collision of the ferry with a jetty in the Canary Islands

The fuel spill occurred off the coast of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) after the collision the ferry with pier. It is reported by El Pais. According to the newspaper, the ship rammed the Wharf and damaged it laid the pipeline through which fuel is to refuel. The result was a leakage of 60 thousand liters of fuel, half of which was collected by special vehicles. The length of the oil slick was about three kilometers, width — 400 meters. As noted, he will be able to completely eliminate for 15-20 hours — during this time the fuel will evaporate. Local authorities are monitoring the situation, however, I believe that the environment will not suffer considerable damage, writes El Mundo. The incident occurred on April 21 at approximately 20:30 local time (22:30 GMT) at the exit from the harbour of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The boat was carrying 140 people.

LNR accused Kiev in the preparation of sabotage in schast’ye TPP

The Ukrainian side is preparing a new act of sabotage against residents self-proclaimed Luhansk people’s Republic. This was stated by the official representative of the defense Ministry LNR Colonel Andrey Marochko, reports “Luganskinform” on Saturday, April 22. According to him, it was recorded that “on the territory of schast’ye TPP was introduced 200 unidentified containers”. “Since the depreciation of equipment at the power plant accounts for almost 80 percent of the coal for there is no work, Ukraine has failed to come up with nothing better than to undermine the TPP and blame it on people’s militia LNR,” said Marochko. He warned Kiev against rash actions. The Colonel recalled that on 21 April in Lugansk regional military-civil administration (located in Severodonetsk, Kiev-controlled territory of Luhansk oblast) announced the termination of supply of electricity in the territory of the LC from 00:00 hours on 25 April. The administration noted that the

Moscow has warned Montenegro about the deterioration of relations with Russia

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Montenegro Igor lukšić in a staff-NATO apartment The accession of Montenegro to NATO will negatively affect the whole complex of the relations of this country with Russia. About it in interview to “Interfax”, said Deputy foreign Minister Alexei Meshkov. “As for our relations, not only membership in NATO as such, but a series of steps taken by the Montenegrin leadership, is joining the anti-sanctions and anti-Russian campaign in the local press — of course, the impact will inevitably impact negatively on the whole complex of Russian-Montenegrin relations,” the Deputy Minister said. According to him, Moscow believes that a fundamental issues in the life of a state must decide the peoples of these countries. “In this case is the right of the Montenegrin people in a referendum to determine whether they want their country to join NATO, or do not want,” added Sacks. Thursday, April

In the United States learned of the transfer of the “capital of ISIS” in Deir ez-Zor

Grouping “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) moved its so-called capital of the Syrian city of raqqa Deir-ez-Zor due to the frequent air strikes and the onset of the Syrian troops, backed by Washington. It is reported by Fox News, citing a source in the U.S. Department of defense. According to the us military, they are using drones watched in the last two months of Raqqa left hundreds of “bureaucrats.” They were heading to the city of Mayadin, located on the Euphrates just South of Deir-ez-Zor. As noted, in the near future, the coalition led by the USA is planning a more active offensive on Raqqa, and the battle for the city is inevitable, but “government” is in it anymore. In late March it was reported that Kurdish want to turn Raqqa into its autonomy after the liberation of the city from the terrorists of ISIS. Raqqa — a

CNN reported that Russia’s attempts to influence U.S. elections through the Minister of trump

Carter Paige Russia tried to interfere in the US presidential election in 2016, “my campaign,” Donald trump via his assistants. To such conclusion employees of the Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI), CNN reported, citing unnamed officials. According to U.S. intelligence, Moscow, in particular, allegedly tried to influence the Republican campaign through his former adviser of Carter page. Not installed, did the man use it. The source admits that it communicated with Russian agents, not knowing who he was dealing with. Clarifies that Paige was not the only adviser to trump, who met with Russian officials during the race. Paige was hired in March 2016 and was considered one of trump’s advisers. After in September of the same year in mass media there was information that the American secret services are checking on his possible ties with the power structures of Russia, surrounded by trump said that Paige isn’t working on