Duterte promised to eat the liver of terrorists

The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte warned that it can be 50 times more violent than Muslim militants, decapitation of hostages and said he was ready to eat the extremists, if they are captured alive. About it reports The Independent. “If you want me to become an animal, I’m ready for this,” admitted Duterte, speaking at the opening of the national sports tournament. He added that if living terrorists will lead to him in that moment, when he will be in a bad mood, he’ll eat his liver with salt and vinegar. These words caused laughter among the audience. However, Duterte interrupted the fun: “It’s true, if I get angry.” Philippine leader known for his controversial statements. March 20, using obscene language, he demanded that the European Parliament not to interfere in the Affairs of his country. “I’ll speak in English. Do not impose their culture or their faith.

Lavrov asked the question of sanctions solely against Russia

Sergei Lavrov The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov following talks with the head of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini asked a question about why the sanctions the EU introduced against Russia. It is reported by RIA Novosti. According to Lavrov, Ukraine shy away from contact with the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics in the Minsk agreements, but the restrictive measures for failure to comply with agreements the EU enters for some reason, only against Russia. “The obvious sabotage of the Kiev leadership just what is written in the Minsk document, must, of course, to meet some kind of reaction on the part of those who patronize this government,” — said Lavrov. Member States of the European Union, USA and several other countries have introduced restrictive measures against Russia in 2014 and linking them with entry into the Russian Federation of the Crimea, and then — with the

Former German Finance Minister went to the comedians

Peer Steinbrueck The former head of the German Finance Ministry and the opponents of Angela Merkel in the Federal Chancellor’s post in 2013, peer Steinbrueck became an artist stand-up Comedy. It is reported Express.de. Along with 37-year-old comedian Florian Schroeder it in July this year, will tour the country with the satirical show, which is called “Florian Schroeder selects peer steinbrück”. It is noted that preliminary sale of tickets for live performances in Berlin, Cologne and Hamburg. In Germany Florian schröder is considered one of the best parodists of Chancellor Angela Merkel. 70-year-old Steinbrueck known in Germany for his provocative actions and statements. So, commenting on the results of the 2012 elections in Italy, Steinbrueck said that “victory of two clowns”, referring to the professional comedian Beppe Grillo and former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, reports Die Welt. Social Democrat peer Steinbrueck led the government of the Federal state of

Pentagon chief arrives in Afghanistan on unannounced visit

James Mattis The Minister of defence of the USA James Mattis arrived in Afghanistan with an unannounced visit. On Monday, April 24, according to Reuters. The Pentagon plans to hold talks with officials and representatives of the American command. According to the Agency, the Mattis’s visit coincided with the resignation of the defense Minister of Afghanistan Abdullah Khan Habibi and chief of staff of the army of Kadam Shah Sahima. On April 24 they decided to leave their posts after a Taliban attack on a military base. On Friday, April 21, dressed in Afghan military uniforms, the militants of the radical movement “Taliban” (banned in Russia) broke into the army base near the city of Mazar-I-Sharif. First, a suicide bomber activated an explosive device at the gate, then the extremists rode into the territory of the two pickups. According to the representative of the U.S. Central command John Thomas, the

The German authorities refused to shelter half of the people from Afghanistan

In January-February this year, the German authorities have approved only 47.9 per cent of applications for asylum by Afghan migrants. On Monday, April 24, according to the newspaper Passauer Neue Presse with reference to data of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the country. The German government refused almost 14.5 thousands of Afghans. There was a total of 27 639 statements, notes “Interfax”. In 2015, 77.6 percent of the asylum seekers received a positive response, in 2016, the refugee status was granted to 60.5 per cent of Afghan migrants, according to the German edition. Media reported earlier that over the past two years on the territory of Germany were thousands of former members of the extremist movement “Taliban” (banned in Russia). For 2015, in Germany there were more than 150 thousand people from Afghanistan. Over the past two years, which was the European migration crisis, the number of Afghan refugees

The media learned about the shock of Merkel because of the death of an employee of the OSCE under the Lugansk

Angela Merkel German Chancellor Angela Merkel shocked and saddened by the incident with the explosion the vehicle near the city of Lugansk, which killed one employee of the OSCE and two others were injured. About it on Twitter, writes Deutsche Welle. — DW | Politics (@dw_politics) On 23 April 2017, 15:36 The telegram Merkel, quoted by RIA Novosti, says that the Chancellor is filled with grief and horror. “Affected staff members of the OSCE, among them a German citizen, we wish a speedy and full recovery”, — stated in the message. The Russian foreign Ministry called the incident a cynical action, noting that circumstances indicate a “high probability of provocations”. A victim of blasting of patrol car of the special monitoring mission of the OSCE was an employee of the organization. According to the Russian side, he is a U.S. citizen and employee of a medical company. In Kiev said

The data of exit polls showed the margin of the Makron from Le Pen

Emmanuel Macropodoidea: the French interior Ministry announced the leadership of Le Pen in the presidential elections Former Minister of economy of France, the candidate of the movement “Forward!” Emmanuel macron is a leader in the first round of presidential elections in the country. According to Belgian television channel RTBF, which is based on the exit polls, Makron gaining 26 percent of the vote. For the second place fight the leader far right “National front” marine Le Pen is going to result in 23 percent of the vote, ultralevel candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon (21 percent), and a representative of “Republicans” Francois Fillon, gaining 17 percent. The first data of exit polls showed him gaining 24 percent of the vote, and Le Pen — 22. The publication of such information in France is prohibited by law prior to the closing of the last polling stations in the country (it is assumed that this

XI Jinping urged trump to exercise restraint in the matter of the DPRK

Donald Trump, XI Jinping Chinese President XI Jinping during a telephone conversation with U.S. President Donald trump expressed the hope that all parties will exercise restraint on the issue of North Korea. About it reports Reuters. According to the Chinese leader, his country stands against all that is contrary to the resolutions of the UN Security Council. XI Jinping added that all parties should avoid doing anything that would aggravate tensions. Earlier, trump had a conversation with Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe. The sides agreed to maintain close contact on the issue of North Korea and agreed that they would require from Pyongyang restraint as tensions in the region increases. The situation on the Korean Peninsula is one of the most intense topics of international politics. Earlier it was reported that the US is ready to launch a preemptive strike on North Korean military targets if Pyongyang decides for

Russians in Colombia kept him fired on the rebels and escaped

A citizen of Russia and Armenia fled from the captivity of the rebel Colombian national liberation Army (ELN), firing guards of their weapons. It is reported RIA Novosti citing a statement by the group. The incident occurred on Wednesday, April 19, ANO reported it on Sunday. As ANO says, the hostage was preparing to release, but during transport he attacked the guard, took his weapon and stabbed five guards from among the rebels. Then the man ran away, while he himself was wounded. “Units of the ELN went along with the wounded, the situation with the gentleman that drove for the exemption remains unknown,” reads the statement of the militants. The rebels said that his name is Arsene (Lavon) Voskanyan. Voskanyan was kidnapped in November 2016, when engaged in jungle fishing poisonous frogs. Russian diplomats through the Red cross asked them to free their citizen. The Russian Embassy in Bogota

Published final results of the first round of presidential elections in France

The French interior Ministry released the final results of the first round of the presidential election, which was held on Sunday, April 23, reports Reuters. According to the Agency, the leader of movement “Forward” Emmanuel macron has received 23.75 percent of the votes, in second place — the representative of the “National front” marine Le Pen from 21.53 percent. They will compete in the second round, which will take place in two weeks. The representative of the right wing “Republicans” françois Fillon received 19.91% of the votes, the fourth place candidate from the extreme left movement “Rebellious France,” Jean-Luc Mélenchon from 19.64 percent. Earlier in support of the Macron in favor of the highest officials of France and its former rivals, the candidate of the socialist party, Benoit Hamon and françois Fillon.