Sarkozy’s announced support of Him in the second round of elections in France

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced that in the second round of the presidential election he will support the candidate of the movement “Forward!” Emmanuel Makron. About this former French leader said in his Twitter. As indicated in his statement, Sarkozy is disappointed by results of the first round of the elections, the outcome of which struggle for the presidency continue macron and supported the “National front” marine Le Pen. “I am confident that the election of Le Pen and the implementation of its plans poses a serious threat to the country and for the French. In the second round I will vote for Emanuel Rules that in no way doesn’t mean I support his political project,” wrote Sarkozy. After the first round of the French presidential elections, several prominent politicians have urged their supporters to vote in the second round of the Macron. In particular, such statements made by

During a training exercise in Canada, a soldier was killed

Robert “Bobby” Generowicz One soldier was killed and three others injured during maneuvers in the canadian province of Alberta. About it reports CBC News. Sergeant Royal canadian Dragoons Robert “Bobby” Generowicz died from injuries sustained in a collision between two legkobetonnyh machines. Two more soldiers were slightly injured, one seriously. He is in hospital. The incident occurred near the military base of Petawawa. As explained by representatives of the command, the investigation involved the military police and the national investigation service. They have to make a final conclusion about the causes of this accident. In may 2014, the result of the same incident killed a canadian army Lieutenant-Colonel Dan Bobbitt: he had a car accident armored car in which were an officer and four of his colleagues wounded and injured. Since 2005, this is the fifth case of death of the military in Canada during exercises.

Former Afghan President has denied reports that Moscow supplies weapons to the Taliban

Omar Sobhani / Reuters Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai called a lie the allegations that Russia is supplying weapons to the extremist group the Taliban. On Wednesday, April 26, reports “Interfax”. On the eve of the former Afghan leader met with Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow. April 26, Karzai will take part in the VI Moscow conference on international security. As reported on the website of the Russian foreign Ministry, during the meeting, “they exchanged opinions on the current situation in Afghanistan, issues of national reconciliation and the prospects for multilateral cooperation on the Afghan subject”. 24 March, the head of the second Asia Department at the Russian foreign Ministry Zamir Kabulov called false US claims that Moscow is supplying the Taliban. The diplomat noted that “such allegations are meant to justify the failures of American military policy in the Afghan campaign”. The day before the commander of

The foreign Ministry spoke about the release of five Russian sailors in Libya

Mikhail Bogdanov In Libya released five Russian sailors from the cargo ship “Merle”. On Wednesday, April 26, said Deputy foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, RIA Novosti reported. According to the diplomat, all of them have returned to Russia. March 10, the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that off the coast of Libya detained the Russian ship. It was convoyed to the port of Tripoli. “The shipowner company MT Group from St. Petersburg. The crew consists of seven people, all citizens of Russia”, — she noted. According to the newspaper Libya Observer, March 5, Libya’s coast guard detained a Russian ship near the Eastern coast of the country. It was headed to the Libyan port of Zuwara to deliver the scrap metal from Turkey. Trade this stuff in Libya is illegal. In addition, the ship did not receive permission for entry into Libyan territorial waters.

Rospotrebnadzor warned about a measles outbreak in Europe

The Federal service for supervision of consumer rights protection and human welfare reported a measles outbreak in 14 countries of Europe from the beginning of 2017. For the period to doctors have addressed more than four thousand patients in Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Hungary, France, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Portugal, Iceland, Spain and Switzerland. Most patients registered in Romania and Italy, it was reported about the deaths. There are also cases of transmission to medical staff. Experts suggest that the spread of measles was made possible because of the reduction in the number of vaccinated population in Europe, and the lack of restrictive measures in the regions, from-for what disease were able to escape. The CPS drew the attention of compatriots to the current situation and asks to consider this factor when planning trips. Measles is a highly contagious viral disease transmitted by airborne droplets. It is characterized by

The judge blocked another anti-immigrant decree trump

Donald Trump District judge William Orrick on Tuesday, April 25, blocked the disposal of the President of the United States Donald trump, who had intended to hold the allocation of Federal funds to so-called “cities of refuge”, “harboring” of illegal migrants. About it reports Reuters. “Cities of refuge” is usually loyal to illegal immigrants, often dodging the direction of the municipal funds for the enforcement of Federal immigration laws. This movement was joined by dozens of cities, including new York, Los Angeles and Chicago. The white house argues that the local government endanger public safety, when they refuse to submit to the deportation of illegal immigrants arrested for crimes. The U.S. administration criticized the decision of the judge criticized. “This case is yet another example of flagrant abuse of power on the part of individual, has not elected a district judge,” said the White house. Head of administration of the

In Calais clashes between migrants

Calais, France About 10 people were injured in clashes between illegal migrants in the French city of Calais. On Tuesday, April 25, according to Reuters. According to preliminary data, the conflict occurred between the immigrants from Eritrea and Ethiopia. To disperse the migrants, police used tear gas. It is reported that the clash occurred near the place where previously was a spontaneous refugee camp “the Jungle”. The number of its inhabitants reached 10 thousand people. Local residents have expressed dissatisfaction with the neighborhood with slums because of the sharply aggravated the crime situation here and the prevailing unsanitary conditions. After the demolition of the camp in November 2016, several hundred migrants still remain in and around the city. Thus, according to the results of a study conducted by the British newspaper The Independent, daily living in Calais refugees are mistreated by the police.

Erdogan has threatened Ankara’s rejection of Turkey’s accession to the European Union

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Ankara could revise its stance on the issue of EU membership if Brussels will continue to stall for time. Another obstacle he called the current hostile mentally some member countries of the EU, reports Reuters. Turkey’s relations with the EU deteriorated even before April 16, the referendum on the amendments to the main law of the country. Erdogan then he compared Germany and the Netherlands, have banned rallies his supporters with the actions of the Nazis. “In Europe, seriously increased the level of Islamophobia. EU closes the door to Turkey, and Turkey holds the door open, he said. — If they are insincere, why do we continue to wait? We’re talking about 54 years (Association Agreement of Turkey with the European economic community, 1963 — approx. Tape)”. According to him, if necessary, may conduct another referendum in which citizens would vote for accession

Prime Minister of Japan Minister fired over disparaging statements

Masahiro Imamura Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has accepted the resignation of Minister for post-disaster reconstruction Masahiro since the beginning. On Wednesday, April 26, RIA Novosti reported. On his resignation, told journalists the Minister after the visit of the Prime Minister’s office. The scandal erupted on Tuesday when Imamura stated that the damage from the devastating 2011 tsunami is estimated in 25 trillion yens (about 227 billion), and added that “it is good that it happened in Tohoku, as closer to the capital would be a very huge amount”. Despite the fact that he immediately apologized for his words, calling them inappropriate, the opposition saw it as a disregard for the residents of the affected prefectures. The Prime Minister also was forced to apologize for speaking out since the beginning. Another unpleasant incident happened three weeks ago, when Imamura stated that the return of evacuated residents after the accident at the

Ivanka trump has denied the rumors about her impact on the decision of the father to strike on Syria

The daughter of the President of the United States Donald trump Ivanka said that did not influence the decision of his father to launch a missile attack on the Syrian air base “Sirat”. She spoke about it during his visit to Germany, reports channel ABC News. “This is an incorrect interpretation, — said Ivanka, who is Advisor to the President of the United States. — The President cannot make decisions based on bare emotions.” She explained that his father had shared her point of view, however, the order to strike “retaliation” was given after consultations at the highest levels in the government. “It’s hard to look at the pictures that we saw, and not to react, not to be shaken to the core,” said Ivanka trump about himataki in Syria. 10 APR newspaper the Independent, citing sources wrote that Ivanka trump was shocked by the footage depicting victims of a