The FBI woman was married to a militant “Islamic state”

Employee of the FBI, US Daniel green, performing the duties of an interpreter went in 2014 to Syria and got married there over the militants of the international terrorist grouping “Islamic state” Dennis Kuspert, reports CNN. Green Kuspert warned that the U.S. authorities began the investigation against him. A few weeks after the marriage, she, apparently, realized his mistake and returned home. The woman agreed to cooperate with the investigation and pleaded guilty to perjury. In the end, she was sentenced to two years in prison and was released in the summer of 2016. One, a former rapper from Germany, was considered an influential militant groups. He was engaged in propaganda and, in particular, participated in the filming of the videos, one of which appeared, holding a severed human head. Broadcaster asks, not too soft, American justice has treated Greene. In Russia, the “Islamic state” is included in the list

United Russia Deputy called the crime of throwing the green stuff at politicians

Actions such as the burning of balconies politicians and throwing them in the green stuff — not a means of political struggle, and crime, said in his Facebook Deputy Secretary of General Council of “United Russia”, state Duma Deputy Yevgeny Revenko. According to him, the investigation of each such incident shall be held with the utmost care, and those responsible identified and punished. “I certainly condemn and do not accept any such violence and hooliganism. I am sure that this view is shared by my comrades in the party,” he said. “Such incidents cause serious public outcry and, in my opinion, hinder the building of a civil society as we strive for maximum transparency, dialogue and mutual respect,” said Revenko. According to United Russia, the country has created all conditions for civilized dialogue between representatives of different political parties, between the exponents of different trends and views. “In the end,

Siluanov said the aim at covering the budget deficit amount

Anton Siluanov The Finance Ministry this year hopes to send to cover the budget deficit of about 16 billion euros. About it as transfers TASS, said the head of Department Anton Siluanov in interview to the newspaper Handelsblatt, which is published in number for Tuesday, may 2. According to him, in 2017, the Reserve Fund was planned to withdraw in terms of some 29 billion euros. “But, according to the latest projections, we can this figure be reduced to 16 billion euros,” he said. The Siluanov expects that this year all the reserves will not be exhausted. “We are implementing a responsible fiscal policy that allows you to maintain the level of reserves and good market conditions in the next few years to fill them again,” said the Minister. Siluanov also said that he believes it possible to reduce the budget deficit to 2 percent of GDP in the current

American with a beer in their hands opened fire at a birthday party

A resident of San Diego (California, USA) opened fire during the celebration of the birthday by the pool in one of the residential complexes. Eyewitnesses said that he did not cease to drink beer, according to NBC 7 San Diego. According to one of the witnesses to the incident, the man came to the pool where the party took place. He was approached by the birthday boy and invited to join the celebration. After that, the American pulled out a gun and started shooting at people. At the scene, three police officers arrived. After the suspect pointed a weapon at officers, they shot him. Presumably, the assailant was a 49-year-old Peter Celis (Peter Selis), residing near the scene of the accident. His motives remain unknown. One of the witnesses described the shooter as a “quiet man with a grin on her face.” According to the chief of police of the

Hamas has abandoned plans for the destruction of Israel

The Palestinian movement Hamas has abandoned plans for the destruction of Israel. As reported Reuters, said the new doctrine of motion, published on Monday, may 1 at Doha (capital of Qatar). In the document, Hamas continues to deny Israel’s right to exist, but not calling for armed struggle against the Jewish state. Moreover, the doctrine refers to the agreement on the creation of a unified Palestinian state in the 1967 borders, that is, with the territories of the Gaza strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. In addition, representatives of Hamas declared that cut off contact with the Association “Muslim brotherhood” (banned in several countries, including Russia). Thus representatives of the Palestinian movement hopes to improve relations with the Arab States of the Persian Gulf and Egypt, which considers “Brothers” to terrorist groups. It is possible that Hamas is counting on a change of attitude on the part of European

The white house called a meeting with trump, Kim Jong-UN

Currently, there are no conditions for the meeting of the President of the United States Donald trump and the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN. Such statement as transfers RIA Novosti, did White house spokesman Sean Spicer. “If Pyongyang were to continue its behavior, and these conditions will not appear,” he said. “We need to see that their provocative behavior went quickly to nothing”, — quotes “Interfax” the words of Spicer. “It is clear that while none of this is happening,” he added. “I don’t think it will happen in the near future”, — concluded the Spicer. Earlier on Monday, may 1, trump said he was ready to personally meet with Kim Jong Inom. For this purpose, according to the White house required the right conditions. “If it was appropriate for me to meet with him, (…) it would be my honor to do it,” he said. The situation on

Maduro urged the working class to form constituent Assembly

Nicolas Maduro Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Monday, may 1, announced the convocation of the constituent Assembly, Reuters reports. The country will host a nationwide vote. “In the execution of my presidential powers as head of state and in accordance with article 347 of the Constitution, I convened the Supreme constituent power to the working class and the people, convened a constituent Assembly,” said Maduro. As RIA Novosti reported, according to the said article of the Basic law, the source of power in the country — the people of Venezuela, and this power may be exercised through a national constituent Assembly convened for changing the political system, create a new order and drafting a new Constitution. Furthermore, Maduro called for “civil-military Union”. Opposition leader Henrique Capriles criticized the initiative Maduro criticized. In his opinion, this would be considered “murder of the Constitution.” Politician called Maduro a “dictator” and called on

Duterte after inviting trump reminded about the upcoming visit to Russia

Rodrigo Duterte Philippine leader Rodrigo Duterte have not yet accepted the invitation of the President of the United States Donald trump to the White house. About it reports on Monday, may 1, GMA News. The head of state noted that the planned trip is his main priority and also referred to the busy schedule. “I’m busy. I can’t give any concrete promises, I have to go to Russia, I have to go to Israel,” he told reporters. The publication notes that Duterte first mentioned the visit to the Jewish state. However, he said that he would go to Moscow in may. Earlier Monday it was reported that trump has caught the state Department by surprise, inviting Duterte, and now in the US administration are preparing for criticism from human rights organizations. On 29 April the two leaders held a telephone conversation, during which, in particular, addressed the problems around North

Trump has declared readiness personally to meet with Kim Jong Inom

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump is ready to meet personally with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. He stated this in an interview with Bloomberg published on Monday, may 1. For this purpose, according to the White house required the right conditions. “If it was appropriate for me to meet with him, (…) it would be my honor to do it,” he said. He added that “most politicians would never say such a thing.” “But I tell you, under the right circumstances I’ll meet him,” said the President. On 30 April it was reported that trump in an interview to CBS, shared their opinions about the abilities of Kim Jong UN. According to him, the leader of North Korea, “without a doubt, a pretty smart guy”, because after the death of his father was able to take in their hands the power which wanted to take

Named the date of the meeting trump and Abbas at the White house

Mahmoud Abbas The US President Donald trump on Wednesday, 3 may, will be in the White house, the head of the Palestinian authority Mahmoud Abbas. As reported by RIA Novosti, told reporters the official representative of the American administration Sean Spicer. According to him, the meeting will be held in the framework of the official visit of the Palestinian leader in the United States. That trump has invited Abbas to visit the White house, it was reported on March 10. Between the two leaders had a telephone conversation. The meeting is expected to discuss ways interrupted about three years ago the process of settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli problem. In February, during the recent Washington talks with the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, the White house admitted that the solution to the middle East question can be achieved despite the UN resolution, the creation of one but not two Jewish