Trump reacted to the statement by Clinton about the reasons of its defeat in the elections

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump commented on Twitter the opinion of his former rival in the election, a democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, who called the culprits of his defeat of Russian hackers and FBI Director James Komi. “Comey was the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton, that gave her the opportunity to make a lot of bad things! False story about trump and Russia were the pretext, which the Democrats used with the aim to make excuses for the defeat. Maybe trump just ran a great campaign?” — wrote the President. Clinton said that “was on her way to victory when the letter Komi and Russian WikiLeaks… scared off the voting.” In her opinion, the alleged evidence of Russian interference in the American election campaign “convincing and compelling”. 28 Oct 2016 Komi said, FBI will resume its investigation of the leak of the

In the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia found an explosive device

An improvised explosive device was discovered and defused by police in the Assembly of Macedonia in Skopje, said on Wednesday, may 3, RIA Novosti with reference to the Macedonian news portal MKD. According to the portal, the chief of the Parliament security service Goran Ancevski reported to the police that the corridor on the first floor, found a gas cylinder for refilling lighters with attached to it with a firecracker with the fuse. The arrived police carried out the neutralization. It is noted that during the discovery of a homemade bomb on the street in front of the Meeting was a demonstration and was located the police cordon. In a press-service of the interior Ministry has not yet commented on the incident. Thursday, April 27, in Skopje started a riot after a majority vote of the deputies of the Social democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM) and their coalition partners with

Clinton accused the “Russian WikiLeaks” and the head of the FBI in electoral defeat

Hillary Clinton The former candidate in US presidents from Democratic party Hillary Clinton in an interview with CNN has called the culprits of his defeat in the elections in the fall of 2016, the Russian hackers and the FBI Director James Komi. In an interview with TV presenter Christiane Amanpour, Clinton said that “was on her way to victory when the letter Komi and Russian WikiLeaks… scared off the voting.” She noted that the alleged evidence of Russian interference in the American election campaign “convincing and compelling”. “If elections were held on 27 October, I would become your President,” — said the former presidential candidate, explaining that he believes the reason for their defeat the events of the last 10 days before the election November 8, 2016. However, Clinton took “full personal responsibility” for their fiasco. In the same interview, she did not rule out that its victory was prevented

US alarmed over plans Maduro convene a Constitutional Assembly

The American administration is deeply concerned with the decision of the President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro convene a Constitutional Assembly. About it as transfers TASS, said on a telephone briefing for journalists the Deputy assistant Secretary of state for Western hemisphere Affairs Michael Fitzpatrick. In his opinion, a new step Maduro “flouted the will of the Venezuelan people and further eroding Venezuelan democracy.” This decision, he added, complements the efforts of Caracas, which was aimed at preventing new elections and the usurpation of the powers of Parliament. Fitzpatrick noted that against the background of a complex of interrelated crises in political terms the regime “polarized society in the country and in the international arena have isolated themselves.” Washington continues to insist that Caracas held a “free, fair and transparent elections in the nearest future”, said the American diplomat. The actions of Maduro Fitzpatrick was described as a new attempt to

The Senator offered to take trump the iPhone for the call to “close” the government

Bob Corker The Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on foreign relations, and Republican Bob Corker (Bob Corker) said that Donald trump got to pick up the iPhone, and all messages of the US President on Twitter should continue to check the White house staff. About it reports on Tuesday, may 2, Washington Examiner. The Senator made the statement after a meeting with the Vice-President of the United States Mike Pence, in which Corker and other Republican senators complained to the Pens on a tweet by the President that the U.S. government should “close”. As writes the Washington Examiner, at a luncheon in the Capitol, the senators expressed their dissatisfaction and said that the message trump has harmed the search for consensus within the Republican party and the Democrats. “It’s just not constructive. This should never happen,” said Corker. Another Republican Senator, Jeff Flake (Jeff Flake), said that trump’s “guts”

The expert said about hope Erdogan to solve the problems of the economy at a meeting in Sochi

Erdogan Economic issues will be one of the Central topics of the talks in Sochi between the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. This is in anticipation of the visit of the Turkish leader in Russia said “the” the General Director of the Russian international Affairs Council (RIAC) Andrei Kortunov. “Before Erdogan faces a number of specific tasks. He would like to abolish restrictions on trade in agricultural products, there are issues concerning the abolition of visa-free regime, there are energy projects, in which Ankara is certainly interested,” said the analyst, adding that Russia is one of the main economic partners of Turkey. According to the expert, the result of the freezing of relations between Moscow and Ankara after the incident with the downed Russian bomber su-24 individual sectors of the Turkish economy was severely damaged. In particular, in addition to the agricultural

Putin and trump talked about international issues

Vladimir Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin during a telephone conversation discussed with the President of the United States Donald trump a number of topical issues of bilateral cooperation in the international arena. This was reported on the Kremlin website. As noted, the emphasis is placed on the prospect coordination of Russia and the USA in combating international terrorism in the context of the Syrian crisis. In particular, the two sides agreed to intensify the dialogue between the foreign Ministers of the two countries to search options, designed to consolidate the cessation of hostilities, to give it stability and controllability. The purpose of these activities is to create prerequisites to start the real settlement process in Syria. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson will promptly inform the leaders about the progress made in this area progress. The presidents also discussed the

“Too annoying” vegan made of Swiss nationality

Nancy Holten “Too annoying” Dutch-vegan, which was twice denied Swiss citizenship, still received the desired passport. On Tuesday, may 2, reports The Independent. Nancy Holten (Holten Nancy) was born in the Netherlands, but moved to Switzerland at the age of eight and lived in the village Gipf-Oberfrick. In 2015, she filed a petition for citizenship and received the approval of local authorities. At the same time 144 of 206 of the villagers voted against it, citing its excessive intrusiveness. Holden has also held public campaigns against local customs: she advocated a ban to tie the cows, the bells around their necks and offered to cancel one of the favorite activities of local residents — pig races. For this reason, residents Gipf-Oberfrick considered Holten poorly integrated in Swiss society. Having been refused a second time, the woman appealed to the authorities of Canton, who took her side in the conflict and

Prince William and his wife demanded 1.5 million euros for publishing Topless photos

Prince William and Kate Middleton Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, has demanded 1.5 million euros from the glossy magazine Closer. On Tuesday, may 2, according to Agence France-Presse. As stated in the Agency material, the subject of the trial was published Closer in September 2012, pictures sunbathing Topless Middleton, who, according to the couple, caused them moral damages. In total, the magazine has posted 12 pictures of the Duchess. “During a second honeymoon Kate and William chose Provence to enjoy romantic stay in each other’s company,” — said in the description under the photo. It is noted that in the edition of Closer are convinced that the pictures of the Duchess in any case not to humiliate the dignity of Middleton. According to them, the photographs of “beautiful, loving and modern” couple. On the morning of Tuesday, may 2, the staff of a glossy magazine

China demanded deactivate the us missile defense in South Korea

The American missile defense system, THAAD to South Korea shall be immediately deactivated. This was stated by foreign Ministry spokesman China Geng Shuang, his words reports The South China Morning Post. “We oppose the placement of the complexes THAAD in South Korea and call on all parties concerned to immediately stop it. We will definitely take necessary measures to ensure our interests,” — said the diplomat. Earlier on 2 may, the DPRK authorities called the flights of American bombers in the joint exercises with Seoul provocation and impetus for nuclear war. At the same time, the U.S. government reported that the THAAD system is ready to intercept North Korean ballistic missiles. April 28, foreign Minister Wang Yi has warned the world against the use of military force against North Korea and called on Pyongyang to abandon nuclear weapons. On the same day about the possibility of a serious conflict with