Media reported on the visit by the terrorist attack in Manchester in Libya

A few days before the attack in Manchester, the executor, Salman, Abedi, visited Libya. About it reports The Times, citing his school friend. Currently, intelligence agencies ascertain, did he in Libya training camp of the militants. As the newspaper notes, in this country of the terrorist group “Islamic state” and “al-Qaeda” (both banned in Russia) have joined together to fight government troops. The intelligence agencies knew about the trip, Abedi to Libya, but took no action after his return to Manchester.

The IG moved the headquarters from Mosul in the province of al-Hawija

The militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) moved its headquarters from Mosul in the Iraqi province of al-Hawija. This was reported by RIA Novosti source in the security forces of Kirkuk. “All the leaders of the IG moved from Mosul to Hawija located 55 kilometers West of Kirkuk. The headquarters was moved there because of the imminent collapse of the group in the Old city of Mosul,” the source said. Hawija is held by fighters in 2014. To capture terrorists, the city’s population numbered about 500 thousand people. The Governor of Kirkuk province, Najmaddin Karim said that the operation against ISIS in the town of Hawija will start only after the complete liberation of Mosul and areas in Anbar province on the border with Jordan and Syria. 4 may it was reported that the Iraqi army launched an offensive against militants in Mosul from

Detained a suspect of involvement in the terrorist attack at the stadium in Manchester

On suspicion of involvement in the terrorist attack at the stadium in the British Manchester arrested 23-year-old man. This was reported in the police of the County of greater Manchester. He was detained in the South of the city during the RAID, reports the Daily Express. The police managed to establish the identity of the perpetrator of the terrorist act, Prime Minister Theresa may. According to her, it is known that the explosion was carried out by one person, who deliberately chose a time and place to number of deaths and casualties was the highest, reports BBC News. The explosion occurred on 22 may, outside the concert venue, the stadium “Manchester arena”, when it ended with the female singer Ariana Grande. The event was attended by several thousand people, including children and adolescents. According to recent reports, killed 22 people, wounded 59.

As expected, the elections of the national constituent Assembly of Venezuela

Nicolas Maduro Elections to the national constituent Assembly of Venezuela, which shall be convened for a possible change of the constitutional order, can go to the end of July 2017. As reported by RIA Novosti, said the head of the national electoral Council Tibisay Lucena. She added that regional elections for governors and mayors can take place on the 10th of December. Earlier, the President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro signed the document that starts the process of convening a constituent Assembly. It identifies the procedure for the election of members of this body. In early may, the President initiated the convening of a constituent Assembly which would be empowered to amend the Constitution. The opposition, which holds a majority in Parliament, criticized the President’s proposal is criticized, refused to acknowledge it, considering the coup d’etat, and urged people to take to the streets. In the country for several weeks, continuing

Most Chinese women coveted the wealth of their partners

Most women in China prefer to date men who earn two or three times more than they do. Such a study publishes The South China Morning Post. According to the survey, a special mercenary is different, 84 percent of women in China. It is also reported that 60 percent of Chinese women willing to leave their partners if the relationship lasting three years, does not end with the wedding. It is noted that 40% of men would like to see their loved ones every day, this desire is shared by only 23 percent of the women interviewed. 79 percent of study participants of both sexes admitted that ready within six months to care for any person, another 21 percent said that may continue the period of a romantic relationship and longer. “The most arrogant men live in such Chinese cities as Chongqing, Suzhou and Guangzhou”, — notes the edition. The

Israel was subjected to rocket fire from Egypt

The border between Israel and Egypt Launched from the Sinai Peninsula landed in a desert area in Israel. As a result of bombardment nobody has suffered. It is reported by The Times of Israel. As specifies the edition, in most cases, the shells handicraft production does not reach Israeli territory and fall on the Egyptian side. Responsibility for the attack has not yet claimed any one group. However, it is known that these shells, usually used by terrorist groups associated with terrorists from the “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). A similar attack occurred last month. The rocket hit a greenhouse in the territory of the Eshkol region. The building was damaged. One person was hospitalized due to a nervous breakdown caused by the fire. On 9 February it was reported that the IG has claimed responsibility for a similar attack in southern Israel. Three of the four missiles

The US is three times cut financial assistance to Ukraine

Petro Poroshenko The US plans three times to reduce financial assistance to Ukraine in 2018. This is stated in the statement of the US state Department, which is published on the Agency’s website on Tuesday, may 23. The paper noted that Washington will send Kiev 203,7 million dollars, while in 2016 this amount is equivalent to 667 million. For what purpose these funds are transmitted, is not specified. Earlier, on 23 may it was reported that the United States will cancel a free military assistance to Ukraine. This decision also affected Vietnam, Indonesia, Colombia, Pakistan and the Philippines. The President of the United States Donald trump signed the Federal budget in early may. The law was passed by both houses of Congress. Budget spending in 2018 will total $ 1.2 trillion.

Duterte asked Putin modern weapons

Vladimir Putin and Rodrigo Duterte The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte at the meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin said that his country needs modern weapons and would request the help of Russia. His words leads RIA Novosti. “Our country needs modern weapons. We had some orders in the US, but now the situation is not very smooth,” said he. According to him, the weapons were necessary to fight terrorists. “Your country is a reliable partner for us,” said Duterte. According to him, the two countries should develop trade relations. “I came to enlist your support and offer our friendship. We need to develop trade, trade turnover,” — said Duterte. Putin noted that Russia and the Philippines many interesting projects, including the possible cooperation in military-technical sphere. The Russian President also expressed his condolences in connection with death of people in the attack on the Philippines and expressed

Somali pirates hijacked Iranian fishing boat

Somali pirates hijacked the Iranian fishing trawler to use it as a floating base for further attacks. About it reports Reuters. “They expect to use the ship to attack larger, more valuable ships,” said Ali Shire, the mayor of the city Habo, located in the Northern semi-Autonomous region of Puntland in the country. The attack happened on may 22. The fate of the crew is not reported. On 3 April it became known that the current in the horn of Africa pirates have seized an Indian cargo ship. March 14, pirates attacked the tanker Aris 13, marching under the flag of Sri Lanka. They tried to take him to the port Kalula, but was intercepted by the marine police of Puntland. After the shooting began negotiations, and eventually the pirates left, taking the ransom. This attack was the first reported attack on a cargo ship in 2012. In previous years,

The number of victims of the terrorist attack in Manchester has increased to 22

Continued: Witness was told about the minimum clearance when passing to the “Manchester Arena” The number of victims of the terrorist attack in Manchester has increased: according to the latest reports, the explosion took the lives of 22 people. About it reports Reuters. According to the guards, among the dead were children. The explosion occurred outside the concert venue, the stadium “Manchester arena” on Monday, may 22, at about 22:30 (00:30 GMT 23 may). In these moments ended with a concert of singer Ariana Grande, which was attended by several thousand people, including many children and adolescents. Police said he considers the incident as a “terrorist incident.” According to the latest data, in hospitals there are 59 people.