A Scottish schoolgirl has accused teachers of a war crime

A pupil of one of schools of Scotland has accused teachers in the Commission of a war crime. This was reported by her father on Twitter. — Mason Cross (@MasonCrossBooks) 25 may 2017, 10:22 On the feedback form in the box “That teachers could do better” 11 year old girl wrote: “do Not use the principle of collective punishment. It is unfair to the many people who have done nothing. In addition, based on the provisions of the Geneva Convention of 1949, is a war crime”. “Here I think to punish her or to buy ice cream” — shared with users of social networks are puzzled by the girl’s father. Mason Cross explained in an interview with BBC News that the daughter likes the teacher, but the education system raises questions. On the suspicion that a note he wrote himself, Cross said, “Dude, if I made it up, it still

In an airstrike in Syria killed 80 members of the families of terrorists

As a result of the airstrike, carried out by aircraft of the US-led coalition, were killed 80 people — members of families of terrorists banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state” (IG). Among the victims were 33 children. BFMTV reported, citing data from the Syrian Observatory for human rights. Strike on Mayadin city in Eastern Syria was struck at dawn on may 26. One of the missiles was in the administrative building served as a refuge for relatives, wives and children of militants. May 25, the American command acknowledged the death of over 100 civilians in the Iraqi city of Mosul in an air RAID, produced in March of this year. Pilots dropped on the building, sheltering two sniper IG, 500-pound bomb. A direct hit caused the detonation of explosives that the militants had laid on the lower floors of the concrete structure. Because of the explosion in this and the

Students smugglers while smuggling from Hong Kong phones for food

In China border service detained 10 students who were trying in their backpacks to carry from Hong Kong to the mainland phones. On Friday, may 26, reports The South China Morning Post. Children stopped at the border crossing at Huanggang. The attention of customs officers drew clogged to the brim backpacks. During the inspection they found 210 different phone models in the amount of 145 thousand dollars. The goods were seized, and with students was held explanatory conversation. The disciples told the guards that tried to make money on shipping. The smugglers promised to buy them ice cream or to feed the fast food restaurant. Every day, around 28 thousand students cross the border from Shenzhen to Hong Kong, where they learn, says The South China Morning Post.

Corbin placed the responsibility for the attack in Manchester on the British authorities

Jeremy Corbyn The leader of the British labour party Jeremy Corbyn believes that a terrorist attack in Manchester was the result of wars that were supported or led London in other countries. This thesis contains in the speech with which the politician will perform on may 26, reports The Independent. “We need to have enough courage to admit that the “war on terror” just doesn’t work. We need a more reasonable way to reduce the threat posed by countries that train terrorists and fomenting terrorism”, — the politician believes. In his speech the labour leader also linked the attack in Manchester with the inability of the Prime Minister Theresa may to provide the necessary resources for effective police work. “The streets will be more police officers [in case of victory and formation of the] labour government. And if the security services need more resources, they need to get them to

More than 20 Coptic Christians killed in attack on bus in Egypt

In Egypt the attack on the bus in which there were Coptic Christians, killed 23 people, wounded 25. About it reports Reuters. The attack on the believers were committed in the southern province of Minya. Nile TV reports, the pilgrims were heading to the monastery of St. Samuel. At this time, on one of the deserted roads with the bus overtook two cars which were armed men. They opened fire at the wheels of the bus, and after stopping it started to shoot passengers. After the attack the militants fled. Currently, several mobile army patrols were combing the area in search of the attackers. 9 APR, Egypt has witnessed a series of attacks against Coptic Christians. In the Church of tant city explosion, which killed 30 people, another 50 were injured. On the same day a similar attack occurred in Alexandria at the Cathedral of St. Mark. As a result

Tusk called on the G7 to continue the policy of sanctions against Russia

Donald Tusk The President of the European Council Donald Tusk said that Moscow did nothing to cancel anti-Russian sanctions. About it reports Reuters. “Since the last summit “the Big seven” in Japan [in 2016] we have not seen anything that would justify a change in our sanctions policy against Russia. I therefore call on the leaders of the G7 to reaffirm this policy,” he told reporters in Sicily. Tusk reminded that the sanctions conflict can only be solved through the implementation of the Minsk agreements.

The British hospital was transferred to “standby” in the event of new terrorist attacks

The British national health service (NHS) moved its hospital in England in “standby mode” in case of new terrorist attacks. On Thursday, may 25, reports The Guardian with reference to The Health Service Journal. As noted, the NHS pointed out to the staff of the emergency departments in 27 English towns to be prepared for the consequences “another incident”. They were also asked to conduct an audit of the supply of blood for transfusions and test medical equipment. The last time such a message was sent out by the Agency in 2008 after terrorist attacks in the Indian Mumbai, the newspaper reminds. The attack on the stadium “Manchester arena” on the evening of may 22, killed 22 people, injured about 120, 59 of them were taken to medical facilities. Banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state” has claimed responsibility for the attack and called called the attack revenge for the attack

In China executed a former senior official of Inner Mongolia

The death sentence against the former Deputy head of the Committee of National political consultative Council of China (NPKS) Autonomous region of Inner Mongolia (Northern China) Zhao Lipina executed. About it reports “Xinhua”. Zhao has been recognized by the Supreme people’s court (SNC) China guilty on several counts. In particular, the court found that on March 20, 2015 in the city of Chifeng, the former officer shot a woman by the name of Lee. In addition, the investigation proved that in the period from 2008 to 2010, Zhao, who at that time was chief of the public security Department of the Autonomous region of Inner Mongolia, had received bribes from local entrepreneurs, but also contributed to reward the number of appointments. The total amount of illegally received money was 23,68 million yuan (about 3.5 million). October 17, 2016, the court in the Chinese city of Baoding, Hebei province, sentenced the

The London court issued a warrant for the arrest of former investigator in the Magnitsky case

Pavel Karpov London’s high court issued a warrant for the arrest of former investigator MIA Pavel Karpov contempt of court. This is stated in the message of the project Law and order in Russia. “It is hereby resolved, that the bailiffs and constables are bound to arrest the plaintiff [Pavel Karpov] and bring it to the court for consideration of the execution of the decree of imprisonment”, — is spoken in the decision of the court. As indicated in the message, Karpov has not complied with the court’s decision on payment of 650 thousand pounds of compensation for legal costs Fund Hermitage Capital in the case on protection of honor and dignity in 2013. Karpov commented on the court decision to the Agency “Interfax”: “In London I was not going there anymore, because initially appealed to the London court for protection, and now from this court I need to protect

The white house explained the incident with the tramp and the Montenegrin Prime Minister

Continued: the Montenegrin Prime Minister reiterated the right of the President of the United States stand ahead of all The US President Donald trump, when pushed to the side at the Alliance’s summit in Brussels the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dusko Markovic, followed the agreed scheme of arrangement of leaders of the countries — members of NATO on their collective photos. This was stated, commenting on the incident, the press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer. His words leads TASS. Spicer, the maintainer of the tramp, refused to comment on the incident. “I haven’t watched the video,” he said. However, the spokesperson pointed out that the scheme of arrangement the leaders of the States — participants of the NATO Alliance their “family pictures” was approved in advance, and trump wasn’t trying to take a better place. Thursday, may 25, trump during the inspection of the new headquarters of NATO