In the UK reduced the level of terrorist threat

The UK authorities decided to reduce the level of terrorist threat in the country after the explosion in Manchester, Prime Minister Theresa may. On Saturday, may 27, according to Reuters. Threat level downgraded from “critical” to “severe”. This decision was taken by British analytical center the results of the raids carried out by security forces after the attack in Manchester. The lowering of the threat level means, in particular, that the soldiers of the army of the United Kingdom would not help the police to provide security. Similar measures were introduced in Britain on Tuesday, may 23. Then it was noted that for policing to the streets of the country will be thousands of troops. The explosion in Manchester, occurred a day earlier, may 22, in the area of the stadium, which hosted the concert of the singer Ariana Grande. Victims of the attack were 22 people, about 120 were

Putin discussed Syria and economic cooperation with President of Iran

The talks between Vladimir Putin and Hassan Rouhani in Moscow on 28 March 2017 The President of Russia Vladimir Putin held a telephone conversation with his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani. This is stated in the message on the Kremlin website. The Russian head of state congratulated the Iranian President on his reelection and wished him success. “When discussing the situation in Syria and stressed the importance of increasing joint efforts to promote political and diplomatic settlement of the conflict in this country, in particular in the framework of “Astana process” and through the implementation of the Memorandum on the establishment of a de-escalation,” — said the press service of the Kremlin. With regard to economic and trade cooperation, particular attention was paid to the implementation of major joint projects in oil and gas sphere and in the sphere of peaceful atom. 20 may it became known that Iran’s President Hassan

The media learned about the willingness of the G7 to tighten sanctions against Russia

Leaders of the G7 countries with the heads of African States at the summit in Taormina Countries “Big seven” is ready to tighten sanctions against Russia if Moscow does not fulfill the provisions of the Minsk agreements. This became known to the Italian news Agency ANSA, which, as reported TASS, cites informed sources on the sidelines of the G7 summit, held in Taormina, Sicily. In particular, the Agency reported that the willingness of the G7 to step up pressure on Russia in case of default of its obligations under the Minsk agreements will be spelled out in the summit outcome document as a separate item. It is emphasized that the United States agree with the need for sanctions. At the same time, for example, according to Reuters, the leaders of the countries “the Big seven” have not agreed on the wording about anti-Russian sanctions. However, as reported RIA Novosti, the

World champion in the game of go lost three matches in a row, the computer program

Ke Jie World champion in the game of go Chinese Se Jie lost three matches computer program AlphaGo. About it reports TASS. The last meeting was held on Saturday, may 27. Each side was given three hours to make decisions. In case of victory, TSE could get $ 1.5 million. “This is a cold machine that has no feelings for this game. In the past the program had some weaknesses, but now I feel that her understanding of the game of go, and its decisions are beyond our capabilities,” said the player. AlphaGo program created by Google DeepMind. In 2016, the former world champion Guo Lee Se Dol was also trying to beat the artificial intelligence, but lost in four games out of five. Go — logical Board game. She appeared about three thousand years ago. It involved two players, one gets stones in white, black. The goal of opponents

Vice-Governor of Saint-Petersburg refused to consider “Krestovsky” expensive

Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Igor Albin, said that the opinion about the high cost of the stadium “Central” is a stereotype. The words of the official lead “Arguments and Facts”. “It’s a stereotype. Misleading. If you estimate the cost per seat or per square metre — area of object, just in case, 285 thousand “squares”. He’s not that expensive as it looks,” said Albin, noting that the construction of the stadium “could be saved through more accurate design solutions and time.” “Build fast build cheaper. 12 years is certainly a long time, and every redesign — new expenses of time and money,” said Albin. May 22 at the stadium “Central” the workers began to change the lawn, the condition of which was unsatisfactory. Soon the arena will be laid roll pitch. Due to poor grass match “Zenith” with “Krasnodar” was moved to the old arena of the St. Petersburg club

The Federation Council was called paranoid words Poroshenko about “the tentacles of the Kremlin”

Franz Klintsevich The words of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko about the “tentacles of the Kremlin”, who are drawn to the “throats of the key capitals of Europe”, are a manifestation of paranoia. This opinion on Saturday, may 27, was expressed by the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich, reports TASS. “Typical paranoid. As if Ukraine was not left without a President,” said the Senator. Klintsevich recalled how on 22 may 1949 the Minister of the Navy James Forrestal out of the window of the hospital shouting “Russian go!”. The Senator explained that this phrase “is imprinted in the memory of mankind as the symbol of the first anti-Soviet and then anti-Russian hysteria”. According to Klintsevich, saying Poroshenko is like the cry of the Forrestal. He also explained that there is a Russian world as a geopolitical and social phenomenon, and its impact

The Ministry of defence found out about the conspiracy of ISIS with the Kurds of withdrawal from Raqqa in Palmyra

Grouping “Islamic state” agreed with the Kurds on the exit of the militants from the Syrian city of raqqa in the direction of Palmyra, the Russian military in Syria has taken measures to prevent this. About it RIA Novosti said a source in the Russian defense Ministry. “According to information confirmed by several independent channels, in raqqa between the command of Kurdish troops from the so-called “Syrian democratic forces” and leaders operating in the district of LIH factions reached an agreement to open the safe “southern corridor”. The terrorists the opportunity to freely leave the city if they go to the Palmyra,” — said the Agency interlocutor. The source added that after receiving this information, the command of the Russian troops in Syria have taken measures to prevent the escape of militants in the South. In particular, the Russian air force on Thursday, may 25, destroyed 32 of a pickup

Died Zbigniew Brzezinski

Zbigniew Brzezinski A former adviser to the US President for national safety James Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski died in 90-m to year of life. About this newspaper The New York Times. As reported by the daughter of the late, Mika Brzezinski, her father died on Friday, may 26, in hospital Inova Fairfax Hospital in falls Church, Virginia. Zbigniew Brzezinski was born in 1928 in a family of Polish diplomats in the 1950s became a citizen of the United States, where he made an academic career. Brzezinski was doing research in the field of sociology, political science and philosophy. Special attention is paid to the study of the USSR and the socialist countries against the “Soviet expansion”. In the years 1977-1981 Brzezinski held the position of national security adviser in the Carter administration. Actively advocated for the provision of the US administration’s full support to the Afghan Mujahideen who fought against the

WP announced the offer Kouchner Kislyak to create a channel of communication with the Kremlin

Jared Kushner Son-in-law and Advisor to the President of the United States Donald trump Jared Kushner and the Russian Ambassador in Washington Sergey Kislyak discussed the possibility of creating a “secret and secure channel of communication” between the transition team of trump and the Kremlin, the newspaper the Wasington Post, citing an intelligence report. According to the publication, Kislyak told the leadership in Moscow that Kouchner made the offer during a meeting in early December in the trump tower in new York. This became known to the American authorities of “intercept Russian messages”, says WP. The meeting was also attended by Michael Flynn, who some time after the inauguration of trump was his national security Advisor, but was forced to leave his post. According to reports, Kislyak was “stunned” by the offer to allow the Americans the use of Russian means of communication with their Embassy or Consulate. This could

Two Russian diplomats to leave Estonia before the end of may

Narva Consul General of Russia in Narva Dmitry Kazennov and Consul Andrew Sergeev needs to leave Estonia before the end of may. About it as transfers RIA Novosti, reported the TV channel TVN, Russian Ambassador to Estonia Aleksandr Petrov. “Ministry of foreign Affairs of Estonia has informed us that the Consul General of Russia in Narva and his Deputy declared “persona non grata” to the end of the month to leave the country,” Petrov said, adding that to explain the motives of this decision, diplomatic practice is not accepted. “So we can only regret it, and consider this step as an openly unfriendly act that will have negative consequences for bilateral relations”, — said the Russian diplomat. The Ambassador said that both diplomats are staff members of the Ministry of foreign Affairs, “that during his work in Narva have done a lot to improve bilateral relations.” Earlier on 26 may,