Zakharova called the accusations Montenegro trying to make excuses for NATO membership

Maria Zakharova The accusations of the Minister of foreign Affairs of Montenegro Serdiana of Germanovich against Russia over alleged interference in the internal Affairs of the country intended to justify to its own population the NATO membership. This is the official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said of the National news service (NSN) on Monday, may 29. According to the diplomat, the citizens of the Republic “was not eager” to join NATO. “That is why the referendum was not held. Officialdom afraid to show the true figures demonstrating the will of the Montenegrins”, — said Zakharov. May 28 Minister of foreign Affairs of Montenegro, Serjan Germanovich said that Russia “actively interfered in the internal Affairs” of the country, trying to prevent Podgorica to join NATO. “Our membership in NATO is not directed against anyone whatsoever, including against Russia. But of course, we can’t accept that somebody else

The media learned about plans of the White house to restart talks with Moscow on Ukraine

Rex Tillerson The administration of the President of the United States Donald trump is considering restarting talks with Russia on resolving the situation in Ukraine. On Sunday, may 28, the newspaper reported The Washington Post. In the material indicates that the initiative is overseen by the Secretary of state Rex Tillerson, who, according to the newspaper’s sources, has already discussed the issue with Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “The idea Tillerson is to restart the kind of peace negotiations, which in 2016 was attended by the administration [Barack] Obama (the former President of the USA — approx. “Of the”), but with the hope that the new circumstances and personalities will give the best result”, — the newspaper writes. The publication also indicates that Tillerson wants to appoint a special envoy from the state Department for this initiative. In particular, this person will negotiate with Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov.

Trump has declared the full confidence of his son –

Jared Kushner and Donald trump The President of the United States Donald trump fully trust his senior Advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner, who was accused of having relations with representatives of Russia. The American leader has pointed this out in his statement, which was distributed on Sunday, may 28, the newspaper the New York Times. “Jared does a great job for the country (USA — approx. “Of the”). I trust him completely. He is respected literally everything, and he is working on a program that will save our country billions of dollars”, — quotes the edition of trump. In addition, as noted by the American leader, Kouchner “a very good man.” On may 26, the Washington Post, citing the intelligence report, said that Kouchner and Russian Ambassador in Washington Sergey Kislyak discussed the possibility of creating a “secret and secure channel of communication” between the transition team of trump

Died former Prime Minister of Greece Constantine Mitsotakis

Former Prime Minister of Greece Constantine Mitsotakis, one of the most famous political figures of Greece, died Monday, may 29, in 99-m to year of life. About it reports Reuters with a reference to the family policy. The Mitsotakis, whose political career lasted more than half a century, was Prime Minister of Greece from 1990 to 1993. Constantine Mitsotakis was born in October 1918 at Crete, he received higher legal and economic education. He first was elected to Parliament at the age of 28 years from the Liberal party. He held several Ministerial posts, after which, in 1984, became the leader of the conservative party “New democracy”. The Mitsotakis resigned from Parliament in January 2004 but remained as honorary President of the party. His son, Kyriakos, is the President of New democracy, now the main opposition political organization in the country.

The media found among the detainees in the case about the explosion in Manchester of the student-the chemist

The British newspaper Daily Mail on Sunday, 28 may, reported that among the detainees in the case about the explosion in Manchester on may 22 featured the student-the chemist. According to the newspaper, his name is Mohamed Warfalli, he was 20 years old. The young man was arrested on Saturday morning, a few hours before Prime Minister Theresa may has lowered the terrorist threat level in the country from “critical” to “severe”. Together with him was arrested his 22-year-old brother Yahya. Police conducted an analysis of contacts in social networks of young people and discovered that Yahya was in the friends list in Facebook Hashim — brother Salman, Abedi exploded in the “Manchester Arena” on may 22. According to the profile of Mohamed in LinkedIn, he studied chemical engineering at the University of Huddersfield. It is known that the family of Verbally — came from the Libyan city of Benghazi,

Trump expressed his satisfaction with the progress of its tax reforms

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump was pleased with the progress of his initiative to reform the tax system. His opinion he shared on Twitter. “Large-scale tax cuts, a reform that I introduced, is progressing very well, in fact ahead of schedule. Great benefits for all!” — wrote the President. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 29 may 2017, 00:07 At the same time he spoke about reform of the health system. According to trump, you should invest more in the development of the new Republican Healthcare initiatives. At the same time, as expressed by trump, offered by his predecessor Barack Obama the system is “dead”. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 28 may 2017, 23:57 Earlier it was reported that the tax reform involves lowering tax on business profits from 35 to 15 percent. The tax will apply to both corporations and small and medium-sized businesses. The administration also promised

The media learned about the recognition of the former head of Udmurtia his involvement in bribery

Alexander Soloviev The former Governor of Udmurtia Alexander Solovyov under investigation, pleaded guilty to taking bribes. About it writes “Kommersant”. The publication says, citing sources, that Solov’ev did not recognize the receipt of all 140 million rubles, which he accuses the Investigative Committee, and in several setochnykh episodes. Lawyers Irina Pikalevo and Sergei Larionov, hired by the daughter of Solovyov, I believe that this confession could be obtained under pressure of the investigation. In their opinion, the investigation is trying to obtain from the accused a confession, which indirectly confirmed the nightingales, drop in the court of appeal for the phrase: “Yes, I broke the law”. According to Pikalevo, investigator Roman Mukhachev “virtually ignored the decision by the lawyer on the appointment of Alexei Ulyanov”. He participated in the design of the Protocol of detention of the former Governor in Moscow on 4 April and arraignment. To represent the interests

Turchinov urged to build a fortress on the border with Russia

Secretary of the national security Council and defence of Ukraine (NSDC) Oleksandr Turchynov urged Ukrainian border guards to build “insurmountable fortress” on the border with Russia. He stated this in his congratulatory message to the day of the border guards published on the website of the NSDC. “For us it is important to equip the state border in the West, by European standards — comfortable and reliable, and to the East to create an insurmountable fortress. I am convinced that our guards will adequately fulfill all the tasks set by the country!” — Turchynov wrote. In September 2014, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who was then the head of the government of Ukraine started the project “the Wall”. According to the plan, the state border with Russia for nearly two thousand kilometers need to be equipped with anti-tank ditches, watchtowers, signaling means, and the reference points for the border guards. Until 2018 for

In the United States called the probable nationality of the authors WannaCry

The authors of the WannaCry virus that has infected computers in 150 countries two weeks ago, probably came from such Asian countries as Hong Kong, Taiwan or Singapore. About this newspaper the South China Morning Post, citing U.S. intelligence. This conclusion, according to the newspaper, made by the experts who conducted linguistic analysis of malicious software. According to their suggestion, it was written in Chinese-people with southern dialects. Experts say that the “firmly convinced” in their conclusions. In earlier reports based on code analysis, it was assumed that the viral attackers are North Korean programmers. Malware WannaCry blocked information on infected computers and displayed the message in 28 languages, demanding a ransom from 300 to 600 dollars for data recovery. Blackmailer began to spread on 12 may. It is assumed that the creators of the virus had based malware NSA Eternal Blue. It has spread in more than 150 countries

Offered an unexpected explanation for the lack of extraterrestrial civilizations

Philosophers Anders Sandberg from Oxford University (UK) and Stuart Armstrong and Milan Sarcevic of the Institute for the future of humanity (Serbia) have proposed an explanation of the Fermi paradox (nenablyudaemo humanity aliens). Corresponding Preprint of the study is available in edition “”. The authors suggested that “the hypothesis of summer hibernation”, according to which the reason why mankind does not observe the manifestations of the activities of extraterrestrial civilizations, is that the latter are currently inactive because waiting for the “future space er”. Scientists assume that in the Universe there are many alien civilizations that have arisen previously on earth. Over time the first reached the level of development in which (in the modern Universe) further modernization of civilization is extremely limited. These aliens, according to the authors, may come in contact with each other, but is unobservable to humans. The Fermi paradox is the lack of visible signs