Putin expressed confidence in the non-use of chemical weapons Assad

Bashar Al-Assad Of the Syrian government forces did not use chemical weapons. This statement was made by President of Russia Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the St Petersburg international economic forum (SPIEF-2017), his words RIA Novosti reported. “Assad of these weapons was not used. It was all done by people who wanted to blame”,— said Putin. He also said that Russia is defending Syria is not Assad personally and the Syrian state. The same position he expressed on may 30 in an interview with the newspaper Figaro. The Russian leader said that immediately after the appearance of information on the use of chemical weapons in Syria, Moscow has invited all interested parties to conduct an inspection of the aerodrome, which allegedly flew the planes supposedly dropped internationally banned shells. According to him, the modern means of control is exactly recorded the traces of chemical weapons, but “refused to perform

The white house asked the U.S. Supreme court to restore the action of the migration decree

The US administration sent on June 1 in the Supreme court (SC) of the country a petition for renewal of the decree of the President of Donald trump on a temporary ban on the entry of citizens of the six countries. About it reports Reuters. “We appealed to the Supreme court that they have heard this important matter and confirmed that the decree trump was signed in the framework of its statutory powers, carried out to protect people and society from the terrorist threat,” — said press Secretary of the US Department of justice Sarah Isgur Flores. In turn, the activists of the American civil liberties Union, said he has sought the revocation of this decree and intend to do it again. If any satisfy the request of the administration, the ban will take effect immediately. To do this, from the nine judges for him to vote five. A second

The UN expressed its disappointment with the U.S. decision on withdrawal from the agreement on climate

António Guterres The decision of the United States of America to come out from the Paris climate agreement undermines efforts of the international community to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and global security. This is stated in the statement of the UN Secretary General, antónio Guterres, with whom his name was made by press Secretary of the organization Stephen Dujarric. As highlighted in the document, the UN chief expressed his confidence that cities, States and private enterprises, States, and other Nations of the world will work towards the development of low-carbon and sustainable economy. June 1 regret with the decision of the US to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement expressed by the European Union. “Today is a sad day for the world community as a key partner again pulled away from the fight against climate change. The EU deeply regrets the unilateral decision of the administration to trump on the

The lower house of Japan’s Parliament approved a law on otrechenie Emperor

Emperor Akihito The lower house of Japan’s Parliament approved a special bill on the abdication of Emperor Akihito. It is reported Japan Today. The bill was designed specifically for the 83-year-old Emperor, who will be able to pass Hrizantemovym the throne to the heir to the throne crown Prince Naruhito. Time of renunciation will be determined within three years after the adoption of the law. The sources reported that it might occur in December 2018, when Emperor Akihito will celebrate 85 years. The preparation of the legal basis for a possible lifetime of renunciation Akihito was started after he announced his desire to compete in a televised address to the nation in August last year. The Emperor said that due to old age it gets harder and harder to perform their duties. The law of succession must gain approval in the upper house of the Japanese Parliament — the House

The US imposed sanctions against Russian companies for cooperation with North Korea

The U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions against nine organizations and three individuals for cooperation with the DPRK in the field of development of missile and nuclear technology. About it reports Reuters. In the list fall under the restrictions of the two Russian companies: “Ardis-Bearing” and “Independent petroleum company”, as well as a citizen of Russia Igor Michurin born in 1978. In addition, under the American sanctions were companies from China and the DPRK, as well as several of the citizens of these countries. May 29, North Korea fired another missile, allegedly of Scud (NATO designation of the Soviet R-17). According to the South Korean military, rocket, which was launched from the province of Gangwon, has covered a distance of about 450 kilometers. In the United States reported that the flight lasted six minutes, the missile fell into the sea of Japan. In South Korea and Japan called the missile launch

Russian hackers were not privy to the attacks in France

The head of the French Agency for cybersecurity Guillaume Poupard said that his Department found no indication that the attacks during the presidential campaign were the hackers from Russia. The official said in an interview with the Associated Press. According to him, the attack was so simple that to do it could anyone, anywhere. In addition, Poupart confirmed that his office found no traces of the hacker group APT28, which also is suspected in break-ins during the presidential campaign in the United States. On the night of 6 may, the day before the second round of presidential elections in France, WikiLeaks has published a mass of documents of the team of Emmanuel Macron — at that time candidate countries. The staff stated that were victims of a “coordinated hacking”operation. The national Commission for monitoring the elections of the President of France addressed the media with a request not to use

The media learned about the intention of the trump to lift sanctions against Russia in the first weeks of work

The administration of U.S. President Donald trump in the first weeks of its operation were ready to normalize relations with Russia, however, the appointees of the former administration of Barack Obama and staff members of this Department strongly opposed. It is reported portal Yahoo! News, citing several sources. In particular, it is argued that senior White house officials almost immediately after taking office asked the staff of the Department of state to develop proposals for the lifting of economic sanctions, the release of diplomatic property, and other steps to get rid of tensions with Moscow. Efforts to reduce or eliminate the punitive measures imposed by Obama in response to attributed to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine and the presidential campaign in the United States in 2016, has alarmed some officials of the foreign Ministry. They immediately began to convince the leaders of Congress to quickly enact laws that prevent the administration

In Mexico, the court sent Makeeva 1.5 years in jail before sentencing

Alexei Makeev In the Mexican Cancun, the court on Thursday, June 1, resumed the trial of Russian Alexei Makeyev, who is accused of premeditated murder. The judge ruled on pre-trial detention for a period of one and a half years, told RIA Novosti the Russian Consul in Mexico Dmitry Bolbot. The court found sufficient grounds to start the process. The appointed period of three months to gather all the materials in the case, and then will begin hearings with the involvement of lawyers. Makeev for the trial will be in jail for temporary detention, he identified a free lawyer. According to a source in office of public Prosecutor of the state of Quintana Roo, the possible prison sentence faced by the Russians, can range from 25 to 50 years. Bolbot stressed that the Embassy is ready to provide Makeeva all necessary assistance, despite his refusal to cooperate and unwillingness under

Maduro will announce new draft of the Constitution to a referendum

Nicolas Maduro Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on the results of the constituent Assembly to submit to a referendum draft of the new Constitution of the country. As reported RIA Novosti, such a statement he made on state television. “A new, reformed Constitution will go to an Advisory referendum, the people decided whether he wants it or not,” said Maduro. The reform of the basic law will be engaged in the constituent Assembly, convened on the initiative of the head of state. Decision Maduro, which he announced earlier, led to mass protests and severe criticism from the opposition calling it a coup attempt. Mass protests of people dissatisfied with the rule of the socialists, continued in the country since the beginning of April. They Express dissatisfaction with the economic situation and require the appointment of early elections. The number of victims of collisions has exceeded 50.

The attack on the hotel in Manila has killed at least 34 people

The resort in the Philippine capital Manila after the attack by militants on the casino found the bodies of at least 34 people. About it reports Reuters. Information was confirmed by the press service of the President of the country. According to sources in the fire service, most of the victims died from suffocation. The attack occurred in the night of Friday, June 2nd. The gunman burst into the casino on the third floor of the hotel complex Resorts World Manila. People he didn’t. The perp doused gaming tables with gasoline and set on fire. The police said that the attack is not a terrorist attack. According to police, the motive of the offender had the intention to steal chips. Earlier it was reported. in a panic, injured 25 people, mostly due to fractures and smoke inhalation. The suspect, according to police, he committed suicide. According to others, he was