Real Madrid won the Champions League

Real Madrid beat Turin’s Juventus in the Champions League final of the season 2016/2017. About it the correspondent “”. The meeting was held on Saturday, June 3, at the Millennium stadium in Cardiff (Wales) and ended with the score 4:1. The winners scored a double striker Cristiano Ronaldo (20th and 64th minutes), another goal on account of Midfielders Carlos Casemiro (61-I) and Marco Asensio (90-I). Juventus replied with a goal by Mario Mandzukic (27). In the 84th minute after two warnings from the field was deleted midfielder, Juventus, Juan Cuadrado. Ronaldo became the first player to score in three Champions League finals. “Real” for the first time in history won the Champions League two seasons in a row. In 2016, creamy in the final beat Atletico Madrid.

Putin spoke about the emotional relief in Saint Petersburg

Vladimir Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin said that in St. Petersburg he dumped a load off. During the presentation of writer Daniel Granin State prize for outstanding achievements in humanitarian activities, reports “Interfax”, the audience asked Putin whether he is in St. Petersburg. “Okay. You know, I once caught myself thinking: if I arrive from Moscow, and all is well with me, and it turns out — in a good mood. I arrived in St. Petersburg, got into the car — as mountain from shoulders fall, easing some comes the mental, moral,” — said the President. “It seemed that everything was fine, but now even better. It is unusual in a sense and very pleasant,” added the head of state. Earlier, on 3 June, Putin took part in the naming ceremony for Arctic tanker-liquefied gas carrier “Christophe de Margerie” — in honor of the deceased in the Moscow Vnukovo airport

In Denmark allowed to publicly burn the Koran and the Bible

Denmark abolished the blasphemy law, adopted over 300 years ago, reports The Guardian. The country will no longer chase for public insult of religious objects and symbols, including the burning of Holy books such as the Koran and the Bible. In Kingdom Parliament explained that it saw no need to special laws to protect the faith from those or other public statements. “Religion should not dictate what is allowed and what is forbidden to say in public. It gives her a very unfair priority in society,” said proposed to abolish the law the Deputy Gerap Bruno (Bruno Jerup). While direct threats, derogatory remarks, intimidation and other aggressive actions against people because of their religious beliefs is still punishable. As the newspaper notes, the country stopped the trial against the Dane, who in 2015 has published on Facebook the video with act of the burning of the Koran. He had to

The terrorist attack at the funeral in Kabul, killing 20 people

In Kabul as a result of bombings during a funeral ceremony has killed 20 people and injured 35. This was reported by TV channel Al Jazeera, citing the Ministry of public health of Afghanistan. A series of bombings during a funeral of the son of a Senator of the upper house of the Afghan Parliament Salim Isadora, who died a day earlier during protests. It is emphasized that three suicide bombers were members of the procession. At the funeral ceremony was attended by dignitaries, including the Minister of foreign Affairs of Afghanistan Salahuddin Rabbani and Prime Minister Abdullah Abdullah. They both suffered. According to RIA Novosti, after the bombings, dissatisfied with the incident destroyed two police cars. Banned in Russia, the Taliban said it was not involved in the terrorist attack, the Agency said. Son of Salim Isidora died on 2 June during anti-government demonstrations in Kabul. The demonstrators gathered

Regardie 40 minutes found in Moscow hijacked Mercedes natives of the Caucasus

Employees of Regardie detained in Moscow two suspects in the carjacking of Mercedes-Benz. This was reported on Saturday, June 3, on the website of the Federal service. As reports the press service, malefactors, threatening with a knife, stole a car from the owner and fled. The victim went to the police, the city introduced a plan “Interception”. The car was found 40 minutes later and blocked the street people’s Militia, employees of private security of the Moscow Department of Regardie. One of the suspects tried to escape, but he failed. Detained was a 36-year-old and 42-year-old natives of the North Caucasus Federal district. They were taken to the police for further investigation. The TV channel “360” notes that tried to escape, the thief was caught on the street of Marshal Tukhachevsky. The resource has also published video from the arrest. In the video one of the men, in particular, ask

Ukrainian border guards detained on the Interpol wanted Russian

Ukrainian border guards at the airport “Kyiv” detained the citizen of Russia, who is internationally wanted on suspicion of involvement in terrorist activities. About this informed the TV channel “112 Ukraine” with reference to the state border service. It is reported that the tracking system Interpol was triggered during the passing of 33-year-old Russian passport control. Previously it is established that the man arrived on a flight from Ankara. On this fact informed the attendants of the Ukrainian Bureau of Interpol. On April 17, was detained at Kiev’s Borispol airport, the Russian woman, declared in the international wanted list for suspicion of terrorist activities. According to the report, 30-year-old woman arrived to Ukraine from Jordan with four minor children with the purpose of obtaining refugee status. Was published on the first page of the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation. The document stated that she was born in

The Prime Minister of Ireland, will be openly gay with Indian roots

Leo Varadkar The Irish government will be headed by social protection Minister Leo Varadkar (Leo Varadkar) in 2015 openly declared their sexual orientation. 38-year-old politician with the Indian roots will become the youngest Prime Minister in the country’s history, reports The Guardian. 2 Jun Varadkar was elected leader of the ruling party “fine Gal” (Fine Gael). In accordance with this, he will soon take the post of head of the Cabinet of Ministers, which became vacant after the incumbent Prime Minister ENDA Kenny in may announced his resignation. Kenny expressed successor full support. “It is a great honor for him and I know he will dedicate himself to improving the lives of people across the country”, — said the politician. Varadkar in may last year headed the Ministry of social protection. Before that, he spent nearly two years led the Ministry of health and for three years held the position

North Korea said the inability of the US to intercept the missiles

DPRK authorities believe that the U.S. can intercept North Korean missiles. This was stated by the representative of the strategic forces of the Korean people’s army in an interview with the Central news Agency of the country (KCNA). In this test the Washington system intercepting Intercontinental ballistic missiles, he called a serious military provocation. “Such a risky move is a sign that their [US] preparing to unleash nuclear war against the DPRK has reached the last phase. Their reckless steps clearly indicate that our strengthening of the nuclear forces for self — defense- the right decision”, — said the press-Secretary of the Korean army. According to him, the United States boast the success of the trials, but in Pyongyang it is considered stupidity and bluff. 29 may North Korea conducted a successful test of a ballistic missile. The head of state, Kim Jong UN expressed conviction that the country “will

The Pentagon admitted the possibility of conflict between the US and China

The Minister of defence of the USA James Mattis, said the possibility of tensions between the US and China. This he said at the annual Asian security summit “Shangri-La Dialogue,” Reuters reports. “While competition between the US and China — the two largest economies in the world is inevitable, and the conflict cannot be ruled out,” said Mattis. According to him, Washington supports the efforts by Beijing to curb North Korea, but do not agree with increasing military power of China in the South China sea. Mattis at the same time stressed that the United States continues to seek cooperation with partners. “Whether we like it or not, we are all part of the world. What would it be for the world if we all retreat behind their borders?” — said the head of the Pentagon. The Minister reminded that slowing down or looking back nuclear and missile programs of

In raqqa during air strikes of the international coalition killed 43 people

Aircraft of the international coalition led by the US attacked the Syrian city of raqqa, killing at least 43 civilians. This informs the Syrian state television, citing witnesses, reports RIA Novosti. It is reported that the coalition aircraft attacked a building where there were civilians, most of the dead were women and children. Agency SANA said that was destroyed a six-storey building. 1 June in the Russian defense Ministry said that the militants of banned terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG) for the week took two attempts to break out Rakka to Palmyra, they were stopped by the aviation of Russian air force. The first column of the VC destroyed aircraft on 25 may. In the night from 29 to 30 may, the terrorists made another attempt to go to the Palmyra. Three convoys of militants under the cover of darkness moved from Raqqa in a southerly direction on several routes.