The President of Russia advised US to switch to direct elections

Vladimir Putin The United States, if important to them justice, it would be to change the electoral law and to make presidential elections direct. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview with NBC. The Russian leader pointed out that the American Constitution and election legislation is constructed in such a way that the candidate can vote a greater number of electors, which is a smaller number of voters. “And such cases in the history of the United States are. Really?” — said Putin. “So if we talk about some socio-political justice, then we need to change is the electoral law to bring the case to enable the direct secret ballot elected the head of state and was a direct calculation, which can be easily controlled,” said he. “That’s all. And there’s nobody to point to and blame someone else for their troubles to those who lost

Sechin described the target of anti-Russian sanctions

Igor Sechin The aim of anti-Russian sanctions is to affect the socio-economic situation in the country, said the head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin. This opinion he expressed in an interview with the Financial Times. “Worse and affect elections. It is my deep conviction,” he said. “To be honest, I don’t like to talk about sanctions. I think they are absolutely unreasonable and even illegal. It is impossible to pass political responsibility to the corporate level. We are not part of international politics. We don’t set policy,” — said Sechin. “I was sweating, trying to raise capitalization. It was 93 billion dollars. And then decide to impose sanctions. And my capitalization, the product of my effort is reduced to 62 billion dollars”, — said the head of “Rosneft”. On 28 March the European court of Justice in Luxembourg upheld the EU sanctions against “Rosneft”. This decision was a response to the

A number of Arab countries severed relations with Qatar

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (left, foreground) and the king of Bahrain Hamad bin ISA al Khalifa (right foreground) Bahrain breaks off diplomatic relations with Qatar, reports Reuters, citing state media Kingdom. In Manama has accused Qatar in supporting terrorism and interfering in the internal Affairs of Bahrain. Air and sea connections between the countries ceased. Bahrain has also ordered its nationals to leave Qatar within 14 days. Citizens of Qatar also have two weeks to leave the territory of Bahrain, and Qatari diplomats given 48-hour deadline, reports Al Arabiya. In turn severed diplomatic relations with Qatar and ceased to transport with him to Saudi Arabia. As stated in Riyadh, this step is necessary to protect the Kingdom from “terrorism and extremism”. Saudi Arabia called on “all brotherly countries and companies to do the same thing.” After Bahrain and Saudi Arabia to break off relations with Qatar declared Egypt also

“Juventus” for the first time in history earned more than 100 million euros in the Champions League

Turin “Juventus” has earned 109 million euros for performance in the Champions League in the season 2016/2017. It is reported by Football Italia. The Italian club received more than anyone in this tournament. Real Madrid won the Champions League, earned 80.9 per million. Juventus became the first club in the competition’s history, which exceeded 100 million euros. Such income became possible thanks to allocation of funds between countries. The old lady divided all of the money received from the sale of rights to broadcast, only with the “Napoli”, which took off in the 1/8 finals. Spain in this season four clubs, which distributed the funds among themselves. 3 Jun Juventus at the Millennium stadium in Cardiff (Wales) lost to real Madrid in the Champions League final with the score 1:4. The winners scored a double striker Cristiano Ronaldo, one goal on account of Midfielders Carlos Casimiro and Marco Asensio. Juventus

Putin commented on the accusations of “interference” of Russia in elections in the United States

United States around the world interfering in other people’s political processes, but are offended to Russia, ostensibly to intervene in their presidential elections, although in reality such interference does not make sense. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin in interview to TV channel NBC. “Where the finger on a world map nor a poke, everywhere you will complain that us officials intervene in their domestic political processes,” he said. Putin said that those who insist on the accuracy of the information about the alleged Russian interference in American elections, misled, and direct evidence such interference no. “So if someone, I’m not saying that we (we intervened), but if someone somehow influences or attempts to influence, or somehow involved in these processes, then it really the United States not to be offended. Who tells us who is offended at us for what we interfering? You are constantly interfering,” said

The IG has claimed responsibility for the attack in London

Grouping “Islamic state” has claimed responsibility for the attack on people in London on Saturday evening, June 4. About it reports Reuters with reference to the Internet resources of terrorists. “Squad of fighters “Islamic state” has made yesterday’s attack in London,” the statement reads. The three men in the car made arrival on pedestrians in the area of London bridge, and then drove to borough market, where he got out of the car and with knives attacked passers-by. Criminals were eliminated by the police. As a result of attacks, according to the latest figures, killed seven people, injured 48. IG on Saturday, June 3, has placed the appeal in a Telegram to his followers to launch attacks using trucks, knives and weapons against “crusaders” during the Muslim Holy month of Ramadan. “Islamic state” in Russia included in the list of terrorist organizations, for participation in activities which provide for criminal

Midfielder “Rostov” Noboa has passed in “Zenith”

Midfielder “Rostov” Christian Noboa has passed in St.-Petersburg “Zenith”. This was reported on the website of blue-white-blue. The player, who plays for the national team of Ecuador, joined Zenit on a free transfer. Noboa signed a contract for three years. 1 Jun Kurban Berdyev left the position of Vice-President of “Rostov”. 64-year-old specialist worked with the team from December 2014 to August 2016. Under his leadership the band became the silver medalists of the championship of Russia in 2015/16 and for the first time in its history came in the Champions League. After that, he became a consultant to “Rostov”. Fans of the club have accepted the departure of Barcelona. In response to this press-service “Rostov” has promised to apply sanctions to the optimistic fans. Noboa is a two-time champion of Russia in the Kazan “Rubin”. In the season 2016/2017 he has played for “Rostov” 40 matches, scored seven goals

The source of “alien” signals called cosmic strings

Chinese and American scientists offered a possible explanation for fast radio bursts — a single powerful pulse, one explanation for which is the activity of aliens. The study is available in edition “”. Experts believe that fast radio bursts are generated by superconducting cosmic strings relic-dimensional folds of space-time. These objects contain matter, which can act as a giant antenna emitting a powerful electromagnetic signals. The radiation parameters of the hypothetical superconducting strings, according to the authors, are placed in the observed characteristics of reaching the Land of fast radio bursts. Scientists say that in order to test their hypothesis requires prolonged astronomical observations. The first quick pulse was discovered in 2001 by a radio telescope in Australia, the data which is processed only by 2007. Have since confirmed the existence of about 20 such signals. Their likely source, scientists believe, in particular, a neutron star or aliens.

The date of the elections for a constituent Assembly of Venezuela

Elections to the Constitutional Assembly of Venezuela will be held on July 30. About it as transfers TASS, said the head of the National electoral Council Tibisay Lucena. According to her, to date, more than 55 thousand people have registered as candidates in the elections. “We are amazed at the number of applications received in these days,” said Lucena. Officially the election date will be approved on 5 June. In may, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced that the new Assembly will include “364 member selected on a territorial basis, eight from the Indian peoples.” Another 168 people choose on the lists of representatives of a number of “sectors” — the peasants, fishermen, workers, students, disabled, pensioners and entrepreneurs. Earlier, Maduro said he plans on results of work of the constituent Assembly to submit to a referendum draft of the new Constitution of the country. The President’s decision caused massive protests

Putin has shared details of a meeting with Flynn in 2015

Vladimir Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin said that virtually spoke with a former adviser to U.S. President for national security Michael Flynn at an event in Moscow in 2015. He told about it in interview to TV presenter NBC Megyn Kelly, an excerpt from which is published on the website of the channel on Sunday, June 4. Answering a journalist’s question about meeting with U.S. officials, Putin said: “I’m with you a more personal relationship than Mr. Flynn”. The President said that was sitting next to a former adviser at the event, which was conducted by Russia Today (currently channel called RT) “At the table next to me sat a gentleman. Then I made another about something talked, and I got up and left. And then I said, “You know that this man (…) in the security services worked.” That’s all. I didn’t actually talk,” — said Putin. On June