Media reported about the plans of the trump to file a complaint against Komi

Donald Trump Donald trump and his lawyer mark Kasowitz plan to file a complaint against the former Director of the FBI James Komi Republic for disclosure of confidential information. About it reports CNN with reference to own sources. The occasion was the recognition of the Komi Republic that he gave one of his friends, Professor Columbia University Daniel Richman, the content of the conversation with President Donald trump. Former Director of the FBI asked his friend to bring this to the attention of the press. The complaint may direct the inspector-General of the Ministry of justice and the Senate judiciary Committee of Congress. Earlier on Friday, 9 June, trump said that the testimony of the Komi Republic fully removed from the President’s suspicions. “Despite all the lies and libels – a complete and absolute defense… And wow, Komi-something was leaking information!”, — wrote the American leader. Speaking in the Senate,

India and Pakistan joined the SCO

The leaders of the member countries of the Shanghai cooperation organization (SCO) signed the document on the final adoption of its constituent Pakistan and India. This is stated on the organization’s website. SCO Secretary-General Rashid Alimov said that the organization becomes “a Central and cohesive structure in Eurasia”. “The SCO has successfully passed the test of time, and principles of organization have become close and understandable to millions of people on the planet,” he concluded. On 7 June, Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov said that Moscow supports the plan of membership in the SCO Iran. Iran has applied to join the organization in 2008. However, before take it, SCO was impossible, because Tehran was subject to UN sanctions. The SCO is an international organization founded in 2001 by the leaders of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. A Memorandum on the membership of India and Pakistan was signed in

Three UN peacekeepers shot and killed in Mali

In Mali, the attack on the UN compound killed three peacekeepers. About it reports Reuters. The dead were soldiers of the army of Guinea. The circumstances of the incident are not reported: it is only known that on Thursday, 8 June, the base was subjected to mortar shelling, injuring five people. The next day at the gate of a fortified camp was shot by the patrol. Over the past few months the victims of attacks by militants in Mali were more than 100 peacekeepers. As a rule, they attack the living in the desert tribes, among whom the strong influence of “al-Qaeda”. In January 2017, the terrorists attacked a military base in the city of Gao in Northern Mali, killing 77 people. Responsibility for the attack claimed by the group “al-Murabitun” associated with “al-Qaeda” (banned in Russia).

BBC News announced plans Theresa may to remain as Prime Minister

Theresa May Prime Minister Theresa may is not going to resign. She plans to work on forming a government on the basis of the Conservative party. About this in his Twitter said journalist BBC News Laura Kuenssberg. — Laura Kuenssberg (@bbclaurak) 09 June 2017, 06:30 Citi Group analysts, according to Reuters, earlier suggested that Mae will retire after the tories lost a parliamentary majority. The leader of labour’s Jeremy Corbin also called on the Prime Minister to leave his post. On the morning of Friday, June 9, became known preliminary results of early parliamentary elections, according to which the conservatives under the leadership of Theresa may lost the majority in Parliament. For the formation of the government they have to form a coalition. The initiator of the early election itself was the British Prime Minister. She explained the idea of a desire to stop the opposition of the opposition parties

Trump called the testimony of Komi full justification for itself

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump said that the testimony of a former Director of the FBI James Komi in the us Senate fully justify it. On Friday, June 9, the White house wrote on Twitter. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 09 June 2017, 10:10 “Despite such a large number of false statements and deception, was complete justification… and wow, Komi is the source of the leak,” — said the American leader. The day before trump’s lawyer said that the testimony of the Komi Republic confirmed that the US President had tried to obstruct the investigation about the alleged Russian interference in American elections. Speaking in the Senate, the former head of the FBI said it did not believe that the head of state ordered him to abandon the investigation. However, according to Komi, the head of state “expressed the hope” that, according to Reuters. “I took it as

Lavrov discussed with his Iranian counterpart the situation with Qatar

Sergei Lavrov The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov on the sidelines of the SCO summit in Astana discussed with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif on the situation with Qatar. It is reported by RIA Novosti. “Spoke about the promotion in the Syrian settlement and the impact on these processes and our collective efforts may have a story around Qatar,” — said the head of the Russian foreign Ministry. According to him, Moscow and Tehran are for, “that the crisis was resolved at the negotiating table”. On June 5, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE announced the rupture of diplomatic relations with Qatar. They accused Doha of supporting terrorist organizations, including prohibited in Russia groups “Islamic state” and al-Qaeda, and destabilizing the political situation in these Arab States.

The popularity of Merkel reached a level 2015

German Chancellor Angela Merkel support the same number of voters, how long before the start of the migration crisis in 2015. This is according to the poll ARD-Deutschlandtrend, who on Friday, June 9, leads the Deutsche Welle. It is reported that the head of the German government are satisfied that 64 percent of Germans. Meanwhile, the main rival of Merkel in the elections to the Bundestag, the leader of the Social democratic party of Germany Martin Schulz is supported by only 36 percent of respondents. This was the lowest indicators in the entire history of the poll ARD-Deutschlandtrend. It is noted that for a month the popularity of the Schultz fell by six points. The poll shows that if elections were held this week, then Merkel would have voted 53 per cent of German citizens (which is four percent more than last month), and for the leader of the social

Armed with a knife man took hostages in Newcastle

In Newcastle in the North East of the UK armed with a knife man has taken hostage several people. About it reports The Independent. According to the publication, all prisoners are employees of local employment centers. On the scene arrived the police and the negotiators. The area where is located the employment office, closed the nearest subway station is closed. From the nearby dorms of the local University evacuated students. According to police, the attacker entered the premises of the center of employment about 8:00 local time (10:00 GMT). What happened then is still unknown. According to preliminary information, several employees of the Bureau managed to leave the office. The number of remaining hostage employees specified. 12 may in the Austrian city of Erpfendorf in Tirol, a man burst into the Bank, which at that time was one man, and took him hostage. The accident site was immediately cordoned off

Prime Minister of great Britain Theresa may pereyzbyralas in Parliament

Teresa May The Prime Minister, the leader of the Conservative party Theresa may guaranteed a place in Parliament, with 37 thousand votes in his constituency Maidenhead. This was reported in the Twitter-broadcast of the elections on Sky News. You will also retain the Finance Minister, Philip Hammond, the head of British diplomacy, Boris Johnson, defence Minister Michael Fallon and Minister of internal Affairs of the Kingdom of amber Rudd. Traditional opponents of the Tory — labour — in Parliament successfully passed the leader of the party Jeremy Corbyn. He urged the Prime Minister to resign, as a result it initiated a parliamentary election is adverse to the party. Sky News predicts that the country will face the so-called “hung” Parliament, according to exit polls, no party gaining an absolute majority. The conservatives are tipped from 315 to 321 seats out of 650, labour can count on the 249 seats. At

The UN has estimated the approximate number of is militants

The UN security Council published a report of the Secretary-General about the threat to peace and security by “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia as a terrorist organization). Among other things was marked the number of its fighters in Iraq and Syria. According to the world organization, in the ranks of terrorists fighting from 12 to 20 thousand militants, their number has significantly decreased over the last 16 months. Also slowed the flow of foreign fighters. In the security Council suggest that now the main threat to international security is returning fighters to their countries and their move from the zone of conflict to other regions. The UN noted that funding for ISIS is at a critical level. The terrorists still profiting from illicit oil sales and extortion. Experts believe that the self-proclaimed Caliphate operates with amounts in the tens of millions of dollars monthly. Thus in 2015, the income