The man cut the throat of his ex-wife in a shopping center in Mexico

A man killed his ex-wife in the eyes of the visitors of the shopping center in the Mexican city of Merida. On Friday, June 23, according to the publication Proseco. The publication writes that shortly before the tragedy the couple loudly questioned the relationship, arguing about payment of the alimony on the maintenance of children. After the woman refused the offer of her ex-husband and in the hearts of said that found a new roommate, 28-year-old jealous man grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed the victim in the throat. 25-year-old woman died on the spot, Mall surveillance overpowered and disarmed the criminal. 19 June in the Northern Italian town of Kirinyaga, located near Venice, was killed by 30-year-old Anastasia Shakurova and her 31-year-old friend from Naples, Biagio Junior Buonomo. The killer himself called the police and confessed to the crime, saying that he went on a crime because of jealousy.

The number of missing after the landslide in China has risen to 141

Missing after the landslide in China’s Sichuan province is considered as 141 people, reports on Saturday, June 24, RIA Novosti, citing local newspaper “Renmin Zhibao”. On disasters so far are inconclusive. According to the press Secretary of the regional government, after several hours of search and rescue from under the mass of rocks managed to extract only two people. Chinese President XI Jinping has ordered to speed up rescue efforts. Earlier it was reported about 100 missing. The landslide came down near a village of the province early on Saturday morning. According to preliminary data, under blockages there are about 46 households. In may, the landslide came down in the Chinese province of Fujian. The collapse covered the hostel where lived workers employed on construction of hydroelectric power plants. The cause of the landslide likely began heavy rains. According to various sources, were killed from seven to 19 people, more

Australia will send to the Philippines military aircraft to fight the Islamists

The Australian defence Ministry announced the dispatch in the near future, two reconnaissance aircraft to the Philippines to fight against the Islamists. This reports the South China Morning Post. “Regional threat of terrorism posed by “Islamic state” (ISIS, a terrorist group banned in Russia) and foreign fighters is a challenge for Australia and our interests,” — said the head of the defense Ministry of the country the Marisa Payne. The aircraft will carry out air reconnaissance and to coordinate the actions of government forces on the ground. On may 23 fighters of groups “the Mouth” and “Abu Sayyaf” sworn allegiance to ISIS, captured the city of Marawi on the Philippine island of Mindanao. The next day the military moved reinforcements and launched a counterattack. In the offensive, government forces actively used armored vehicles and aircraft supporting the infantry in the street fighting. Initially, the Philippine military claimed that the liberation

Trump has created a Commission to protect American elections from hackers

Donald and Melania trump The President of the United States Donald trump is so interested in protecting the electoral process in the country from cyber attacks. About it during briefing for journalists, said White house spokesman Sean Spicer. According to him, trump has taken this two steps. First, he signed a Directive, according to which, his national security Advisor begins work on the control of the integrity of how the electoral system and other areas to protect against hacker threats. The second step was the establishment of a special Commission, which will conduct comprehensive security review of the voting process. “She will need to ensure that the whole election is credible — both in terms of cybersecurity, and in respect of other processes, including control over the identity of voters,” explained Spicer. The press Secretary added that the Commission will make a number of statements in the next two weeks.

Tornadoes in the United States has damaged the two aircraft “judgment day”

A tornado passed through the territory of the air force base of Offutt (Nebraska), damaged ten air vehicles, including two aircraft “doomsday” Boeing E-4B. This TV channel CNN said the Pentagon. E-4B in the case of a large-scale conflict or an emergency situation become an aviation command posts for senior management, if the ground control will be destroyed. In these aircraft in case of emergency allowed the President, Secretary of defense, and members of the joint chiefs of staff. In peacetime, they move the first person in the state. The U.S. has 10 of these aircraft, four of which are constantly ready for takeoff. The main ship was off-base, so that the incident did not affect the country’s defense. Also during the disaster that occurred on June 16, down was withdrawn eight long-range reconnaissance Boeing RC-135, six of them have already been repaired. In addition, at the base of the

In China after the landslide missing are more than 100 people

Archive photo More than 100 people remain missing after the landslide in Sichuan province in southwest China. On Saturday, June 24, reported the Agency Xinhua. The incident occurred near the village of Cinema early in the morning. As a result of the disaster below ground was more than 40 small houses. The landslide descended on the village, also cut the flow of local river on a stretch of about two kilometers. On the site of emergency rescuers work. On 29 April, the landslide came down on the village of UBA Osh region of Kyrgyzstan. Under the earthen lot with a capacity of about one million cubic meters were six single-storey houses, which, according to local emergency, in the time were 24 people. They all died.

Qatar called for a review of “unrealistic” demands of the Arab countries

Qatar called unrealistic demands of the Arab States to overcome the crisis and calls to review them. About it reports TV channel Al-Arabiya, citing a statement foreign Minister of the Emirate of Muhammad bin Abdurrahman al-Thani. Later at the State Committee for the protection of human rights of Qatar stated that the charges against Doha, the conditions are contrary to the conventions on human rights and should not be taken by the Emirate, Reuters reports. 22 Jun Kuwait on the rights of the intermediary handed Qatar a list of requirements of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt to resume relations. Among other things, the Doha require the closure of the TV channel “al Jazeera” and the cessation of diplomatic relations with Iran. Qatar also needs to close the Turkish military base and to stop military cooperation with Ankara. In addition, the Emirate require compensation, the amount of which is not

Security forces of Saudi Arabia have prevented a terrorist attack in the sacred mosque in Mecca

In Saudi Arabia on Friday, 23 June, prevented a terrorist attack on the most sacred site for Muslims all over the world — Holy mosque in Mecca. On it informs TV channel Al Arabiya. As told journalists the official representative of the Ministry of internal Affairs Mansur al-Turki, terrorists have created a number of cells, two of which were based in Mecca and one in Jeddah. To target criminals elected pilgrims. During the RAID one of the militants opened fire on security forces then blew themselves up. As a result, six and five civil guards were injured. Arrested five people, among them a woman. About their affiliation to any terrorist organization is not reported. The investigation is ongoing. On 21 June, the militants grouping “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) blew up the mosque an-Nuri in Mosul Iraq. In July 2014, the leader of the terrorists of ISIS, Abu

In Donbass started to operate the “bread truce”

In the Donbas from 00:00 local time Saturday, June 24, the “bread truce.” It was agreed on 21 June the participants of the Contact group on conflict settlement in the region, reminiscent of the Donetsk news Agency. It was assumed that it will run until 31 August, the parties agreed to end the clashes at the time of harvest. However, half an hour after the entry of the cease-fire the self-proclaimed authorities of Donetsk national Republic declared that the area of Dokuchayevsk was shelled by the APU, tank shells and heavy artillery. Later a source in power structures of the DNI said that the Ukrainian security forces for two hours violated the “silence regime” seven times. Information on victims and destructions did not arrive yet. The people’s militia self-proclaimed Luhansk people’s Republic said that Kiev had not yet broken the “bread peace”, reports Luganskinform. On 14 June it became known

As a result of car bombing in Pakistan killed seven people

Archive photo In the Pakistani city of Quetta (Balochistan province) a suicide bomber on the mined car attacked a building of the police Department. About it reports Reuters. A terrorist detonated an explosive device at a moment when law enforcement stopped the car for inspection. As a result of explosion seven people were killed, 15 were injured, five of them are in critical condition. According to the head of the police Department of the region of Abdul Razzaq Cheema, among the victims were four employees of law enforcement bodies. May 12, in the same region in the attack of a suicide bomber killed 25 people. Baluchistan province in southwest Pakistan, bordering Iran and Afghanistan. It is home to a large number of Afghan refugees and the attacks occur regularly. Mostly they are satisfied militants of the Pakistani Taliban based in the Pashtun populated area in the North of the province,