The media learned about the call of the Congress to withdraw the U.S. from the INF Treaty

A number of members of the American Congress suggested that the administration of US President Donald trump to lead the country out of the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range nuclear forces (INF). On Saturday, June 24, reports the Politico. “In the administration of tramp Mature fierce debate about whether to get out of another international Treaty that is the cornerstone of American-Russian disarmament, and prohibits an entire class of nuclear missiles”, — writes the edition. A member of the house of representatives and the head of the Committee on nuclear weapons, Republican Mike Rogers said Politico that the United States continue to adhere to the Treaty would be “irresponsible.” At the same time, Washington fears the possible consequences of withdrawal from the Treaty. In the state Department and the Pentagon believes that the unilateral refusal of the agreement is not in the interests of the United States.

The cyclist in the Stavropol region threw acid in the face crossing the road girls

A cyclist rides on the street October in Budennovsk, Stavropol Krai, threw acid in the face of two underage girls who were crossing the road. This is with reference to regional management of the Investigative Committee, RIA Novosti reported. The incident occurred on Friday evening, June 23. The victims — 15-year-old and 16-year-old girl hospitalized with burns of different severity. A criminal case under article “Hooliganism committed with use of objects used as weapons”. Conducted the inspection of the scene, appointed a number of examinations. The identity of the attacker is not yet established. For information about the police offering a reward in the amount of 500 thousand rubles, reports channel five.

Cherchesov commented on the departure of the Russian national team from the confederations Cup

Stanislav Cherchesov (center) Head coach Stanislav Cherchesov commented on the defeat of the Mexicans in the final match of the group stage of the confederations Cup. His words on Saturday, June 24, resulting in “Match TV”. “Unfortunately, the game was not in our favor. It is clear that it is impossible to miss goal in this situation. Well the red card. A lot of nuances. Although still to the last played, wanted to equalize, but failed. Now we know exactly what we work. There is something. Need to just calm down and analyze everything,” said Cherchesov. Before June 24, the Russian team lost to the Mexicans with the score 1:2 and left the confederations Cup. The Russians opened the scoring in the 25th minute of the match, but after five minutes we allowed them to equalise. Victory to the team of Mexico has brought exact blow of Irvine Lozano. In

The Manchester terrorist Packed a bomb in YouTube videos

The suspect in the terrorist attack in the British city of Manchester, Salman Abedi assembled the bomb according to the instructions found in videos on YouTube. On Saturday, June 24, reports The Evening Standard. The publication stresses that in the original investigation of the attack by the security services believed that the explosive device was collected by an experienced specialist. Such a conclusion they did based on the complexity of the bomb. They also found that the necessary information on what chemicals to use, Abedi downloaded on the Internet. The attack on the stadium “Manchester arena” took place the evening of may 22. Killing 22 people, including 12 children. The responsibility for what happened took banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state”. The investigation revealed that the offender was under the influence of radical groups operating in the city. In addition, a few hours before the attack, Abedi called Libya.

Named the starting lineup of the Russian team for the match against Mexico

Coaching staff of Russian national team on football has announced the lineup for the match against Mexico. About it reports “Interfax”. On the field from the first minute will be Igor Akinfeev, Victor Vasin, Fedor Kudryashov, Georgy Jikia, Yuri Zhirkov, Alexander Samedov and Denis Glushakov, Aleksandr Yerokhin, Alexander Golovin, Alexander Bukharov and Fedor Smolov. As for the Mexican team, it will represent Guillermo Ochoa, Diego Reyes, Hector Moreno, Nestor Araujo, Miguel Layun, Hector Herrera, Andres Guardado, Jonathan DOS Santos, Carlos Vela, Javier Hernandez and Irving Lozano. At the confederations Cup, the national team of Russia performs in the group A. After two matches, the wards of Stanislav Cherchesov is in third place with three points. Mexico at the confederations Cup, scored four points and tops the group, as Portugal. In this match the Russians will be satisfied with the victory, and the Mexicans will be enough to draw. Kickoff is

The Israeli air force struck at Syrian forces in response to the shelling of the Golan

View of the town of Quneitra The Israeli air force attacked the positions of Syrian troops after a government-controlled part of the Golan heights exploded shells, who arrived from Syria. This was reported on Saturday, June 24, on the website of the Israel defense forces (IDF). “In response to ten shells exploded in the Northern Golan heights, the army with air force attacked a number of positions of the Syrian regime, including two tanks and the place from where rockets were fired”, — said in a statement. The IDF said they would not accept attempts to violate Israel’s sovereignty and undermine the security of its citizens. According to the report, the blame for the incident lay in the military of the Syrian government forces. As noted by RIA Novosti, Israel admitted the shelling from the territory of a neighboring state accidental. It is noted that there were no injuries. According

In a mass fight in Germany injured 15 police officers

A mass brawl between football fans and migrants occurred in Magdeburg (Germany). As reported by a local radio station Mitteldeutsche Rundfunk, it happened in the city centre in the night of Saturday, June 24. As a result, injured 15 police officers, one of them hospitalized. According to the estimates of law enforcement bodies, in all the clashes was attended by about 150 people. Some of them were in a state of alcoholic intoxication. What was the reason to start riots, set. — News Now (@juergen_p) 24 June 2017, 10:29 In order to pacify the fighters, involved more than 100 police officers, it took them a few hours. Against some of the violators were prosecuted for assaulting law enforcement officers and causing damage. In January, the Minister of Finance of Germany Wolfgang schäuble acknowledged that government adopted the decision about the mass admission of refugees was a mistake. For their maintenance

The media learned the cause of the arrest of a Ukrainian collateral for Eurovision

The headquarters of Euronews in Lyon The amount of 15 million euros that Ukraine had provided as a guarantee of successful carrying out in Kiev of “Eurovision-2017”, could be arrested on accounts in Switzerland because of the claim of the European TV channel Euronews. This is with reference to an informed source reports Deutsche Welle. The guide channel has not confirmed nor denied its involvement in the freezing of funds, and promised to “in due time” comment. The national public broadcasting company of Ukraine (NOTE), organized a musical competition, said that the seizure of money is not associated with the Eurovision and was not initiated by the European broadcasting Union (EBU), and some third party, which in Kiev are trying to install. As recalled by Deutsche Welle, in 2014 the national television company of Ukraine, the successor of which is the NOTE, announced the severance of cooperation with Euronews, rejecting

CNN removed the material about the investigation of the relationships of the team trump with RDIF

Anthony’s Scaramucci From the website of the American channel CNN removes material devoted to the investigation of possible links Anthony of Scaramucci, former US presidential Advisor Donald trump on interaction with the business with Russian direct investment Fund (RDIF). About it reports on Saturday, June 24, Rambler News Service. The article “Congress to probe connection, the Russian investment Fund with officials trump” was published on June 22. Now it is not available, the channel apologized to Scaramucci. “This article did not meet the editorial standards of CNN and was removed. Material-deactivated”, — stated in the message. RDIF after publication informed CNN about the actual errors in the text, notes RNS. In particular, the article claimed that Vnesheconombank supposedly oversees the Fund, although in reality it is an independent activity. June 16, trump noted that “after seven months of investigations and Committee hearings about my “links with the Russian” no one

Intelligence agencies see foreign trace in the attempt of terrorist attack in the mosque of Mecca

Sacred mosque and the Kaaba The Ministry of internal Affairs of Saudi Arabia said it prevented a terrorist attack in the sacred mosque of Mecca prepared abroad. On Saturday, June 24, according to the publication SPA. In Department believe that the attackers with the attacks wants to destabilize the situation in the country. “The terrorist network, plans which were thwarted, violated all sanctity, posesivos on the Great mosque — the most sacred place on earth. The terrorists were guided from abroad, their goal was to disrupt security and stability in the country,” said Saudi interior Ministry. Earlier on Saturday the secret services of Saudi Arabia failed to prevent the attack in the sacred mosque, which houses the main Muslim Shrine — the Kaaba. During the operation on elimination of a suicide bomber injured five policemen and six civilians. Arrested five people, among them a woman. About their affiliation to any