Svetlichnaya ended up in a psychiatric clinic

Actress Svetlana Svetlichnaya ended up in the hospital due to cerebrovascular lesions brain. This is reported by Izvestia with reference to its own source. It is noted that initially she was in the hospital due to heart problems. During the treatment, her behavior and emotional state changed. At the same time, in its Telegram account, the Zvezda TV channel clarifies that it is about being in a psychiatric clinic. On October 25, Svetlichnaya was reported missing. A relative of the celebrity contacted the law enforcement agencies, who said that the star of the “Diamond Hand” had disappeared and had not been in touch for several days. A large-scale search for the star was organized: about 40 volunteers posted more than two thousand leaflets in three administrative districts of Moscow, and the walking groups walked more than 30 kilometers. On October 26, it became known that Svetlichnaya was found. She was

Russians massively booked luxury hotels in the Krasnodar Territory for the New Year

In the New Year, the Krasnodar Territory plans to receive about 400 thousand tourists KP.RU writes about this. Experts noted that there is now a shortage of available rooms in four and five-star hotels. Russians are massively booking hotels in Sochi, Anapa and Gelendzhik with check-in in late December. “Apartments and suites have been booked for the New Year holidays. Remained standard and premium “, – specified in the accommodation service of one of the hotels. The cost of living in a four-star hotel in Sochi for eight days starts from 50 thousand rubles for two. Accommodation in holiday homes will cost less – from 30 thousand. In Anapa, you can book a standard room in a four-star hotel for at least 48 thousand rubles. In addition, tourists are offered New Year's all-inclusive tours, which take into account the festive banquet on December 31 – prices fluctuate around 120 thousand

Muscovites have raised apartment prices again

MIEL: in October 2021 secondary housing in Moscow has risen in price by 2 percent In October 2021, Moscow has risen in price by 2 percent, follows from the materials of the agency “MIEL” provided to “”. The total supply of “secondary housing” is still at a rather low level: no more than 40.5 thousand properties are sold in the city. No decrease in the cost of a “square” in the secondary market of Moscow, according to realtors, was noted in October … On the contrary, Muscovites have raised apartment prices again. “When putting up their properties for sale, owners are guided by other properties in a given location. In the best case, objects are exhibited at the same price, and sometimes even more expensive, “experts say. At the same time, according to their observations, every second transaction with” secondary housing “in October was made with a decrease in the

It became known about the pressure of the West on Kiev because of the “valuable witness” in the MH17 case

Hristo Grozev: The West tried to put pressure on Ukraine so that it would not give Tsemakh to Russia The West put pressure on Kiev because of the former boss Air defense in the city of Snezhnoe by Vladimir Tsemakh, who is considered a valuable witness in the case of the Boeing MH17 crash in Donbass in 2014. This was stated by the representative of Bellingcat ( included by the Ministry of Justice of Russia in the list of foreign agents ) Hristo Grozev in an interview with Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon. As it became known to Grozev, Tsemakh was considered a very valuable witness by prosecutors and investigators in the case of a plane crash. “It was so valuable that for the first time in young history, ministers of Western countries directly tried to put pressure on your government and on your presidential office so as not to do

The deputy head of the Crimean State Traffic Safety Inspectorate was interrogated in the case investigated by the FSB

The FSB interrogated the head of the traffic police of Crimea Mazhar in the framework of a criminal case of fraud criminal case. RIA Novosti reported this on Tuesday, November 23, citing a law enforcement source. According to the agency's interlocutor, a high-ranking police officer is a witness in the case of fraud with the use of official position. Yuri Mazhar takes part in a number of operational activities. Earlier on November 23, it was reported that the FSB came with searches to the Crimean traffic police. There was a seizure of documents in the framework of financing activities under state programs. Yuri Mazhar has been in office since 2014. Prior to that, he headed the traffic police department of the Bakhchisaray region for seven years.

Immunologist named the main cause of the new wave of coronavirus in Europe

Belgian immunologist linked new wave of COVID-19 in the EU to vaccine refusals a number of reasons, the main of which is the refusal of a number of citizens from vaccination. This opinion was expressed by the Belgian immunologist from the Catholic University of Leuven, Jean-Luc Gala, reports RIA Novosti. “Vaccination works very well, without it, a lockdown would have already been introduced throughout Europe,” the expert concluded. At the same time, according to him, 90 percent of hospitalized patients who refuse resuscitation have not been vaccinated against COVID-19. However, among seriously ill people there are also citizens with weak immunity and chronic diseases. Among other reasons for the new wave of coronavirus infection in the EU, Gala named the time factor. He noted that most of the population was vaccinated more than six months ago, so it is necessary to start revaccination of the elderly. “We can come to

Rolling power outages began in Ukraine

The regional council of the Kherson region of Ukraine announced power outages in the region region Egor Ustinov. The MP listed several areas where power outages have forced hospitals and other infrastructure to run on diesel generators. This is reported by TASS. “During the month there are rolling blackouts in Novotroitsk, Genichesk, Nizhneserogoz and other districts. Therefore, the daily mantras from the authorities that everything is fine and there are no blackouts is a complete absurdity, “Ustinov said. Related materials00: 02 – October 7 ” The crisis will come by spring “Zelensky gets rid of political rivals. Why won't this help him to hold on to power? 00: 02 – July 30 Leaked into a pipe. Like the deal between the US and Germany on Nord Stream- 2 “will force Ukraine to change its attitude towards Russia? The deputy blames the inaction of the Kiev authorities for the power outages