A third of Russians predicted an increase in wages

SuperJob research: about 30% of companies in Russia will index employee salaries About 30 percent of Russian companies plan to index employee salaries. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to a study of the online job search service SuperJob. “In many organizations, the end of the year is the traditional time for raising wages or indexing them. In the near future, 29 percent of companies plan to do this, which is noticeably more than in 2020 (21 percent), but less than in the dock 2019 (32 percent), ”the study notes. At the same time, 41 percent of employers do not plan to increase the salaries of their employees yet. According to the study, a third of companies raised salaries less than six months ago, another 23 percent – from six months to a year ago. In 12 percent of organizations, it has been from a year to two

Planned to send Russian anti-Axis to jail

Izvestia: 37 Russian antivaxers may face a prison term They may face criminal liability. This is reported by the Izvestia newspaper. “Hand over” the anti-axerMaterials on the topic00: 01 – October 25 “Mild epidemic of dementia” Russians do not want to be vaccinated and comply with antiquated measures. What do doctors say about this? 00:02 – October 27 The cause of severe complications in COVID-19 has been found. How does the disease affect the human brain and can it be fought? the beginning of such a procedure was signed by the head of the supervisory agency Alla Samoilova. In the document, experts urged representative offices in the constituent entities to look for data on opponents of vaccination in social networks and the media. Since the beginning of the month, 37 materials have been handed over to the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor's Office throughout Russia. The largest number of anti-axers

Russia responded to the US accusations with the phrase “who is approaching whose borders”

Former Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Ordzhonikidze: Russia is not practicing nuclear strikes against the United States responded to US accusations of pulling troops to the border with Ukraine. He told Izvestia According to the newspaper, Kiev is trying to use weapons received from abroad in the east, and is deploying new military units to the southeast. Ordzhonikidze noted that Russia is not practicing openly launching nuclear strikes on US territory. “We do not conduct aggressive naval exercises near their borders, we do not practice launches aimed directly at their territory. The question is who is approaching whose boundaries. We constantly see maneuvers near our borders. And despite the fact that Ukraine is not accepted into NATO, it is actually made part of this bloc, the armed forces of the alliance countries are stationed there, the army is armed with NATO weapons according to NATO standards. In fact, there is

Russia counted the number of orders completed by couriers

RBC: Russian couriers completed about 670 million orders in a year courier orders for the year, it amounted to approximately 670 million. The impetus for the development of the transportation sector was the restrictions imposed against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic. RBC writes about this with reference to the corresponding study. It is estimated that more than 87,000 delivery teams and 257,000 single couriers work in the “transportation and couriers” segment. Almost half (49 percent) of all orders are for cargo transportation, followed by the services of loaders (20 percent). Moving service (15 percent) closes the top three in the segment. The demand for courier services is seven percent of the total number of orders. The study also showed that at the moment about 830 thousand people are employed in the field of courier deliveries, which is nine percent of the total number of all employees in the service

Valley spoke about falling in love and plans for marriage

Actress Larisa Dolina admitted that she was in love and spoke about her plans for marriage that she will no longer enter into official relations, despite the fact that she is now in love. She shared the details of her personal life in an interview with Ekaterina Gordeeva. “In love. I'm not going to get married. I don’t want it anymore, ”the singer shared. Dolina also explained why all her previous husbands were musicians. “It’s very convenient. When a person is on your wavelength, he understands that you need your voice to always sound, that you are in shape, that you have a good mood. Yes, to some extent, it turns out that he is in the service, but they did it on their own initiative, “Dolina added. Earlier in October, Larisa Dolina's ex-husband revealed the truth about weight loss and plastic surgery singers. According to him, in the 1990s,

Ukrainian Colonel Claims US Lies About Russia's “Invasion”

Reserve Colonel Zhdanov: The United States is escalating tension to prevent negotiations between Kiev and the Russian Federation The United States about the “invasion” of Russia. He spoke about Washington's plans in his article for Glavred. According to Zhdanov, the United States is purposefully escalating tension in order to interfere with possible negotiations between Moscow and Kiev on the Donbass. Washington is trying to “kill two birds with one stone”: to interfere with the agreements of the two sides and put pressure on the Kremlin, the expert noted. settlement of the conflict in Donbass. It is important for them not to allow an agreement on any state council (which will actually mean the federalization of Ukraine), the “Steinmeier formula” or clusters, “Zhdanov wrote. According to the expert, the United States is deliberately distorting facts about” aggression ” RF, because they do not want to “leave Ukraine.” In conclusion, he added

Date of peak of the fourth wave of coronavirus in Russia predicted

Promobot: with a probability of 93 percent, the peak of the fourth wave of COVID-19 will fall on December 22 Promobot specialists developing artificial intelligence for robots, using a neural network, they predicted the date of the peak of the fourth wave of coronavirus in Russia. It is reported by RIA Novosti. It is noted that with a probability of 93 percent the peak of the fourth wave of COVID-19 will fall on December 22. According to experts, after this date, the number of new infections will decline again. The company said that to obtain a forecast, the developers used multiclass classifiers, which are based on a combination of different neural networks. The most famous of them is the GPT-3 neural network, which was presented a few months ago by the head of Tesla and SpaceX Elon Musk. The data was processed by algorithms of classical machine learning called “gradient

Russian woman complained about “fake” all-inclusive hotels in Turkey

Russian tourist was outraged because of paid services in Turkish all-inclusive hotels all inclusive “in Turkey. She shared her opinion on her personal blog on the Yandex.Zen platform. The tourist said that in her entire life she had visited ten Turkish hotels of this category, but some turned out to be “fake”. The first of them is located in Alanya – according to her, the hotel is suitable for those who do not spend much time in the room and want to save money. The girl was outraged because of the paid Wi-Fi (one euro per hour), paid safes, the lack of beach towels and too thin blankets. “There are woolen blankets in the closet – just like on old Russian trains,” she added. The second hotel was also in Alanya. The Russian woman did not like that it was located too close to other hotels. “If you want, you

Bundestag considers sanctions against Nord Stream 2 unacceptable

The FRG party Soyuz 90/Greens considered the sanctions against Nord Stream 2 unacceptable Political Party of Germany The Soyuz 90/Greens, a member of the Bundestag and previously opposed to the implementation of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, called the new US sanctions against the project unacceptable. Omid Nuripur, an expert of the political association on foreign policy, said this in an interview with Reuters. New US sanctions are unacceptable even for opponents of Nord Stream 2. It is we, the Greens, who have always fought against the pipeline, who cannot understand what kind of friendship we are striving for if we impose sanctions against friends when they do business with a third party. Omid Nuripurexpert of the Greens on foreign policy According to Nuripur, the parties still consider the pipeline to be a” mistake “of the German government, however, he stressed, the United States to Nord Stream -2 “are

Pushkov appreciated Poland's readiness to talk with Russia on the migration crisis

Senator Pushkov: Poland is trying to shift responsibility for the migration crisis to the Russian Federation on the readiness to conduct a dialogue with Russia on the migration crisis at the border. The politician noted that the statement from Warsaw does not carry anything constructive. In his opinion, it is intended to show that Moscow is responsible for the crisis with migrants. “But it won't work: Russia has nothing to do with [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel has already tried to involve the Kremlin in negotiations on this issue, but she was offered to talk with [President of Belarus Alexander] Lukashenko. Which she did. The same can be advised to the Polish authorities, “- he wrote. Earlier, Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau said that the country expressed its readiness to conduct a dialogue with Russia on the migration crisis on the border, but with Belarus will only speak at a technical