Russian flight attendants will be allowed to use special equipment for rowdy

The State Duma adopted in the third reading a law allowing the use of special equipment to airborne boosters on board the aircraft will have the right to apply special deterrent to airborne towers. Interfax writes about this on Wednesday, November 24. According to the innovations, Russian flight attendants and aviation security personnel will be allowed to use special equipment when a passenger creates an immediate threat to flight safety or a threat to the life and health of others. The list of such funds and the rules for their use are to be approved by the Russian government.

Attempts by the United States to reduce oil prices were called “a drop in the ocean”

Goldman Sachs called the volume of oil released by the US and its allies “a drop in the ocean” United States and allies, “a drop in the bucket”. According to Reuters, the output of fuel will be from 70 to 80 million barrels of oil, while market participants expected 100 barrels or more. “According to our pricing model, this volume will reduce the price of oil by two dollars per barrel , which is significantly less than the $ 8 per barrel recorded since the end of October, ”the bank said in a statement. Earlier, the US, India, Japan, South Korea and the UK agreed to release oil from state reserves. Thus, world leaders are trying to reduce oil prices, which are growing amid reduced supply and increased demand amid the global economic recovery after the coronavirus pandemic. US President Joe Biden has repeatedly appealed to the Organization of the

The infectious disease specialist named the signs of the asymptomatic course of the coronavirus

Infectionist Timakov: with asymptomatic COVID-19, fatigue and sneezing appear The asymptomatic course of coronavirus can be recognized by a number of signs. They were named by an infectious disease doctor Yevgeny Timakov, according to Narodnye Novosti. According to him, in medicine there is a concept of “non-deferential symptoms” – manifestations of a disease that a person does not recognize. “ If a person has a sore throat in the morning, then few people pay attention to him. And this symptom can signal the presence of a coronavirus infection. Runny nose, sneezing, fatigue may occur. There is no asymptomatic coronavirus, there are only unrecognized symptoms, “Timakov said. He explained that in order to self-identify the asymptomatic course of the virus, it is necessary to compare the symptoms that have appeared with the usual state. It is important to determine how badly a sore throat or a stuffy nose is, said the

Great-grandmother of 50 great-grandchildren celebrated her 100th birthday and revealed the secret of longevity

The British celebrated the 100th anniversary and advised to maintain a positive attitude for a long life and revealed the simple secret of longevity. This is reported by Metro. Related materials00: 07 – June 6, 2018 “I blame the devil” and suffer from gluttony, but nothing takes them00: 06 – 23 January 2019 “She has a hunter's walk” … They are still trying to uncover her When asked what is the main secret of her long life, the British woman advised the following: “In fact, there is no secret, but I think it is important to remain positive and try not to worry.” > The mother of 12 children, the grandmother of 37 grandchildren, the great-grandmother of 50 great-grandchildren and the great-great-grandmother of two great-great-grandchildren celebrated her birthday with her family. One of the oldest residents of Great Britain was congratulated by the Mayor of Middlesbrough. He presented her with

The lawyer assessed the possibility of criminal prosecution of opponents of vaccination

Lawyer Yusufov: Russia will not be able to introduce criminal prosecution of opponents of vaccination Russia will not be able to introduce criminal prosecution of opponents of vaccination against coronavirus. So, in an interview with, the lawyer, director of the Yusufov Group law firm Asad Yusufov, assessed the possibility of legalizing this kind of liability for anti-Axis. He recalled that at the legislative level in the country, mandatory vaccination is provided only for certain categories of citizens. For example, for doctors or teachers, as well as people who work with blood. “But, for example, a miner or a lawyer does not have to do this, because the law does not provide it,” Yusufov said. In addition, he noted that it is not worth introducing criminal prosecution of opponents of vaccination, because this can lead to serious consequences, up to a split in society. “That is, the goals of the

The pilots who died near Baranovichi were awarded the highest award of Belarus

President of Belarus Lukashenko conferred the title of heroes on the pilots who died near Baranovichi Heroes of Belarus. The decree on awarding the highest rank of the republic to the servicemen killed near Baranovichi was signed on November 24 by the president of the republic, Alexander Lukashenko. This was reported in the press service of the head of state. Two pilots of the Lida assault airbase received an award for their courage and heroism during the execution of their military duty. On May 19, 2021, the officers performing the training flight encountered a failure of the control system of the Yak-130 aircraft. At this time, the plane was over residential buildings. During maneuvering, the pilots managed to direct the falling Yak past the houses. Thanks to this act, civilian casualties were avoided, but the pilots of the plane, Nichiporchik and Kukonenko, were killed. An explosion from the plane's fall

Russian geneticist commented on the myth of the influence of coronavirus on human DNA

Geneticist Lilin said that the coronavirus is not able to affect or change human DNA can change it. So the myth of the coronavirus was commented on by the geneticist, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Evgeny Lilin, URA.RU cites his words. “Reparation, that is, DNA restoration is such a powerful process that no side effects (and a virus is just a side effect) does not affect the germ cells, “the specialist explained, noting that if the germ cells were influenced, then due to previous epidemics, humanity would have already changed. < p> The Russian scientist emphasized that even radiation does not have a significant effect on DNA repair systems. He referred to a study by Japanese scientists who proved that survivors after radiation produce healthy offspring without abnormalities. “Therefore, no virus, no matter how much we

In Russia, it was proposed to prohibit depriving families with children of their only home

Moskalkova: it is necessary to prohibit depriving families with minors of their only housing in which minor children are brought up. The words of the Ombudsman are quoted by RBC. Moskalkova took the initiative at the All-Russian Coordination Council of the Ombudsman, noting that the eviction of citizens who have no other housing is considered an important problem. As an example, the Ombudsman told the story of one family from the Yaroslavl region – a spouse with three children could not service a mortgage, were left homeless and eventually settled in a monastery. The authorities clarified that when making deals with housing, banks need to take into account clients' solvency. “Let the banks think to whom they give money, what they are taking risks. But at the same time, we must not reduce the possibility of this subsidization, “said Moskalkova. Earlier, the Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child in

WHO urged Europeans to observe mask regime to save lives

WHO: if 95 percent of Europeans wore masks, they could save 160 thousand lives The World Health Organization (WHO) called Europeans observe the mask regime in order to save lives and reduce cases of coronavirus. This was stated by the Executive Director of the WHO European Office Robb Butler, RIA Novosti reports. Related materials19: 16 – 12 November The Duma was introduced to bills on QR codes in transport and in public places. What you need to know about measures to combat COVID? 12:50 – November 11 COVID passports, green passes and QR codes. How citizens are controlled in different countries using electronic certificates According to a WHO representative, if 95 percent of Europeans wore masks, 160 thousand lives could be saved. “Only 48 percent of the population of the European region wears masks. At the moment when this indicator grows – if it grows – there will be a