The head of the Russian city stayed at the post for one day due to a banquet during mourning

Mayor of Prokopyevsk Starchenko was fired a day later at his post because of a banquet during mourning which he arranged in honor of his appointment to the post, during mourning in the Kemerovo region. The governor of the region Sergey Tsivilev announced this in his Telegram channel. It is very difficult to find words that can describe this situation. There are simply no such words. The people who were at that banquet, apparently, do not have a heart, since they could afford to celebrate and celebrate something at such a terrible and difficult moment for all of us. Vyacheslav Starchenko has already been dismissed Sergey Tsivilev The former head of Prokopyevsk took office on November 25. Thus, he stayed at the post for one day. Laid tables and many guests On the eve of the party in honor of Starchenko's appointment, it was caught on video. The video was

Russians revealed a way to get a free trip to a sanatorium after COVID-19

HR specialist Krasnyanskaya: you can get a free voucher to a sanatorium after COVID-19 Head of HR department “Svetlana Krasnyanskaya revealed to the Russians a way to get a free ticket to a sanatorium after suffering from COVID-19. She told the Prime agency under what conditions it is possible to go to a sanatorium. The specialist recalled that for a free recovery in a sanatorium with a coronavirus, you should contact your doctor. The doctor will issue a referral to receive sanatorium-resort treatment or send it to a medical commission. “Currently, at the legislative level, it is possible not only to receive free spa treatment, but also to issue additional paid leave for certain categories of citizens for these purposes, “Krasnyanskaya explained. According to the Ministry of Health, patients with COVID-19 who have undergone prolonged mechanical ventilation (artificial lung ventilation) for two to five weeks, as well as in some

Europe saw benefits for Russia due to disagreements between the EU and NATO

Observador: political differences and discord between the EU and NATO are beneficial for Russia discord between the European Union (EU) and NATO. He wrote about this in his material for the Observador. As the author of the article writes, the EU has no common foreign policy, except for trade issues. Therefore, he believes, “as long as Europe is divided, any response to Russia will benefit the Russians themselves, since the US and NATO will not be able to take concrete measures,” the article says. “NATO is an organism that works unanimously, and the United States will not act without concrete coordination from the Europeans. Another disadvantage is that the EU has a negative attitude towards security issues that are detrimental to the economy, ”writes Braz. As the publicist noted in the article, fragmentation and different interests within the European Union prevent NATO from acting, therefore, without such “coinciding interests”, Washington

The Russians were offered to give additional days off for revaccination

State Duma Deputy Tumusov: Russians should provide days off for revaccination vaccination, but also for revaccination against coronavirus infection. He voiced the idea in an interview with Sputnik radio. According to the deputy, Russian employers are advised to provide employees with two days off for vaccination against COVID-19 – one day for each component of the vaccine – but this is not enough. “I am a supporter of not coercing vaccinations by violent methods, I am in favor of stimulating. I think that giving days off is kind of a bonus, an encouragement to those who get vaccinated. The same is with revaccination, “he said. Tumusov added that providing employees with days off for vaccinations and revaccinations is beneficial for employers themselves. “If a person gets sick, then he will be out of order for some time. This will hit the economy of the enterprise, “he stressed. According to the

The State Duma commented on the party of the Russian mayor during mourning

State Duma Deputy Khinshtein about the party of the head of Prokopyevsk during mourning: disgusting head of Prokopyevsk Vyacheslav Starchenko during mourning in the Kemerovo region. The deputy wrote in his Telegram channel that After the banquet, the Russian mayor was dismissed. According to Khinshtein, the issue of party responsibility of the banquet participants during mourning in Kuzbass will be decided on the next week. “Sergei Tsivilev's lightning-fast reaction is an example for other leaders to follow. How disgusting is the behavior of Prokopyev's “party activists” who threw a party on the day of mourning, just as worthy – the governor's answer looks like. He reacted extremely harshly, and did not hide in his head in the sand, hoping that the scandal would not reach the federal level and would go away on its own. I think because, unlike these revelers, Tsivilev has a heart, “the deputy wrote. his appointment

Details of the state of health of the hospitalized Gradsky are disclosed

MK.RU: after suffering COVID-19, Gradsky stopped getting up and complained of pain in his legs People's Artist of Russia Alexander Gradsky got into hospital with suspected stroke. This is reported by MK.RU. The musician's health deteriorated after the coronavirus infection suffered in September. It is noted that the artist almost stopped getting up and complained of pain in his legs. On Friday, November 26, Gradsky asked his relatives to help him get to the bathroom. At that moment, he felt bad – the musician lost consciousness and did not come to his senses for an hour. Arriving doctors took the artist to the hospital. The artist is currently in intensive care. For several days it was reported that Gradsky had problems with blood pressure, because of which he called doctors three times. They came to his apartment in the Pushkin Square area, and on one day they visited the musician

Causes of the attack on a school bus in Kosovo revealed

Kurir: the culprit who shot the school bus and killed three was in revenge The culprit who shot the school bus in the self-proclaimed republic of Kosovo three people, acted out of revenge. This was reported by the local newspaper Kurir. According to the newspaper, the young man molested the girls during the trip and behaved inappropriately. As a result, the driver and the conductor dropped him off the bus. In response, the attacker took a submachine gun, waited for the bus to go back and shot him point-blank. According to the latest information, three people became victims of the attack – the driver and two students aged 17 and 19. The killer fled the crime scene, the police are looking for him. The incident in the village of Glochane became known on Friday evening, November 26. It was reported about two dead children. Earlier it was reported that the

Trade unions appreciated the idea of ​​the Ministry of Labor to change the system of registration of the poor

Deputy Head of the FNPR Kuzmin on the idea of ​​the Ministry of Labor to change the accounting system of the poor: like snow on the head … As the Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (FNPR) Nina Kuzmina told RIA Novosti, there are questions about the appointment of a new indicator. According to the Deputy Head of the FNPR, questions arise with who should be considered a group of people whose incomes will be higher the poverty line, however, is below the subsistence level. “We didn’t support it. First, it fell on us like snow on our head. That is, at the development stage, the social partners were not involved in the discussion by the Ministry of Labor. Secondly, we did not understand why this new indicator is needed, “Kuzmina said. Earlier, the Ministry of Labor prepared a draft resolution, according to which it

The US called the problem for the “Russian invasion” of Ukraine

Analyst Felgenhauer: The “invasion” of the Russian Federation into Ukraine will not begin until January due to the weather ” to Ukraine. According to analysts interviewed by Bloomberg, in the event of a “invasion” of Russia, the operation will begin no earlier than January due to weather conditions and poor road conditions. For example, an expert from the American research organization Jamestown Foundation Pavel Felgenhauer said that thaw season is observed ( the period when it is impossible to drive on the roads because of the mud, – approx. “” ), “that is, mud”. Related materials 17:26 – November 23 DPR and Ukraine announce mutual shelling and are preparing for war. Why are Russia accused of aggravating the situation in Donbass? April “We have nowhere to retreat” DPR head Denis Pushilin – about the threat of a big war in Donbass and the protection of Russians in Ukraine According to