Russian scientists have evaluated the effectiveness of a vaccine against a new strain of coronavirus

An immunologist admitted a decrease in the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine against the omicron strain coronavirus omicron. Experts allowed the development of events in which protection against vaccination would become less reliable. Opinions are conveyed by URA.RU. “The evolution of viruses is moving towards a change in the structure of the protein so that the vaccine does not act on it. Delta (the delta coronavirus strain became dominant in the summer of 2021 and gradually replaced almost all other variants of the virus in the world – approx. “” ) in India reduced the effect by 20-30 percent. You have to wait to see, “- said Vladislav Zhemchugov, an immunologist, a specialist in especially dangerous infections. Related materials 00:01 – October 25 ” Mild epidemic of dementia “Russians do not want to be vaccinated and observe antiquated measures. What do doctors say about this? 12:50 – November 11 COVID

It became known about the condition of the victims of the fire at the plant in Dzerzhinsk

The injured at the plant in Dzerzhinsk are in a state of moderate severity moderate severity. Interfax was informed about this by the regional Ministry of Health. “Two victims were taken to medical organizations in Dzerzhinsk. Doctors assess their condition as moderate, they are provided with the necessary assistance, ”the doctors said. The incident at the Sverdlov ammunition and explosives plant in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region, became known on the morning of November 27. According to preliminary data, a fire started in one of the workshops, due to which there were two explosions. The building partially collapsed. Operational services work on the spot. Neighboring businesses have been evacuated. The reasons for the fire at the plant could be a violation of the technological process and equipment malfunction.

The Russians have disclosed the sources of funds for the first installment on the mortgage

Online-Ipoteka: 21 percent of Russians sell property to pay the first mortgage payment In most cases, Russians use only the accumulated funds. This method is used by 46 percent of the respondents. The sources of funds for the payment of a part of the loan for housing are disclosed in the research of the online-Ipoteka mortgage lending platform, RIA Novosti reports. The study involved 3.7 thousand Russians who have taken out a mortgage loan over the past five years. To pay the first installment for housing, 21 percent of respondents sell property, and 19 percent of respondents use accumulated savings and maternity capital. Some home buyers borrow money from relatives or friends (8 percent of respondents) or take out consumer loans (6 percent of respondents) for the first installment. As for the amount of the contribution, 38 percent of respondents contributed an amount of 1, 5 to 2.5 million rubles,

Film producer Mark Rudinstein underwent emergency surgery

Mash: Mark Rudinstein underwent an operation to form an artificial hole in his neck – an operation to form an artificial opening in the neck, reports Telegram-channel Mash. It is noted that the 75-year-old creator of the Kinotavr festival remains on a ventilator in intensive care with severe brain damage due to extensive ischemic stroke. Rudinstein was hospitalized with a heart attack on November 17, doctors diagnosed him with myocardial infarction. Later it became known that the producer fell into a coma.

The timing of the start of trials of the Russian drug against COVID-19 has been announced

Director of the Center. Gamalei Gunzburg: trials of the drug against COVID-19 will begin in 2022 Russian scientists from the Center. N.F. The Gamalei plan to start testing a domestic drug for COVID-19 in early 2022. The director of the center, Alexander Gintsburg, announced the deadline, TASS reports. “Our institute is already developing a cocktail of monoclonal antibodies, which we will start testing in the first days of the coming [year],” the scientist shared his plans. < p> The center is faced with the task of creating a means that would suppress the reproduction of any virus strain. Gunzburg noted that the development and testing of such a drug requires the involvement of a large amount of resources. “It costs insane money. Nevertheless, the Moscow government buys this drug for the treatment of pregnant women, “- said the scientist. Earlier in the Center. N.F. The Gamaleys answered whether a new

Vera Brezhneva spoke about casting for the group “VIA Gra”

Vera Brezhneva said that at the casting at VIA Gro, she was asked a question about porn films Russian singer Vera Brezhneva told how casting in the pop music group “VIA Gra”. The artist shared the details of the story in the Evening Urgant program on Channel One. According to the singer, going to the casting, she was confident in herself and felt that she was the artist that the producers needed. She also noted that during the conversation she was asked various questions, including tricky ones. They asked Brezhneva whether she was married, how many children she had, where she was born and studied, and whether she starred in porn films. The singer learned the decision of the producers a few hours after the casting. This time was exciting for her. “It seemed to me that I would just go crazy with impatience,” said Brezhnev. The artist also added

The UFSIN commented on the possible escape of the killer of the “sausage king”

Moscow Region Federal Penitentiary Service: the killer Mavridi is being held in a pre-trial detention center under the control of employees of the institution Moscow Region Public Monitoring Commission (POC), which reported that the killer Alexander Mavridi is preparing for another escape from the pre-trial detention center. They noted that this is the subjective opinion of one of the POC members. “The accused M. is being held in the Noginsk pre-trial detention center in accordance with the requirements of the law under the control of the staff of the institution,” said the press service of the department. Earlier, a member of the POC Alexander Maltsev said that Mavridi, known as the killer “Vladimir Marugov, tried to simulate suicide for another escape. On August 6, Mavridi, together with four other arrested persons, escaped from the temporary detention center in Istra. He was found and detained only on September 13, in the

Priority versions of the causes of the fire at the ammunition plant in Dzerzhinsk named

Interfax: faulty equipment could be the cause of the fire at the plant in Dzerzhinsk process and equipment malfunction. Such a priority version was named to Interfax by an informed source. “Various versions are being considered, but the priority is to disrupt the production process in the acetone production workshop,” he said. Earlier it became known that several explosions thundered at the Sverdlov ammunition and explosives plant in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region on the morning of November 27. It was reported that a fire started in one of the shops. The building partially collapsed. At least two workers were injured, they have already been handed over to doctors. Neighboring businesses have been evacuated.

Naryshkin accused the United States of trying to foment the conflict in Donbass

Head of the Foreign Intelligence Service Naryshkin: The United States wants to reignite the conflict in eastern Ukraine on the air of the channel “Russia 1” accused the United States of trying to foment the conflict in the Donbass. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti. According to Naryshkin, the United States is talking about Russia's allegedly preparing an invasion of Ukraine in order to “try to push such a little-controlled Kiev government, reignite that conflict with renewed vigor”. The head of the SVR believes that in this situation, the United States perceives Ukraine as a consumable. “We, of course, need to maintain restraint and strengthen the defense capability of our country,” Naryshkin emphasized. Earlier edition Bloomberg, citing intelligence sources, wrote that in 2022 Russia will attack Ukraine from three sides. The United States claims that most of the Russian tactical groups are already in their positions. The Russian Foreign

Danger of new COVID-19 strain compared with Ebola

World Medical Association head: omicron strain can be as dangerous as Ebola World Medical Association (WMA) head Frank Ulrich Montgomery compared the danger of a new strain of coronavirus with Ebola. This is reported by RIA Novosti. According to Monggomery, experts do not yet have accurate information about the risks associated with the omicron mutation, but it is known that it is rapidly spreading around the world. “Most of all, I fear that this strain may become as infectious as delta, and as dangerous as Ebola,” said the chairman of the medical organization. According to him, initially, humanity underestimated the danger of coronavirus and compared it to the flu. Many believed that it would be possible to achieve herd immunity, but then the delta strain appeared. Montgomery admitted that in the future people will have to be vaccinated every year. On November 26, it became known that experts from the