Listvyazhnaya mine began payments to the families of those killed in the accident

Mine “Listvyazhnaya” began to transfer one-time payments to the families of those killed in the accident Mine “Listvyazhnaya” … This is reported by TASS with reference to the mine's press service. It is noted that the families of the dead miners will receive two million rubles each. In addition, each family member will personally receive another million rubles. The press service of the mine also noted that the owners will allocate more than 300 million rubles to pay off their obligations. Also, by the decision of the co-owners of the mine, the education of the children of those killed in higher and secondary vocational schools will be paid for, housing or housing conditions will be improved, depending on the situation, and all types of family loans will be repaid. Previously, an employee of the Listvyazhnaya mine Nikolay Alimov, where 51 people died as a result of the methane explosion, named

The Ministry of Labor has revealed 31 ways to attract young people to the labor market

Kommersant: The Ministry of Labor proposed to attract young people to the labor market with the help of practices and subsidies The Ministry of Labor presented the Long-term program to promote youth employment until 2030, which reveals ways to attract young people to the labor market. This was reported by Kommersant. According to the document, the ministry proposes to launch 31 events from 2022, grouped by areas, to make it easier for young people to find work. So, they are going to organize a large-scale career guidance program for young people. In addition, the department plans to improve the degree of compliance of education with employers' requirements by popularizing industrial practices and linking the demand for specialists with the target figures for admission to educational organizations, creating opportunities for combining education with work or entrepreneurship, as well as subsidizing the work of young people, vocational retraining programs and modernization of

Russians warned about fines for garbage bags at the entrance

Lawyer Tatatrovich: residents are threatened with a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles for trash left in the corridor about fines that can be imposed for garbage left at the entrance. He told about this in an interview with RIA Novosti. According to the lawyer, the total amount of the fine for residents leaving garbage in the corridor reaches five thousand rubles. For construction waste – one to two thousand, for violation of sanitary norms or fire safety rules – an additional fine of up to three thousand. Residents who store garbage bags near the apartment will also be punished in the form of two to three thousand rubles for non-compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements. Tatatrovich noted that if the neighbors do not remove their garbage, then the residents first to the management company or HOA, and then to Rospotrebnadzor. It is important to attach photo or video

Trump spoke about the obstacle to improving relations between the United States and Russia

Trump: The US and Russia could have done “great things” if it weren't for the smear campaign Former US President Donald Trump told that the smear campaign that lasted most of his reign prevented Washington and Moscow from mending relations. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the interview of the ex-head of state to Fox TV channel. According to him, to refute the accusations of domestic political opponents of collusion with Moscow, which allegedly took place during the 2016 election campaign , it took two and a half years. Trump stressed that for this reason it was difficult to interact with certain countries, including Russia. The former head of state also noted that the United States and Russia could do “some great things” that would be “very good” for both countries. “But you could not do this, because they would say about you:“ Oh, he loves Russia

Matthew McConaughey changed his mind about going into politics

Actor Matthew McConaughey decided not to run for Governor of Texas his home state of Texas. He stated this in a video message, which he posted on Twitter. According to McConaughey, the struggle for political leadership is not the path he is currently choosing. “What will i do? I will continue to work and invest the funds that I have to support entrepreneurs, firms, foundations that I believe create opportunities for people to succeed in life, ”the actor shared. Earlier, Matthew McConaughey during podcast The Balanced Voice said he would consider becoming Governor of Texas and running for that post. At the same time, last year the actor called such an activity hopeless. In the USA in 2003, the actor Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected 38th Governor of California. According to a public opinion poll, 71 percent of the state's population considered him underperforming, and in 2011 he resigned.

Almost 450 violations were revealed at the mines of Kuzbass

Prosecutors revealed 449 violations at the mines of Kuzbass after the accident at Listvyazhnaya and the executive authorities identified 449 violations. The General Prosecutor's Office was told this to on Monday, November 29. It is clarified that violations have been identified in the field of industrial safety, fire safety and labor protection. 180 cases of administrative offenses were initiated, 19 submissions were made to eliminate violations of the law, one protest was brought and two warnings were announced. One criminal case of negligence was also initiated, the accused were taken into custody. On November 27, it became known that the last inspection of the Listvyazhnaya mine a week before the explosion, which killed 52 people, revealed 10 violations of safety rules. Among the violations were the longwall power supply scheme not approved by the engineer and missing methane control sensors. The documents also show that the violations were eliminated

Chinese woman swims to the border to work in Russia

A resident of China swam across the Russian border on the Amur River to get a job to the border in order to get a job in Russia. This was reported on the website of the Prosecutor's Office of the Amur Region. As it became known, in the summer of this year, the Chinese woman made a pleasure cruise on a motor ship, during which she looked at the place of the closest approach to the Russian coast. On the same day, but in the evening, she again purchased a ticket for the ship. At the moment of passing the place, the 23-year-old girl jumped into the river, after which she crossed the Russian border by swimming, passing along the main channel of the Amur River. Later, the Chinese citizen was found by officers of the border department of the FSB of Russia in the Amur Region. The Chinese woman

The gynecologist found an alternative way to treat the disease and offered the patient sex

A gynecologist suggested that a woman cure her HPV with healing sex In the Italian city of Bari, 60-year-old gynecologist Giovanni Miniello found an alternative way of treating diseases and offered healing sex to patients. The Daily Mail reports. Miniello became the target of a covert investigation after one of his patients went to a television program to complain that a doctor had suggested sex curing her of the human papillomavirus (HPV). She asked for help to expose the pervert. She said that for a long time she could not get pregnant and came to see a gynecologist. According to her, the doctor behaved strangely: he touched the woman's chest and spoke directly that he liked a small bust. Miniello examined, took tests and soon reported that the patient was diagnosed with HPV. Related materials 00:02 – September 12 “The dress was around the neck, and the tights were pulled

Gunzburg named the Russians the best vaccine for revaccination

Gunzburg: after using “Sputnik V” it is better to vaccinate with “Sputnik Light” the best vaccine for revaccination. This is reported by TASS. According to him, after using Sputnik V, you can revaccinate with any vaccine, but the best protection is given by a combination with Sputnik Light. The head of the center also said that after using mRNA vaccines such as Moderna or Pfizer, it is better to have an additional vaccine with Sputnik V. Earlier, Gunzburg explained the importance of vaccinating children against COVID-19. He noted that the delta strain does not distinguish between adults and children and is equally dangerous for everyone – with the appearance of this strain, children began to account for 10 to 20 percent of the total mass of patients with coronavirus infection, depending on the country. “If they (parents – approx.” “) love their child, then they are simply committing a

Obstacle to increasing incomes of Russians named

RBC: Incomes of Russians in the unincorporated sector fell by almost 20% with the pre-pandemic year 2019. RBC writes about this with reference to the monitoring of the Higher School of Economics. This unincorporated segment accounts for at least 30 percent of all working Russians. “Consequently, it is the drop in labor income in the unincorporated segment that pulls down the real money income of the population,” analysts said. At the same time, it is noted that, in general, incomes nevertheless began to increase thanks to an increase in salaries and social benefits. Earlier it became known that about 54 percent of Russians rated their financial situation as average, as good – 19 percent, and as bad – 25 percent. At the same time, 23 percent of respondents expect an improvement in their financial situation in the coming year, another 18 percent believe that it will worsen. About 63 percent