Guberniev spoke about his real estate

Sports commentator Dmitry Guberniev spoke about housing in the Moscow region and Moscow Sports commentator Dmitry Guberniev told what kind of property he owns. He owns housing in Moscow and outside the city. The presenter shared the details with Moskvich Mag. According to Guberniev, he positions himself as a resident of the Moscow region and Moscow. The commentator has real estate in the Moscow region, where he is registered. In the capital, Guberniev owns an apartment where renovation work is currently underway. “Therefore, I am temporarily not very much in Moscow,” the host explained. Guberniev also said what he dislikes in the capital. He attributed traffic jams to such things, noting that it became more convenient to move around by public transport in the city. “All normal people do this: no, no, and I leave the car at the nearest station – I parked somewhere, jumped into the subway, quickly

The State Duma reacted to the arrest of CSKA fans after the match with Zenit

Zhurov on the detention of fans for using flares: Fan ID is necessary for our football the detention of fans after the Russian Premier League (RPL) match between CSKA and Zenit. Her words are quoted by RB Sport. “There were the same incidents in the West, it came to us from there! We need a Fan ID so that there are no such incidents, ”the parliamentarian responded. She noted that the introduction of an identification system not only in Moscow, but also in the regions will soon be considered. Zhurova also condemned CSKA fans who tried to hide their comrades-in-arms, who burned fires. She advised fans who used pyrotechnics to confess to their deeds. The incident took place on Sunday, November 28, after the end of the match. At first, the police did not let the fans out of the A-podium of the VEB Arena stadium for about an hour,

Ingushetia will host the festival of the republic's main dish

The Chapilg gastronomic festival will be held in Magas A gastronomic festival will be held in the Ingush Magas on Saturday, December 11, near the one hundred meter tower of Consent. This is reported by TASS. It is noted that the event dedicated to the main dish of the republic – chapilg cake – will be attended by restaurateurs, cultural figures, Ingush pop artists and culinary specialists. One of the main points of the festival will be a competition for the most delicious cake. The winners will receive gifts and certificates. The press service of the government of the republic said that a cake made of thin dough with milk whey stuffed with potatoes, cottage cheese or cheese and herbs is a visiting card of Ingush cuisine, and the purpose of the festival is to promote tourist image of Ingushetia and traditional national Ingush cuisine.

Basque with painted nails showed a new tattoo on his neck

Nikolai Baskov surprised fans with a tattoo in the form of a glass and a bright manicure Russian singer Nikolai Baskov surprised fans with a new tattoo and a bright manicure. The publication appeared on his Instagram page on Monday, November 29. The 45-year-old musician posted a picture showing a new tattoo on his neck in the form of a cup with the inscription Voice. At the same time, the artist did not specify whether the drawing on his body is temporary. In addition, Baskov showed nails painted with black varnish. “Everyone has an easy week and don't be afraid to experiment,” he signed the post. Subscribers were ambivalent about the singer's new photo, which got 38 thousand likes within the first hour after publication. So, some admired the image of the idol. “Wow”, “Manicure fire”, “Just handsome”, “Dear, this is fire!”, “Stylishly”, “Wow, very unexpected,” they said. at the

The host of the program “Let's go, let's eat!” visited the Khabarovsk Territory and was surprised

Chef and host Federico Arnaldi dedicated the episode “Let's Go, Let's Eat!” Khabarovsk Chef and host of the TV show “Let's go, let's eat!” Federico Arnaldi arrived in the Khabarovsk Territory. This is reported by the HKS agency. The film crew visited the capital of the region and went to the banks of a mountain river. The host said that he fell in love with the nature of the region and the people living in it. Federico was surprised by the abundance of greenery in Khabarovsk and the sunny days in autumn. The guests visited the Infidel tower, visited Count Muravyov-Amursky on the cliff and the Central Market, from where the gastronomic part of the journey began. The host, together with a local chef, tried to cook an old Russian dish – beef cheeks with buckwheat in the oven. They also tasted a trumpeter in a fern and a crab

Colonel, head of the police department, died in the Sverdlovsk region

The head of the Krasnoturinsk police, Colonel Strebkov, died at the age of 63 Krasnoturinsk Colonel Valery Strebkov. This was reported to “” by the press secretary of the Sverdlovsk headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Valery Gorelykh. The colonel has worked in the internal affairs bodies for 37 years. According to Gorelykh, under him the regional department for a long time occupied a leading position in terms of performance and was regularly noted by the commander-in-chief as one of the best in the garrison. Strebkov was awarded a personal weapon, a medal of the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, II degree, medals “For impeccable service” and “For valor in the service.” As part of the famous special forces “Thunder” (“Alpha”), he participated in the famous assault on the palace of Hafizullah Amin in Afghanistan in 1979. During the special operation Kuznetsov was seriously wounded in the thigh

Peskov declined to comment on the publication of Erdogan's proposal for Donbass

Dmitry Peskov did not comment on the data on Turkey's proposal for a summit on the Donbass Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan allegedly proposed to convene a summit of Russia, Turkey and Ukraine to resolve the situation in Donbass. This is reported by RIA Novosti. “The fact is that Russia is not a party to the conflict over Donbass, and at such a summit it will be impossible to find solutions to the problem. On the one hand, Kiev is a party to the conflict, and on the other hand, representatives of the self-proclaimed republics, “the Kremlin spokesman said, noting the impossibility of a trilateral summit of Moscow, Kiev and Ankara in Turkey to discuss problems in eastern Ukraine. Earlier in Turkey was offered to create a system for the sale of weapons to Ukraine – a special agency that could deal with the verification of contracts in terms of

Family from Russia set a world record during a trip around the world

The Klochkov family spent eight years swimming and entered the Russian Book of Records A married couple from Novosibirsk set a world record by making traveling on a yacht with children – with this achievement they entered the Russian Book of Records. The details of the situation were revealed by the journalist, documentary photographer and close friend of the Klochkov family, Yulia Galushina, who spent more than a year on the Lady Mary yacht together with the travelers during the voyage. Her message appeared at the disposal of So, on November 26, 2021, the Klochkovs crossed their trail between the islands of Tahiti and Huahine and completed a round-the-world trip that lasted more than eight years. “Sailing around the globe is an ambitious task in itself. And with children, but in untracked latitudes – it seems completely unreal. But we did it. We want to show that human capabilities

Putin signed a law extending the service life limit of army generals

Putin signed a law extending the life-limit of generals after 70 years Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law extending the time-limit for military service for a Marshal, General of the Army and Admiral of the Fleet. The corresponding document has been published on the portal of legal information. According to the law, servicemen who have reached the age limit for military service, who have the military rank of Marshal of Russia, General of the Army, Admiral of the Fleet, may be awarded a new contract for the period established by the decision of the head of state. According to the current legislation, the age limit for military service for generals is 65 years. It is proposed to conclude a new contract before they reach the age of 70, the document specifies. In the summer of this year, Russian leader Vladimir Putin introduced a bill to the State Duma, according