BMW driver who escaped police chase on Moscow Ring Road was sent to jail

A BMW driver detained with drugs after a chase with shooting on the Moscow Ring Road was arrested on the Moscow Ring Road. This was reported by RIA Novosti. A 23-year-old man, in whose car they found three kilograms of mephedrone, was arrested until January 26. He was accused of illegal sale of drugs on an especially large scale. Earlier it was reported that during a search in his apartment, they found another five kilograms of synthetic banned substances. They were packaged in plastic bags of various sizes. In total, police officers counted 20 thousand doses of the drug. On November 26, on the inner side of the Moscow Ring Road, traffic police officers stopped a car to check documents, but the 23-year-old driver abruptly pressed the gas pedal. While trying to escape, he crashed into several cars. The security forces blocked his BMW, the violator was detained.

It became known about the victims of the hurricane in Istanbul

Two people died after a roof collapse due to hurricane winds in Istanbul – the hurricane wind killed two people, nine were injured. The victims of the hurricane are reported by the NTV channel. The gale wind has reached a speed of 22 meters per second. The main meteorological service of Turkey issued an orange warning for 17 provinces. It also became known about the termination of the movement of ships on the Bosphorus. A representative of the Turkish Coast Guard Directorate, in a conversation with RIA Novosti, said that the strait was blocked in both directions. Earlier in Russia, three people were injured when the wall of a shopping center in the north of Moscow collapsed. In the capital's headquarters of the Ministry of Emergencies, it was reported that first the scaffolding with workers collapsed, and only after that the wall partially collapsed. Rescuers removed two people from the

SberCot is four years old

Sociability, charm and irony are named the secrets of SberCat's success SberCat celebrates the third anniversary of his beloved hero SberCot. Its task is to teach financial literacy. It all started with a community and a chatbot on the VKontakte social network, where the first cat meme was published and the first mailing took place. More than 14 million users have already received it, and stickers with a cat have become the most popular commercial stickers on this social network. In four years, the hero has had his own fan base, and his image has gone beyond the framework of one social network. The cat has its own channel in the SberBank Online application, skills in the virtual assistant Salute, a series of podcasts has been recorded. In addition, the hero was immortalized as a monument in Nizhny Novgorod and as an image on a coin. The birthday boy has

Rosneft, USPTU and Tsinghua University agreed on cooperation

Rosneft, USPTU and Tsinghua University have agreed on cooperation in education Rosneft, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University ) and one of the leading universities of the PRC – Tsinghua University, within the framework of the III Russian-Chinese Energy Business Forum, signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of personnel training. Personnel training and development are priority tasks stipulated by the Rosneft-2022 strategy “. The company provides its employees with opportunities for continuous improvement of professional and personal skills and competencies. Rosneft's unified corporate training system covers all categories of personnel and business areas. Lecturers of the best Russian and foreign universities, educational and consulting companies are involved in the training. Training programs are adapted to the current and strategic objectives of the Company. The agreement on cooperation in the field of personnel training with Tsinghua University and USPTU provides for the possibility of organizing training for the Company's employees

Avito became the leader in the rating of shopping applications from App Annie

App Annie rating: Avito is ahead of AliExpress, Wildberries, OZON, Youla, At the end of October 2021, Avito's app outperformed its competitors in several ratings of shopping apps presented by the world's leading provider of data and analytics for the mobile market, App Annie. Avito's leadership is recorded over the popular applications AliExpress, Wildberries, OZON, Youla, and a number of others in terms of the number of active users per month, the total number of user sessions, and the time spent by users in the application. < p>“Today Avito is a popular and favorite way of online shopping for most Russians, where everyone can find everything they can imagine for themselves – from an assortment of new products as in traditional marketplaces to unique things, which, except for Avito. cannot be found anywhere. People also come to the platform to check the availability and cost of the item

Roskosmos has accelerated the production of satellite integrated circuits tenfold

RKS: the production of schemes for satellite data transmission systems was accelerated ten times production of integrated circuits for satellite data transmission systems, Roscosmos reports. “The minimum manufacturing cycle for new monolithic microwave integrated circuits of our own design is now three to five months versus five years that were previously required to complete the entire chain – from R&D to third party production in a factory. The difference is ten times, “- said Andrey Buyankin, head of the RCS department for the development of onboard microwave (microwave) devices. According to him,” the manufacture of its components will reduce the company's production costs by two to three times. ” > In July, Roscosmos said that in the future, the positioning error of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) could be reduced fifty times. According to the head of the department of ground navigation and information systems and complexes of the

The Foreign Ministry told about the preparation of the summit of Putin and Biden

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov: the situation with a possible meeting between Putin and Biden will soon become clear The situation with a possible meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin Joe Biden should clear up soon. The deputy head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Sergei Ryabkov disclosed information about the preparations for the summit of the leaders of the two countries, RIA Novosti reports. does not diminish the significance of the event. “Taking into account the totality of circumstances and problems that exist in bilateral relations and in the international arena, the contact between the presidents, it seems to me, will become a very major milestone,” Ryabkov noted. However, the Deputy Foreign Minister pointed out that there is no complete clarity in what format and when the contact will take place. Earlier, the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that online negotiations between the Russian and American

Shares of Zenit's rival collapsed

Juventus shares plummet 25.5 percent due to FC Juventus shares lost more than a quarter of the cost after reports that its management came under investigation on suspicion of falsifying financial indicators. The Italian club, which faced St. Petersburg's Zenit in the 2021/22 Champions League, plummeted 25.5 percent, from € 0.5745 to € 0.4280, during trading on the Italian Stock Exchange on Monday 29 November.