Application campaign of the competition “Leaders of Education. School “extended until December 10

More than 30 thousand people have registered on the website of the project “Leaders of Education. School “ Acceptance of applications for participation in the new all-Russian project of the presidential platform” Russia – the country of opportunities “- the professional competition” Leaders of Education. School ”- extended until December 10. More than 30 thousand people have already registered on the website of the project flagshipobrazovaniya.rf. The competition is supported by the Russian Ministry of Education. “The project” Leaders of Education. School “aroused great interest among teachers, we have already received more than 30 thousand applications. In recent days, there has been a special surge in registrations, so we decided to give everyone another 10 days to submit applications and form teams. The leading regions in terms of the number of registrations change every time. To date, St. Petersburg has come out on top with almost 2,000 applications, followed by

In Chelyabinsk wanted to sell a collection of rare records of The Beatles

In Chelyabinsk, an advertisement was posted on the sale of a collection of rare The Beatles records the announcement of the sale on the site “Avito”. This was noticed by the South Ural State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. The reasons why the Russian wanted to give away rare records are not reported. According to the service, the Russian sells a musical relic for 135 thousand rubles … The description says that this is an American box with 15 records and an additional mini-album Magical Mystery Tour. The collection was released in this format in 1982, the edition of the collection is limited: it was only 25 thousand copies. It is specified that all album covers have the original image of the master tape of each particular album. The box also contains a certificate with a signature and an identification number, which allows you to verify the authenticity of the

Rogozin spoke about the creation of a “cheap” replacement for “Union” and “Progress”

Head of Roscosmos Rogozin: the Orlyonok spacecraft may appear in 2026-2027 The Orlyonok universal spacecraft, which in the cargo version will replace Progress, and in the manned version – Soyuz, may appear in 2026-2027, RIA Novosti reports a statement by the general director of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin. “I mean the creation of [ at the turn of 2026-2027] a universal ship in a cargo and manned version, “- said the head of the state corporation. According to TASS, the frequency of flights to the Russian Orbital Service Station (ROSS) under development will be higher than at present to the operating International Space Station (ISS), which is why the “Eaglet” “must be cheap.” According to Rogozin, the Rocket and Space Corporation RSC Energia “will definitely prescribe not only the ROSS architecture, but also how to fly there.” In October Rogozin announced that in 2023 flight tests of the Russian promising the

Russian who did not wait for help from the police beat his abuser to death

Investigators suspected the major of the Russian police of negligence, which led to the murder about the murder. This was reported on Monday, November 29, by the Telegram-channel Mash Siberia. According to the channel, finding out the details of the crime, during which two brothers beat a man to death, the investigators established the reasons for the reprisal. It turned out that in 2020, the 43-year-old defendant went to the police, saying that he had been beaten and robbed. At the same time, the major of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not even draw up a protocol. Then the victim decided to punish the offender on his own. Together with his brother, he came to the man and beat him, and then threw him into the basement, where he died. The Ministry of Internal Affairs completed a check on the policeman. Now the case of the Russian major is

Garbage toilet printed in Europe

Spanish studio Nagami 3D printed a toilet out of medical waste Spanish design studio Nagami 3D printed a portable toilet … To create it, they collected waste from plastic medical equipment throughout Europe, writes Dezeen. The garbage was melted into printer cartridges and a portable booth was produced in three days. The dry closet consists of three parts – a drop-shaped body, a sliding curved door and a bucket for collecting solid waste. In addition to plastic, there are metal guides in the structure, due to which the door moves. The device has a special feature – it allows you to separately remove urine and compost faeces in a special container. Subsequently, waste products will become fertilizer for the soil at the installation site of the toilet. A test version of the booth was released on a robotic printer in Spanish Avila and installed on a construction site in the

Zelensky's office supports Erdogan's proposal for mediation

Advisor to the head of Zelensky's office, Podolyak, assessed Erdogan's proposal for mediation Kiev and Moscow. This was reported by the Telegram channel. Advisor to the head of the office, Mikhail Podolyak, said that Ankara's position is always specifically reasoned and taken into account by other players. “We very much appreciate this activity of President Erdogan and are grateful for it. And it would be right for the Russian side not to reject the mediating efforts of the Turkish President, “Podolyak said. Erdogan said that Turkey is ready to become a mediator in relations between Russia and Ukraine on the settlement of a potential conflict between them. “We will develop these negotiations both with Ukraine and with Mr. [Russian President Vladimir] Putin. We want us to participate in resolving this issue, “he said. The statement was made against the background of accusations from Kiev and the West against Russia

The Russians were named the optimal cost of tours to Hungary in winter

ATOR: the cost of a seven-day vacation in Hungary will cost from 37 thousand rubles in winter The optimal cost of winter tours to Hungary starts from 37 thousand rubles for two with a departure in December. Analysts of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) studied the offers of travel agencies and named the most profitable of them, the corresponding information appeared on the organization's website. a hotel with half board meals for two Russian tourists will cost 443 euros (37.6 thousand rubles). A wellness tour on similar conditions will cost 556 euros (47.2 thousand rubles) per person. The cost of BSI Group tours starts from 46.6 thousand rubles – this is the amount vacationers will pay for accommodation in a three-star hotel without nutrition. Airfare is paid additionally. Tour operator PAC Group offers to purchase tickets to the republic for seven days with a departure in December

The girl showed luxurious gifts from a married lover and became famous on the network

Model Nikita Gonzales boasted gifts from her married lover on TikTok A model and blogger who is dating a married luxury man and showed her became famous on social networks. Her story is quoted by the Daily Star. Model Nikita Gonzales regularly shares photos and videos showing off gifts from her lover and showing off their travels together. It is known that a total of 12 thousand people have subscribed to the heroine's page on TikTok, and her posts have received 227 thousand likes. According to the girl, the man regularly presents her with clothes and accessories of luxury brands. For example, he gave her a gold Rolex watch with diamonds, as well as a bag and wallet from the French brand Louis Vuitton. In addition, the lover sent Gonzales a bracelet to the Cartier jewelry house and provided a bank card, where he regularly deposits money. “This is how