In the USA, assessed the risks to the economy from the omicron strain

US Federal Reserve System: spread of omicron strain could lead to unemployment and inflation USA. This assessment was given by the chairman of the US Federal Reserve System Jerome Powell in a statement published on the official website of the department. “The increase in the incidence of coronavirus and the emergence of the omicron strain can lead to a decrease in employment, economic activity and inflation,” – Powell highlighted in the document. He explained that growing anxiety about the virus among the population of the country could lead to people being afraid to go to work, which in turn will affect the growth of unemployment and lead to a gap supply chains. The Fed chairman also noted that similar factors driving inflation will continue in 2022. Earlier, US President Joe Biden called the new omicron strain of coronavirus infection a cause for concern but not a cause for panic. At

Mishustin approved a new procedure for the payment of sick leave

Mishustin approved an unapproved procedure for the payment of benefits for temporary disability This is reported on the government website. According to the decree, from 2022, all sick leave certificates will be issued only in electronic form, and benefits for them will be calculated automatically. In addition, the unclaimed procedure applies to benefits for pregnancy and childbirth and at the birth of a child. Material assistance, as before, will be the Social Insurance Fund (FSS), but now all the necessary information will be sent to the fund by the employer. The FSS may request additional information from the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), the Federal Tax Service (FTS) and other government agencies. Citizens will be notified of the appointment and payment of benefits on the portal of state services. As Mishustin previously emphasized, it will be more convenient for citizens to pay benefits to Russians without a claim, since they

The woman has transformed beyond recognition and angered subscribers with her youth

A blogger from the United States made nude makeup and rejuvenated beyond recognition. … The Sun journalists drew attention to the video published on TikTok. First, the American Chloe showed her face without make-up. The footage shows numerous wrinkles on the woman's face. Then the user applied nude makeup, styled her hair and put on a light blue top. The blogger showed that her skin became smoother and her complexion evened out, which made her look younger. “Yes, they are the same person. How many times do I have to say this? I'm just a transformer, “she signed the post. The video with Chloe's transformation went viral and gained 2.4 million views and 19.8 thousand likes. Subscribers felt that the blogger had changed beyond recognition, and scolded her for trying to deceive them. “This is your mother”, “This is definitely a mother and daughter”, “No, I don’t believe in it,

Oil prices predicted a sharp rise

Izvestia: analysts predict an increase in oil prices over $ 80 per barrel 76-77 dollars per barrel, and after the meeting of the Organization of Petroleum Producing Countries (OPEC +) – to overcome the mark of 80 dollars per barrel. This forecast was given by analysts interviewed by Izvestia. Financial communications expert Andrei Loboda noted that on Monday, November 29, oil prices began to rise again after a sharp collapse of more than 11 percent last week. Before the announcement of the emergence of a new strain of coronavirus omicron and the introduction of new restrictions in a number of countries on November 25, a barrel of Brent cost $ 82, and a day later – $ 72.8. Finam analyst Andrey Maslov recalled that in Late this summer, investors reacted similarly to reports of the Indian delta strain. Then quotations fell by eight percent in three days, but after only

Russians turned out to be more profitable to overtake cars from Europe

Autonews: moving used cars from Europe turned out to be more profitable than buying in Russia than buying within the country, Autonews reports. “Now that you can buy European currency for 83 rubles, it has become cheaper to bring in many used cars from Europe,” said an expert on the selection of used cars Kirill Chernov. He added that it is most profitable to bring used cars between the ages of three and five. Their “customs clearance” will be cheaper than for cars older than five years. Also a winning option is cars with motors of less than one and a half liters. For example, BMW X1, Audi A4, Volkswagen Passat. Chernov added that it makes sense to ferry cars from the EU if the budget for buying a used car exceeds one million rubles. “It's not a fact that in our secondary housing in this budget you will find

Russian rapper accused of drug propaganda

A protocol was drawn up for the Russian rapper OG Buda for drug propaganda A protocol for the propaganda of drugs online. This was reported by RIA Novosti. The protocol was registered by the Zyuzinsky court of Moscow on November 26. The date of its consideration has not yet been set. The musician faces a fine of 5 to 30 thousand rubles as an individual or from 50 to 100 thousand rubles as a citizen carrying out entrepreneurial activity. Previously a representative SK Alexander Bastrykin accused Morgenstern of drug dealing on the Internet. “Blogger Morgenstern sells drugs, in fact, on social networks. And we are sitting here, discussing abstractly what the highest value means, and human rights cannot be violated, “Bastrykin said. After that, it became known that Morgenstern left the country and went to the UAE. The musician's lawyer Sergei Zhorin said he was afraid of pressure from law

The United States spoke about the exercises of Russia and Belarus on the border with Ukraine

The Pentagon on the exercises of the Russian Federation and Belarus on the border with Ukraine: would not like to destabilize -Ukrainian border. The message about the upcoming exercises of the Union State troops was assessed at the Pentagon, TASS reports. Related materials15: 25-19 November Border station .Migrants on the border of Poland and Belarus – about a breakthrough to Europe, life in a camp and the fear of deportation00:01 – July 1, 2017 Not again, Will Belarus repeat the path of Ukraine, banning the Russian language The Pentagon noted that they would not want “destabilizing actions” in the tense situation on the border of Belarus. That Minsk plans to hold military exercises to cover the southern part of the border of Belarus, said Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin on November 29. A set of measures on the Belarusian-Ukrainian border is planned in the medium term. In September, the troops of

China decided to replace plastic with sperm

Euronews: Chinese scientists have created an analogue of plastic from salmon semen Chinese scientists from Tianjin University decided to replace plastic with salmon semen. The researchers have created an environmentally friendly analogue of the material based on the DNA of fish, writes Euronews. The specialists combined short strands of DNA from fish sperm with a chemical made from vegetable oil to create a gel-like substance that can be shaped into any shape. To solidify, moisture was removed from the material by drying in a vacuum environment. The researchers noted that the new plastic is easy to manufacture, and its production emits 97 percent less emissions into the atmosphere than the traditional one. Moreover, it can be easily and repeatedly recycled. To do this, it is enough to immerse the product in water – it will again become a recyclable hydrogel. Scientists propose to use such plastic to produce packaging for

Netherlands considers new proceedings against Russia in MH17 case

RTL Nieuws: The Netherlands are thinking about new proceedings against Russia in the case MH17 The Netherlands wanted to initiate new proceedings against Russia in the case of the crash MH17 in eastern Ukraine in July 2014. This was reported by the RTL Nieuws TV channel with reference to anonymous sources. It is planned to prepare a legal procedure at the UN International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The issue will be on the agenda of the new government, which is in the stage of formation. Sources consider the new procedure promising for the Netherlands. In their opinion, Moscow violated the Chicago Convention, according to which countries are obliged to ensure the safety of civil aviation. The final decision on filing a lawsuit against Russia in ICAO will be made by the new Cabinet of Ministers of the Netherlands. The crash of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 777, which en route from

There will be more free products for the poor in Russia

Izvestia: Russia has proposed to abolish VAT on products for charity In Russia, there may be more free products for the poor. The Ministry of Finance, together with specialists from the Federal Tax Service (FTS), are working on the issue of exemption of manufacturers from VAT on expiring goods that are donated to charity. Izvestia writes about this with reference to the response of the ministry to the corresponding initiative of the Food Sharing organization. The organization proposed to amend Article 170 of the Tax Code of Russia and remove from companies the obligation to restore VAT if such goods are transferred free of charge the poor. Today, by participating in charity, companies are forced to pay up to 20 percent tax on the value of products). According to the authors of the initiative, participation in charity is more expensive for retailers than sending food to landfills. As a result,