Spring offered to punish pedophiles to life in prison

Spring offered to punish pedophiles to life in prison Moscow. 19 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — the working group under Vice-speaker of the state Duma Irina Yarovaya proposes a life sentence for sexual crimes against minors. “We first proposed to set a life sentence for sexual offences against children up to 12 years”, — said Yarovaya during Thursday’s meeting of the working group on the draft law introducing stricter liability for pedophiles. The Deputy speaker called for the suspension of the Statute of limitations for crimes committed against minors, until they reach the age of majority in order to “ensure the inevitability of punishment”. The bill also for the first time it is proposed to install additional deemed to be aggravating circumstance when the offence is committed by persons living together with children. The presence of such circumstances will result in a more severe punishment, and the court will not be able

Source: visit of Boris Johnson’s Russia is preparing for the second half of December

The British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson © EPA-EFE/NEIL HALL MOSCOW, 19 Oct. /TASS/. The visit of British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson is preparing for the second half of December. This was reported by a source in the Russian foreign Ministry. “The visit is prepared in the second half of December,” – said the source. Johnson had intended to visit Russia in April 2017, but after the incident with chemical weapons in the Syrian Khan Sheyhun had to cancel. In early October, the Ministry of foreign Affairs of great Britain announced that the visit is still planned.

Russia considers unfair accusations of the Netherlands for the investigation of the MH17 disaster

Investigators from the Netherlands during the examination of the wreckage of the passenger plane “Malaysian airlines” © Michael Pochuev/TASS MOSCOW, 19 Oct. /TASS/. Moscow regards as highly unjust accusations of the Netherlands in the lack of assistance in the investigation of the disaster Malaysian Boeing in Eastern Ukraine on 17 July 2014. This was stated on Thursday by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, commenting on the Dutch Prosecutor Fred Westerbeke in an interview with “Novaya Gazeta”.

VTSIOM said about the negative attitude of most Russians to Sobchak

VTSIOM said about the negative attitude of most Russians to Sobchak 95% of the respondents know well or heard something about the TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, who declared his presidential ambitions, but 60% of respondents rather negative attitude to it, VTSIOM said. All-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM) presented survey data on how Russians know how to assess and Ksenia Sobchak. According to polls of 2015 were not published polls (there RBC), know it well 72% of the respondents, 23% had heard something about the presenter. Awareness Sobchak is growing — in 2012, only 57% knew her. Despite its popularity, the journalist evokes primarily negative emotions of the respondents: 60% relate to it in a rather negative and only 21% rather positively (proportion has varied slightly since 2012). Sociologists have also studied the acquaintance of Russians with the concept of “non-systemic opposition” — only 12% in 2016, could

The mother of the deceased soldier accused trump in contempt

The mother of the deceased soldier accused trump in contempt The foster mother who died in combat, the American military said that he heard the US President told the widow that her husband knew what was going on. First this conversation was told by a member of the house of representatives Frederica Wilson, a Democrat, represents a district in Miami, Florida. According to her, she was in the limousine with the widow of the deceased serviceman Myeshia Johnson at a time when the President called, and heard on the loudspeaker words: “He knew what is signed, but I guess it still hurts”. Trump responded by saying that the Wilson story is completely fabricated. Sergeant La David Johnson died 4 Oct in Niger at the hands of Islamist militants, in an ambush. In total then killed four American soldiers. Trump was criticized for what he hasn’t contacted families of the military

To Sobchak. Who had surprised Russia in the presidential elections?

To Sobchak. Who had surprised Russia in the presidential elections? From the commander of the military district to the chief of security Zhirinovsky — who campaigned for the top job. The decision of Ksenia Sobchak to run for President in the elections of 2018, perhaps, identified the most extraordinary party of the presidential race. Of course, in order to become a candidate officially, Xenia Anatolevna is still long procedure. But, hand on heart, it is unlikely it will not overcome successfully the person whose Declaration of intention to participate in presidential elections is sounded in the main news on one of the main Federal TV channels. The history of presidential elections in Russia is replete with unusual and even bizarre contenders for the presidency of the country. Let’s talk about those whose names were on the ballot. 1991. Albert Makashov In the first presidential election of the then RSFSR was

Peskov: Kremlin prepares election campaign Sobchak did not advise her

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS SOCHI, October 19. /TASS/. The Kremlin is preparing a campaign of Ksenia Sobchak, who declared earlier the intention to participate in presidential elections. “No, it’s not so” – said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Thus he answered the question about whether the President’s administration assistance to potential candidate in preparation for the campaign.

In the Duma propose to put a telephone terrorists for ten years

In the Duma propose to put a telephone terrorists for ten years The state Duma has prepared amendments to toughen penalties for false calls about bombs, told RBC in the lower house. The deputies want to punish the phone terrorists by imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years. A group of deputies headed by Chairman of the Committee on security and combating corruption Vasily by Piscarium (“United Russia”) has prepared and will soon submit to the Duma amendments to the criminal code toughening the punishment for telephone terrorists. This was told RBC source in the lower house and confirmed that he Piskarev. In the current article of the criminal code “false report about an act of terrorism” punishable by a fine up to 200 thousand rubles, correctional labor or deprivation of liberty for a term up to three years, and the occurrence of serious consequences — up to five

Canada North America’s first ban on wearing the burqa

Canada North America’s first ban on wearing the burqa In the canadian province of québec enacted an extensive law that prohibits to hide the face in public places and in the civil service. It is reported by the Globe and Mail. Fall under the ban in the first place, the wearing of traditional Muslim garments, the burqa (burka) and the niqab that conceal the face entirely or partially, but the law does not exclude the possibility that the ban could be extended to cases when people hide the face in other ways, for example, with the help of bandanas, emphasizes the publication. This ban was the first of its kind not only for Canada but for all North America. Strict prohibition extends to public servants, workers and employees of hospitals, libraries, schools, public authorities and municipalities, as well as those who are engaged in the field of passenger transport. In

Media: North Korea has promised to inflict on USA “incredible and unexpected” blow

Media: North Korea has promised to inflict on USA “incredible and unexpected” blow TASS, October 19. North Korea has threatened to strike in USA “incredible” shock at the most unexpected moment. This is stated in the report released Thursday by the Agency the KCNA statement in connection with the ongoing in the waters near the Korean Peninsula and South Korean maneuvers of the U.S. Navy, led by the aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan. “The United States apparently went crazy, dragged right under our nose the objectives that we have identified as important. USA needs to keep in mind that our strike would catch them in an unexpected time in an unexpected place,” — said the KCNA. Carrier strike group the U.S. Navy during the period from 16 to 26 October conducts joint exercises with ships of the Navy of the Republic of Korea off the coast of the Korean Peninsula. According