In the state Duma supported the blocking of websites of unwanted organizations without trial

In the state Duma supported the blocking of websites of unwanted organizations without trial The state Duma on Thursday, on October 26, adopted at first reading amendments to block unwanted websites of organizations without a court decision, with the approval of the attorney General. The document, which Roskomnadzor will be able to make their own decisions about blocking, was introduced by a group of deputies from three factions — United Russia, just Russia and the Communist party. Before he was approved by the relevant Duma Committee on informality, and on October 26 the amendments were adopted in the first reading. “For” vote of 327 deputies, three abstentions, the correspondent of RBC. The source of RBC, close to the leadership of the chamber, in turn, said earlier that the amendment was supported by the Kremlin. After final adoption of the law the Supervisory authority will without a court order to make

Russia sent into orbit the inspector

Russia sent into orbit the inspector Military tested in action unique maneuvering satellite identification and interception. Space forces of Russia successfully tested a maneuvering military satellite inspector, able to fly up to other orbiting vehicles and to inspect them. Such devices will allow to determine the functionality of foreign spy satellites, and, if necessary, to create space satellites-fighters. According to local experts, maneuvering satellites, the inspectors will be an important element of the Russian orbital constellation, they’ll play the role of a tool of deterrence in the military space race. As have informed “news” in the Ministry of defence, in trials for the management of maneuvering a military satellite was tested both terrestrial and orbital communications, tested methods of ballistic calculations and new software. Confirmed the capabilities of the Space forces at the automatic disengage of the satellite platform-remote control its flight, using the on-Board equipment, including surveillance equipment, and

The electric vehicle enters in a traffic

The electric vehicle enters in a traffic Traffic on gyrometer and Segway will adjust the rules. The use of the citizens of gyrometers, Segway, monowheels and other personal electric vehicle may be governed by the rules of the road. The need for adjustment of legislation on behalf of the first Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov will work for the interior Ministry within the framework of a plan to reduce accidents at pedestrian crossings. Traffic police together with experts will also consider the strengthening of sanctions for pedestrians-violators. The newsof the traffic police: to control seguem law is not an nujnim traffic police refused to consider Segway vehicle, as urged by the Deputy of the state Duma The first Vice-Premier Igor Shuvalov gave a number of instructions following a public discussion of a plan to reduce accidents at pedestrian crossings. According to traffic police, from the beginning of 2017 in Russia

VTSIOM: for most Russians, the gender of the President doesn’t matter

VTSIOM: for most Russians, the gender of the President doesn’t matter According to a survey by the all-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM), 54% of respondents to the question, whom would they have voted in the presidential election, choosing between candidates men and women under equal conditions: age, education, experience, responded that gender does not matter. “However, Patriarchal attitudes are still strong: 38% ‘d rather have a man. For the woman would be voted by 5% of respondents”, — TASS quoted the survey. Choosing women candidates, respondents report that those “it may be better to run the country”, noted women’s peacefulness, practicality, and prudence. Voting for the men believe that the policy of “not for women” because the main task of women is to care for the family. In addition, they consider women less strong and more emotional. The idea of introducing quotas for women in government today

“Thoughts Jinping” what was the end of the XIX Congress of the Communist party of China

“Thoughts Jinping” what was the end of the XIX Congress of the Communist party of China In Beijing has ended, the XIX Congress of the Communist party of China. The Congress of people’s representatives meets every five years and to what extent is a routine event, since the key decisions to disclose it, usually taken in advance and not be news to neither the party leadership nor to analysts. But there are exceptions. On the eve of the XIX Congress talked a lot about growing concentration of power in the hands of the current President of China XI Jinping, who stood at the helm at the last Congress five years ago. It was assumed that his old ally Wang Qishan, head of the Central Commission for discipline inspection, and in fact internal security forces, will replace Li Keqiang as Prime Minister of the state Council of the PRC, but that

USA commented on the supply of Russian weapons to the Philippines

USA commented on the supply of Russian weapons to the Philippines WASHINGTON, 26 Oct — RIA Novosti. The US is not concerned about the supply of Russian weapons to the Philippines said Wednesday that us Secretary of defense James Mattis. “I don’t attach very much importance. I know that a number of trucks were directed to help a country that fights terrorists. This is a sovereign decision of the Philippines,” said the American Minister reporters accompanying him on a foreign trip. The transcript of a conversation posted on its website the Pentagon. Mattis noted that he had “an open and cordial meeting” with the Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, during which they discussed military cooperation and the fight against terrorism. On Wednesday, Russia put the Philippines party of military goods, including small arms, ammunition and military trucks. The ceremony with participation of the Minister of defence of Russia Sergey Shoigu and

The Brazilian Parliament has protected the President from corruption charges

The Brazilian Parliament has protected the President from corruption charges The lower house of Congress has rejected allegations of corruption against President Michel Temer. About it reports Reuters. Opponents of Temer failed to gain 342 votes, i.e. two thirds of the seats. The vote means that Temer does not threaten prosecution while he remains President. But he can still become involved in the investigation and trial after the end of the term of office at the end of 2018. A few hours before the vote, Temer was hospitalized with a urinary tract obstruction. New charges against Temer — to obstruction of justice and racketeering — was launched in September. In August Temer charges of corruption were blocked by his supporters in the lower house of Congress, which has the right to decide whether President to appear before the Supreme court. Criminal charges were brought against the President on the basis

Russia will present to the UN security Council its proposals on the crime of chemical weapons in Syria

MOSCOW, October 25. /TASS/. Russia intends to submit to the UN Security Council proposals for the investigation of crimes involving the use of chemical weapons in Syria after a study prepared by the Joint UN and the Organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) to investigate the chemical attacks in Syria (CMP) report. This is stated in a statement on Wednesday statement, the Russian foreign Ministry.

Trump called the “uranium deal” with modern Watergate

Trump called the “uranium deal” with modern Watergate Us President blames Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama that Russia gained control over 20% of uranium production in the United States. Moscow. 24 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump said that the deal to sell canadian uranium mining company Uranium One, which among other things, owns the Willow Creek mine in Wyoming, part of “Rosatom” holding ARMZ, is a political scandal. “The uranium deal with Russia and how it was done, very clever… This is the Watergate of our day”, — quotes the words of the President of the Fox News channel. Last week trump in his Twitter criticized the American media for the fact that they do not sufficiently cover the topic of the sale of Uranium One. Uranium deal to Russia, with Clinton help Obama and Administration knowledge, is the biggest Fake story that the Media doesn’t want to

Saakashvili received the documents on deprivation of citizenship

Saakashvili received the documents on deprivation of citizenship KIEV, October 25. /TASS/. The former Governor of the Odessa region and the former President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili received the documents from the presidential administration of Ukraine, confirming the decision to strip him of citizenship, and in the near future intends to appeal. “Today or tomorrow I go to court, because we finally received documents from the presidential administration of depriving me of citizenship, and we will appeal it,” he said in the TV channel NewsOne. In may 2015, Saakashvili received the Ukrainian citizenship, in this connection, in December 2015, was terminated of his Georgian citizenship. From 30 may 2015 to 9 November 2016, he headed the Odessa region, but then resigned. Petro Poroshenko, on 26 July 2017, when the ex-Governor was in the United States, deprived him of citizenship of Ukraine. September 10, Saakashvili together with his colleagues managed from