A Georgian court sentenced Saakashvili to three years in prison

A Georgian court sentenced Saakashvili to three years in prison Georgian court sentenced in absentia former President Mikheil Saakashvili to three years in prison. This is the first verdict against Mr. Saakashvili, creating the grounds for his extradition to Georgia. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий According to prosecutors and the court, willful abuse of official authority President was to pardon high-ranking officials to the police in 2009. They were convicted of abduction of the employee “United Georgian Bank” Sandro Girgvliani. As found by the court, Mikhail Saakashvili, even before the verdict in 2006, promised the police officer an ambulance freedom in exchange for silence about the fact that the order for the kidnapping and beating of Sandro Girgvliani, a young man ran away, fell into a ravine and died — came from the top management of the Ministry of internal Affairs and entourage of the President. Mr. Girgvliani during a private argument in a

The collection of signatures in support of nomination of Putin in Russia began

The collection of signatures in support of nomination of Putin in Russia began It will last until January 30. Moscow. 5 Jan. INTERFAX.RU activists of the movement “Victory Volunteers” in Khabarovsk began collecting signatures in support of nomination of presidential candidate, incumbent head of state Vladimir Putin, has informed Agency “Interfax” the representative of the movement in the Khabarovsk territory. “On Friday, the points of collection of signatures in support of nomination of Vladimir Putin opened in Khabarovsk the Mall “South Park” and “NC city”, — said the Agency interlocutor. He added that the campaign, launched in Russia in Khabarovsk, will continue on Saturday, will resume the collection of signatures after the holiday weekend and will last until January 30. As reported last week, the Central election Commission of the Russian Federation registered the group of voters formed to support self-candidate Putin in the presidential elections of 2018, as well

In Russia began collecting signatures in support of nomination of Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin © Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS KHABAROVSK, January 5. /TASS/. The first in Russia collection of signatures in support of nomination of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections opened on Friday in Khabarovsk. This was reported TASS the regional coordinator participates in the collection of signatures movement “Volunteer Victory” in the Khabarovsk Krai Anastasia Braga.

Media: Hillary Clinton is again at the center of an FBI investigation.

Media: Hillary Clinton is again at the center of an FBI investigation. The investigators intend to find out, was whether former Secretary of state and her husband make political concessions in exchange for donations to their Fund. WASHINGTON, January 5. /TASS/. The Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) initiated an investigation in respect of “the Clinton Foundation” (Clinton Foundation), which aims to find out whether this organization any benefits from sponsors during the period when Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of state. This was reported on Thursday, citing sources the newspaper the Hill. According to representatives of the administration, the FBI plans to find out, not promised and did not do the Clintons any political concessions in return for charitable and not promise whether donors Fund infusion of funds in exchange for the achievement of certain government objectives. In addition, the investigation should shed light on whether transferred tax-free Fund assets

North Korea agreed to hold talks with South Korea

North Korea agreed to hold talks with South Korea MOSCOW, 5 Jan — RIA Novosti. South Korea and North Korea will hold talks at the highest level next week, according to the radio station KBS, citing the Ministry of unification of Republic of Korea. According to the Agency, Pyongyang accepted the offer of Seoul to hold talks next Tuesday. “The parties have agreed to discuss issues at the working level through the exchange of documents”, — said the representative of the Ministry. The main issues of the talks will be bilateral relations, including cooperation in the preparation for the Olympic games in Pyeongchang. On Wednesday, North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN gave the order to open is not in force for a long time “hot line” between Pyongyang and Seoul. On the same day the representatives of the DPRK and the Republic of Korea held the first telephone conversation on the

The UN security Council on the initiative of the United States will discuss the situation in Iran

The UN security Council on the initiative of the United States will discuss the situation in Iran Moscow. 5 Jan. INTERFAX.RU members of the UN Security Council will discuss on Friday afternoon the situation in Iran, according to the permanent mission of Kazakhstan to the United Nations. It is noted that the meeting will take place at 15:00 on time of new York (23:00 GMT) and will be held in an open format. Kazakhstan is the country of the President of the Security Council in January. As reported by the Western media, the meeting will be held at the initiative of the United States. Earlier, us permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley said that the United States plans to convene in the coming days, an emergency session of the UN security Council in new York and in the UN Council on human rights in Geneva in connection with the

In the Federation Council commented on the Kiev’s plans to blow up Russian gas pipeline

In the Federation Council commented on the Kiev’s plans to blow up Russian gas pipeline The statement of Kiev about plans to undermine the Russian gas pipeline on the territory of Ukraine corresponds to the logic of the Ukrainian authorities. This was stated by first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich, RIA “Novosti”. “If you listen to Ukrainian officials, which occupies not the last posts, it becomes quite unclear, which further supports the existence of this state. Apparently, only the force of inertia. In this case, I’m still surprised that prevented the Ukrainian party to undermine the gas pipeline system on its territory. This brand has emerged from all the logic of action, which was guided by Kiev, — the worse, the better” — said Klintsevich. The Senator added that Russia, taking the decision to build a gas pipeline bypassing Ukraine to take

Russians waiting for a series of improvements in the quality of life

Russians waiting for a series of improvements in the quality of life 2018 promises to be a breakthrough for Russians in the social sphere. Taken by the authorities measures first of all will help the most vulnerable segments of the population: pensioners, to large families with low income. However, the change will feel and defrauded real estate investors, and debt-ridden individual entrepreneurs and even the debtors, which are still too coarse pursued the collectors. Speaking on the eve of the New year, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov could not name a major achievement of the country’s leadership in 2017, but noted progress in the economy and initiatives in the social sphere. In his view, “to name a single achievement it would be wrong, because actually a lot of achievements including the economy, changing the main trend in the economy, record low inflation; it is the initiatives and

In Russia has declassified the data of foreign and civil satellites for Earth observation

In Russia has declassified the data of foreign and civil satellites for Earth observation Moscow. 4 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Data sensing obtained from the civil and foreign satellites, deprived of the status of state secrets. 14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий The corresponding presidential decree published on the official Internet portal of legal information. Previously, the status of a state secret was given all geospatial data sensing of the Earth, which have important defence or economic significance. The new decree makes a clarification by excluding from the list of secret “data of Earth remote sensing from space received from foreign satellites or Russian spacecraft civil purposes”.

The Iranian intelligence services announced the defeat of the network planned the riots militants

The Iranian intelligence services announced the defeat of the network planned the riots militants Moscow. 4 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the Iranian intelligence services announced the elimination of a terrorist cell pursuing the goal of creating unrest in the country, announced on Thursday evening, the Iranian news Agency IRNA, citing the Ministry of intelligence of the Republic. “A terrorist cell that had infiltrated into Iran to blow things up and kill innocent people, to support the recent unrest and provoke more unrest in the country, was defeated, and its members arrested after clashes with security forces,” — said in the Ministry statement. According to the statement, the terrorists in a clash with Iranian security forces in the northwestern city Piranshahr in West Azerbaijan province killed three law enforcement officers. One terrorist was also killed, and some other members of the group were injured, said the Ministry. It is also reported that