Abe: vehicle Japanese fighter jets with cruise missiles it is necessary to protect the public

Abe: vehicle Japanese fighter jets with cruise missiles it is necessary to protect the public TOKYO, January 7. /TASS/. The decision to equip the fighters of air self-defense Forces of Japan with cruise missiles is due to the protection of the Japanese population. On this January 7, the public television NHK said Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. “To protect the population, we need to increase defense capabilities. And we will achieve the understanding of our people (on this issue),” — said the head of the Japanese government. In December 2017 the Ministry of defense of Japan announced its intention to equip the fighters of the national air self-defense Force cruise missile of class “air — ground” long range. The necessary funds will be budgeted for the next fiscal year (starts 1 April 2018). The head of the Japanese defense Agency, Itsunori of Onodera then said that the acquisition of missiles will

Ukraine demanded to recognize the years of Soviet “occupation”

Ukraine demanded to recognize the years of Soviet “occupation” MOSCOW, 6 Jan — RIA Novosti. Ukraine needs a large-scale information work for the recognition of the “occupation” of the Soviet regime, said the Director of the Ukrainian Institute of national memory Vladimir vyatrovich in the air “5 channel”. The historian, however, stated that the Act of independence of Ukraine in 1991 when it will not be reviewed. The document refers to the indivisibility and inviolability of territory of the country. According to Vyatrovich, it is very important that there had been “political and legislative steps which would give the inheritance of Ukrainian statehood from 17-21 years before the modern state.” “It is obvious that we need a legislative initiative that would have clearly recorded the succession of the current Ukraine traditions Ukrainian national Republic”, — said the Director of the Institute. As noted viatrovych, information needs to “shape the continuity

Trump expressed hope for the success of the dialogue between South Korea and North Korea

Trump expressed hope for the success of the dialogue between South Korea and North Korea Moscow. January 6. INTERFAX.RU the President of the United States, Donald trump told reporters on Saturday that wants the success of the negotiations between South Korea and North Korea. “I hope this works. I really want to see how it works in the relations between (South Korea and North Korea — if)”, — quotes words of the President of the American channel CBS. The US President also rejected the possibility of telephone conversations with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. “I always believe in dialogue. You know, that is our position. We are very solid. But I would (speak with Kim Jong-UN — if), I certainly would have done so. With this there are no problems” — quoted by CBS trump. Earlier it was reported that South Korea and the DPRK agreed to hold the next

In the Sverdlovsk region collecting signatures for the nomination of Putin will continue at Christmas

© Artyom Geodakyan/TASS EKATERINBURG, January 6. /TASS/. The collection of signatures in support of nomination of Vladimir Putin in the Russian presidential elections, which are scheduled for March 18, 2018, will continue in Sverdlovsk region and in the Christmas holidays due to a large number of people willing to support the incumbent head of state. This was reported to journalists on Saturday Eldar Valiulin, representative involved in collecting signatures for the regional branch of the movement “Volunteers of Victory.”

In Lithuania, accused Soviet actor Donatas Banionis in the work for the KGB

In Lithuania, accused Soviet actor Donatas Banionis in the work for the KGB MOSCOW, 6 Jan — RIA Novosti. Center for the study of genocide and resistance of Lithuanian residents accused the actor Donatas Banionis, who died in 2014, in cooperation with the Soviet security organs. Edition Zmones citing data from the organization claims that Banionis was allegedly recruited by the state security Committee under the name Bronos. “In the KGB documents contain evidence that agent “Brunos” was recruited in October 1970 due to the presence of personal and business contacts with Lithuanians abroad”, — stated in the message. According to the center, in 1974 Banionis was excluded from the list of KGB agents. Donatas Banionis played over a hundred roles in theater and film. Among the famous works — “Solaris” (1972) by Andrei Tarkovsky, “the Dead season” (1968), Savva Kulish, “Beware of the car” (1966) by Eldar Ryazanov. The

The refusal of the Supreme court of Russia to prevent Bulk up to the presidential election in force

Alexei Navalny © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, January 6. /TASS/. Russia’s Supreme court on Saturday dismissed the appeal of blogger Alexei Navalny’s refusal to recognize the illegal decision of the Central election Commission (CEC), which has not registered the initiative group for his nomination as a candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation. About TASS said the representative of the Bulk Ivan Zhdanov.

The defense Ministry commented on the convergence of the su-30 and F-15 NATO over the Baltic sea

The defense Ministry commented on the convergence of the su-30 and F-15 NATO over the Baltic sea According to the Russian military, 23 November and 13 December last year, several crews of Russian su-30SM performed routine training flights. Their route passed over neutral waters of the Baltic sea. It is noted that the Russian fighters did not violate the borders of other countries. Additionally, the flight of SU-30CM has been agreed with the authorities of air traffic control. “The flight was carried out in strict compliance with international regulations use of airspace,” — said the defense Ministry. However, the Russian fighters approached the aircraft the F-15 NATO. It is noted that they flew to a safe distance, then changed course and withdrew. Previously, the Pentagon has published a video in which the F-15 approached two Russian fighters in the Baltic region. According to representatives of the U.S. military, they had

Poklonskaya told about the Ukrainian citizenship

Poklonskaya told about the Ukrainian citizenship MOSCOW, 6 Jan — RIA Novosti. The Deputy of the state Duma from “United Russia” Natalia Poklonskaya, commenting on the Ukrainian Senator that she could remain a citizen of Ukraine, recommended to deal with their American citizenship. Verkhovna Rada Deputy from “Blok Petro Poroshenko” Sergei Leshchenko said that Russia could remain a citizen of Ukraine and the migration service there is no evidence that it had violated Ukrainian law on citizenship. These statements appeared after the Internet-the edition “Ukrainian Pravda” reported that the Ukrainian authorities are still not deprived ex-Prosecutor of Crimea, Ukrainian citizenship. “Want to disappoint the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, citizenship I have one Russia, and, indeed, as stated in the reply of the State migration service of Ukraine referenced by the Deputy, the law on citizenship of me and Crimeans are not violated. Note… I will say that the peoples

In Saudi Arabia detained 11 princes for the protests at the Royal Palace

In Saudi Arabia detained 11 princes for the protests at the Royal Palace The protesters are members of the Royal family demanded to cancel the decree of king Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud to refuse to pay from the Treasury of their bills for water and electricity. MOSCOW, January 6. /TASS/. Saudi authorities detained 11 young men staged a protest at the Royal Palace in Riyadh. This was reported in the Saturday e-newspaper Sabah. According to her, the Royal guard took into custody a group of princes, demanding to cancel the decree of king Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud to refuse to pay from the Treasury bills for water and electricity of members of the Royal family. Soon they will stand trial. As recalled by the publication, the leadership of Saudi Arabia has repeatedly stated that all subjects of the Kingdom are equal before the law. In early November, the