In South Korea, revealed health problems, Kim Jong-UN, media reported

In South Korea, revealed health problems, Kim Jong-UN, media reported TOKYO, 8 Jan — RIA Novosti. In South Korea voice has revealed problems with the health of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN when he spoke on television new year’s address to the nation, said on Monday the Seoul media. The newspaper “tone of Ilbo”, in particular, cites the opinion of Professor of the University of the province of chungcheongbuk-Do Cho Dong UK that Kim Jong-UN is not in order the kidneys. Analyzing the vibration, the noise and the amplitude in the pronunciation of some consonants by the leader of the DPRK, the scientist claims that Kim Jong UN “are more likely to be problems with the kidneys, rather than the heart or lungs”. “With the help of this analysis, it is impossible to judge about the functions of the internal organs of Chairman Kim, but on his new year’s speech

Russia “for decades to intervene” in elections in the United States, said the head of the CIA

Russia “for decades to intervene” in elections in the United States, said the head of the CIA MOSCOW, 8 Jan — RIA Novosti. Russia and some other countries try to intervene in the coming 2018 elections in the U.S. Congress, said the Director of the CIA Mike Pompeo in an interview with CBS. According to him, Russia decades “intervene” in the election process in the United States. “I remain concerned about not just Russia’s attempts, but the efforts of other countries. We have many enemies who want to undermine Western democracy”, — said the head of the secret service. He noted that the CIA is working to ensure that elections in 2018 was “safe and democratic”. “We will confront Russia and other States that intend to influence the outcome of elections,” added Pompeo. In 2018 there will be regular elections in the us Congress, which will elect the entire House

Le Pen proposes to change the name of the “National front”

Le Pen proposes to change the name of the “National front” Moscow. January 7. INTERFAX.RU — the leader of the French National front (NF) marine Le Pen called for a change in the party, including changing its name to the Congress of the NF, which will be held March 10-11. “If we change the “national front”, then you must also change the name”, — quotes its words a site of the newspaper “Figaro”. This question, as well as the amendment of the Charter, according to the publication, will discuss Monday the political Bureau of the party headquarters in Nanterre NF. The publication notes that in September 2017 M. Le Pen launched the idea proposed for all-party discussions. Although not all the votes have been counted, half of the already expressed opinions of 80% of party members opposed the name change, says the “Figaro” with reference to the channel RTL. While

CEC adopted documents of the 15 independent candidates wishing to participate in the presidential elections

© Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, January 8. /TASS/. Fifteen candidates intending to participate in the elections of the President of Russia in the format of self-nomination submitted documents to the Central election Commission of the Russian Federation, with the desire to participate in the elections, initially announced a potential 46 of independents. This was announced Monday in a press-service of the CEC at the conclusion of the stage of reception of documents of the independents.

The Congressman from the intelligence Committee called trump a flawed man for the persecution of Clinton

The Congressman from the intelligence Committee called trump a flawed man for the persecution of Clinton NEW YORK, January 8. /TASS/. The President of the United States Donald trump is a flawed man, forcing the justice Department to begin a re-investigation against her rival in the elections last year, Democrat Hillary Clinton. With this statement made on Sunday on the CNN senior Democrat of the Subcommittee on intelligence of house of representatives Adam Schiff (California). “We [in Congress], however, there is a serious question, which amounts, basically, to the presence of a very flawed man in the oval office [the White house]. Do its disadvantages for the government as a whole?” — said the Congressman, adding that in favor of the validity of such conclusions indicate “some troubling signs”. “From my point of view, the most serious of these symptoms is reports that the justice Department forced the President now

Haley argues that the leaders of the world not looking up watching trump’s tweets

Haley argues that the leaders of the world not looking up watching trump’s tweets NEW YORK, January 7. /TASS/. World leaders and foreign diplomats continuously monitor the blog Donald trump on Twitter to understand the logic of the President of the United States. This opinion was expressed on Sunday by the permanent representative of the United States to the UN, Nikki Haley aired on ABC. The diplomat was asked how closely the world’s leaders and diplomats watching trump’s tweets. “I do not think that they have to ignore his tweets. On the contrary, I noticed that they do not detach from his tweets, although I think his [trump’s] unpredictable,” argued Haley. On the question of whether the US President to seem overly unpredictable, she replied in the negative. “I think they just don’t know how to behave in the USA in any given period of time. For this reason, they

Media: lawyer Ahmadinejad has denied the information on detention of the former President of Iran

Media: lawyer Ahmadinejad has denied the information on detention of the former President of Iran Official comment from Tehran at the moment didn’t arrive. TASS, January 7. The lawyer of ex-President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Adel heydari has denied media reports about the detention of his client in support of the protests in the cities of the Islamic Republic. This was reported in the Sunday news portal Erem news. “Information about the arrest of my client, the former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is not true,” commented heydari published in the Arab press. Official confirmation or denial from Tehran has still not been received. Previously published in London, Gazeta pan-Arab Al-Quds Al-Arabi, citing Iranian sources said that the former President was arrested in Shiraz with the approval of the Supreme leader and the spiritual leader of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The reason, claimed the newspaper, were the statements of policy

The Russians remember with a smile unfulfilled “horror of 2017”

The Russians remember with a smile unfulfilled “horror of 2017” Contrary to the predictions of opposition-minded experts in Russia last year was no economic collapse or revolution. But successfully earned the new “social elevators”, began the growth of the economy. And even the beginning of the presidential election campaign turned out to be brighter than expected by skeptics. What is still gloomy prophecies were scared of the Russians at the beginning of the 17th year? The new year is a great occasion for fans and fatalistic pessimistic forecasts to come up with new prophecies about what troubles await the Russians. In the coming year, we are afraid of mostly economic collapse — from the new jump in the dollar before the collapse of Russian agriculture. However, a year earlier gloomy forecasts range was wider: from international isolation to a new revolution by analogy with the events of October 1917. VZGLYAD

The Klintsevich: the idea is to consider the period of stay of Ukraine in the Soviet occupation devoid of common sense

The first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, January 7./TASS/. The first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Franz Klintsevich believes that the proposal of the head of the Ukrainian Institute of national memory Vladimir Vyatrovich is considered a period of stay of Ukraine in the USSR occupation designed only for young people, devoid of common sense and shows ignorance of history. This opinion was expressed by the Senator to journalists on Sunday. “The older generation this is not caught with chaff: they remember that the people in Ukraine lived in those years richer and more prosperous than in Russia. In fact, it was the other Soviet republics. Russia literally torn from him, to provide other Nations an acceptable standard of living. So who, then, be considered the occupant?”, – said Klintsevich.